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Khârn: From point A to B


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I'll admit I know little about the character, as i've never read a book he was in. What I do know is he's an insane murderer, willing to kill friend and foe alike for the sheer joy of slaughter and to please Khorne. But I ask you all this, as it's been on my mind for some time now; How does the guy get around? Surely his name alone would make any wary to travel with him, yet he still seems to get around. Does he travel with other 'zerkers just as zealous as himself, or does Khorne provide for him via the Warp? Does he hitch rides with other renegades/traitors/whoever, and then kill them? How does he do it? Surely many are aware of his reputation, as even the Space Wolves in the William King books knew him by "the Betrayer".


Forgive the question if it's glaringly obvious. I just ponder these things sometimes.

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There actually aren't many books on Khârn. Hopefully some of the new HH books with the World Eaters will shed more light on it.


As for how he gets around, I feel that that part of GW's fluff wasn't thought out too well. Most of the time they're described as raving lunatics who can't control themselves. But in the codex there is mentioned a squad of World Eaters taking cover and using suppressive fire. So they're still capable of that at least. Khârn himself I think gets around mostly by acting as a Mercenary (kinda). He goes with whoever promises the most killing and in return for transport he slays whoever's in his way (friend or foe). I suppose his sheer killyness makes him a worthwhile investment for commanders.


There's also the idea that he does have rational enough moments to order his mortal slaves to take him places.

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