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The Legions, would they team up?


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There is one exception of two undivided Legions that will NOT work together under ANY circumstances, and it's because they hate each other THAT much. Yeah you might find them in the same area of operation, but they'll come to blows before it's over.


Word Bearers and Alpha Legion. The WB see AL as unbeliever scum, and AL sees WB as pompous self righteous asses.


But they sealed truce during 13th crusade....

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In Warhammer Fantasy it's taken even further- you could have a Slaaneshi champion wearing a Collar of Khorne (or some similar odd combination).


Just as A Tzeentchian Sorcerer could be equipped with a collar of Khorne and a Glaive of Putrefaction.


Which would be more than reason enough for his followersa to skin him alive.




No, I'm not seriously trying to tell you anything. I'm just saying that the current Warriors of Chaos army book and the Daemons Codex has removed some of the uniquness of having lets say a Mark of Tzeentch since you reap the benefits of your patron God, but dont seem to get any limitations. It's a bit like being a Mormon freely using Buddhist scripture during sermon...


That's all.

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Meh, I prefer to think of it as saying "no other religion can outlaw killing, because Christianity has it in their 10 Commandments".


Personally, what I'd much rather see is a system for Chaos similar to the progression tree in Black Crusade, where everybody has access to everything, but being dedicated to certain Gods makes some things cheaper and others more expensive. Would it be a major restructure of how magic items and Gifts work for Chaos? Sure. However, would it also make loads of sense (given that they stress that a Tzeentchian "Collar of Khorne" isn't in fact the same thing as a Flesh Hound wears, just a similar item that has the same effect)? Damn right.

So, Khorne gets his Collar cheaply, and some other hack-slashy weapons, but he can pay more than what a Slaaneshi Champion would to be equipped with an "Aura of Hatred (Soporific Musk, to those Slaaneshi's). Tzeentch gets his Arcane Items, but can pay a premium to get the Aegis of Tzeentch.


Hell, while we're at it, and to bring things back to 40k, they should also do this with the 40k Gifts, and bring back Huron's old rule, where Chaos armies could purchase Imperial equipment, but pay 150% of its cost to get it instead of normal.

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