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Are these legal?


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I was thinking about trading some orks for my a few bikes for my ultramarines army. I would be getting 6 space marines on bikes, which i currently have none of. There are four with chainswords, and two with powerclaws. All have HBs. They are from a space wolves chapter however, and im not sure if theyre legal in that codex but the space marines one doesnt say they can have that many CC weapons.
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They are not legal. Space Marine bikers cannot get any close combat weapons at all. The Sergeant can get a powerfist, but not lightning claws (not sure what you meant). If by "HB" you meant heavy bolters, then they weren't legal in a Space Wolves Codex either. Unless you just got six Attack Bikes (those with the sidecar). Or maybe you meant Boltguns?
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If you can work around the chainswords (either remove them, ask your opponent if he is ok with ignoring them, or ask your opponent if he is op with your bikers having chainswords instead of their normal bolt pistols), and maybe turn the lightning claws into powerfists (by cutting off the claws), then you could play them as two squads of 3 bikers each, with the sergeant being equipped with a powerfist. A Sergeant with powerfist plus two additional bikers would be a legal unit. Or you can just make a squad of PF Sergeant with four additional bikers, and ignore one of the bikes with claw.
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Yes, thanks for the advice. I'm trying to see if he has any extra arms or anything i can swap them for but if not ill probably do the two marines with a Sargent.


I would also note if you ever play an all bike army and decide to counts as your Ultramarines as Ravenwing... I think Ravenwing have both CCW and BPs... However I don't see having chainswords on the models being a problem in most cases... The powerfist might be a bigger issue.

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Yes, thanks for the advice. I'm trying to see if he has any extra arms or anything i can swap them for but if not ill probably do the two marines with a Sargent.


I would also note if you ever play an all bike army and decide to counts as your Ultramarines as Ravenwing... I think Ravenwing have both CCW and BPs... However I don't see having chainswords on the models being a problem in most cases... The powerfist might be a bigger issue.

Ravenwing can have either ccw or bp, not both. Not that ccw is not really a good idea though. I tend to avoid hth with my Ravenwing bikers, unless I'm attacking a badly weakened unit.

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Ravenwing can have either ccw or bp, not both. Not that ccw is not really a good idea though. I tend to avoid hth with my Ravenwing bikers, unless I'm attacking a badly weakened unit.


It's more for wound allocation than for close combat, really; Ravenwing bikers never get two CCWs, so all the switch to a chainsword does is lose a bolt pistol shot, which the rider never needs anyway because he's got a twin-linked bolter and Relentless. However, in a three man RW squad with a veteran sergeant, a biker with bolt pistol and a biker with chainsword, you've got three different statlines so you can roll all saves separately. Add special weapons in a six-man squad and you can still divide your saves up into groups more favourably.



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The chainswords won't give you much of a problem from most players. It's ubiquitous Marine wargear and serves no additional purpose in game. Clearly explain to your opponent that the chainswords on your bikers are purely decorative, and you should be fine.

The fists and claws, as mentioned by others, are a problem. They'll be confusing for your opponents, so I'd recommend you simply shelve one of them until you get either extra arm bitz, or have enough bikes to run two squads.

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you could also get super glue remover and slightly put some on there arm joints to remove the lightning claw arms, and using bolt pistol arms instead. Or if the bond is weak you should be able to pull the arm off the torso. without breaking much. (if you do make sure and file the torso, and arm to avoid unbondable surfaces while you apply the new arm on.)
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Swiftclaw Bikers, codex Space Wolves have both Bolt Pistol and CCW, the two with claws could have been meant to be something else, 1 a Wolf Guard with claw on bike the other a Wolf Guard Battle Leader with claw on bike
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