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Hi all,


Recently joined this great website and i'm looking to start getting involved with 40K, really like the look of the Blood Angels and i'm looking for some advice on an Army List.


After reading a few topics i think i would like a more infantry based army but not too sure where to start.


Could someone help please?




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Hey brother, welcome to B and C!


For any army I start, regardless of the codex I always base it around 1 HQ and a solid selection of troops. From there it's preferential based on what style of an army you want to play.


If you're doing an infantry based army that leaves a few choices. Are you going to use jump pack infantry or have the guys roll up in a transport? I would suggest something like this for starting


2-3 x 10 Assault Marines w/ Jump Packs, 2 Melta Guns and Power Fist




2-3 x 10 Assault Marines w/ 2 Melta Guns, Power Fist and Rhino


The meltas allow you to destroy tanks from up close and greatly threaten monsterous creatures or low armor save targets like Terminators (who save on a 2+ normally) The power fist also helps you to kill the same units but from an assaulting perspective. A lot of versatility in both this armament.


From that point, again this is preferential, I would look towards Devastators for long range support and just add in what you think would be effective or look cool. I can build a list for you for any given point value if you want a full on example. I personally play a full mechanized shooting list but I could still offer some suggestions.

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Thanks so much for the great reply, sounds like the Jump Packs is a good idea with the assualt squads with Devastor squad.


That would be ideal if you could put a quick list together as i have absolutely no idea on what i should be purchasing! I think starting with a 750 point army is a good start? if you think i should start with bigger then thats cool too.


Thanks once again.


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Sure, I can make up a list for you...






Librarian w/ Jump Pack - 125pts




10 Assault Marines w/ Jump Pack, 2 Melta Guns and Power Fist - 235pts

10 Assault Marines w/ Jump Pack, 2 Melta Guns and Power Fist - 235pts




5 Devastators w/ 4 Missile Launchers - 130pts


This leaves 25pts remaining to do whatever you like with. A decent beginning to an army but maybe someone else can provide another example!

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Sure, I can make up a list for you...






Librarian w/ Jump Pack - 125pts




10 Assault Marines w/ Jump Pack, 2 Melta Guns and Power Fist - 235pts

10 Assault Marines w/ Jump Pack, 2 Melta Guns and Power Fist - 235pts




5 Devastators w/ 4 Missile Launchers - 130pts


This leaves 25pts remaining to do whatever you like with. A decent beginning to an army but maybe someone else can provide another example!

this list needs moar FNP :D (FNP means feel no pain, in case you dident know yet :( we can take independant characters called sanguinary priests (SP in short) which give it to every squad within 6 inches )


i kid of course. FNP isent NEEDED but sanguinary priests add a very nice survivablity to your army :) theyre also quite cheap for what they do. for 75 points you got a suingary priest with jump pack. his "bubble" as we call it might sound small but renember only 1 model of the squad has to be in range for your army to benefit from it. its very easy to cover 2 or more squads in the bubble with carefull placement and it shouldnt take to long for him to earn his points back, and way, way more :P


the amount of lives they can save with FNP alone is staggering.... i once won a game without losing a single marine because i kep rolling my 4+ FNP saves. my opponent went insane :blush: (though granted my opponent did use a somewhat self-hamstringing tactic and army list...he did cause plenty of wounds though!)


and then the next benefit to the SP's, furious charge. yes every blood angel squad has a 1/6 chance of getting it but if your games are like mine and HARDLY any get it you will be glad that you brought him along :P charging other MEQ's with the safe knowledge that you will not only be hitting before but also harder then them is a nice advantage to have! wounding other marines on 3+ is very nice, specialy with power weapons and he like in your squads.


to add to Blitzkrieg861's list id like to say something about the librarian: take shield of sanuingius and unleash rage psychic powers. this is a particulary nasty combo as unleash rage allows the liby and squad hes with to rerolll hits in combat. alongside the priest this makes a truly devasating combo! shield of sanguiionius doesent sound like much...BUT the 6 inch bubble can be lifesaving! like the FNP bubble youd be surprised how much you can put under his protection. you also only need to pass a psychic test to get it. no need for cover or smokes! a 1/3 chance of preventing damage to armour (or squads of marines) is nice, very nice :(


the librarian/sanguinary priest with PW, both JP combo is a unit that i can hardly do without. its just TO killy! :(


to summarize. i like the list blitz provided. if you will be expanding ensure you inlcude at least 1, maybe 2 priests. they add a great deal of survivablity!

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You can definitely do that, I wasn't entirely sure where to get the points from to include an SP. If you'd like to do that (Priests really are awesome for the points you pay) Then try this one out!




Librarian w/ Jump Pack - 125pts




Sanguinary Priest w/ Jump Pack - 75pts




9 Assault Marines w/ Jump Pack, 1 Melta Gun and Power Fist - 207pts

9 Assault Marines w/ Jump Pack, 1 Melta Gun and Power Fist - 207pts




5 Devastators w/ 4 Missile Launchers - 130pts




You could add a Melta Bomb on your Librarian for another 5pts just in case you need to destroy a vehicle a little more reliably. For an infantry/jumper army I feel this is a pretty good start. The biggest differences between this list and the one I posted earlier is each of the Marine squads loses 1 model and loses 1 Melta Gun, in place of those you have the Sanguinary Priest.


Remember, only one model has to be within 6" of him for the entire unit to get Feel No Pain and Furious Charge! So put that priest on the edge of the unit it has joined and keep at least one model (as much as you can) within 6" of him from the second unit to make sure you're flying up the board with the cover save from the Librarian, a 3+ armor save otherwise and a 4+ Feel No Pain roll. This would be quite the list to have to fight against in a game this size!

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I would increase the basic point level for the first list, to 1500. As at this point level you really build something you might use in long run, not gimmick squads that would not make any sense later on.


List I suggest:





Libby - jump pack (powers: rage/shield)

Honor Guard - jump packs, 4 melta guns (hidden priest in here)



Sanguinary priest - jump pack



3x10man Assault Marines - jump packs , 2 melta guns, Power fist on sarge



2x5man Vanguard Vet's - Thunder hammer on sarge , Power sword (or 3x Melta bombs) < Options are open here as it cost 175p with fist




SR list:

It's more of fun than very serious list - but works for me






2x Furiouso Dread - blood talons

1x Sanguinary Priest - jump pack


2x10 man Assault Marines - jump pack, 2 melta guns, Power fist on sarge




2x Storm Raven - Extra Armour, Twin-linked Assault Cannon,Twin-linked Multi Melta



There is still plenty builds you can go for, but I hope this might help you to get an idea.

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If you build 2-3 Assault squads, magnetizing the jump packs is a good idea. Since you will have regular back packs as well, no matter whether you buy the RAS box of the DC box, you will be able switch to a mechanized force easily. You just have to buy the vehicles.


If you go mechanized, buying a razorback is your best option. For little additional money you get the rhino kit + the turret. You can build a rhino as well as a razorback with it, If you don't glue the roof, you can even switch back and forth.


Magnetizing the meltagunner arms might also be a good idea. This way you can switch to flamers, if you are facing hordes of Orks or 'nids.

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Welcome Brother. Lots of good advice above.

I've been writing the following on my phone, will post even though some has been said.


When buying models.


DC box can be assault, vanguard, tactical, death company, honour guard. They come with awesome amounts of bits both jump and backpacks for each marine. :D


If you want to use transports, don't buy rhinos, buy razors. You can still build it as rhino. Magnets can make your vehicles/models multi purpose. Round "rare earth magnets". YouTube has several tutorials.


Enjoy :D

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Thanks for that, i will also look into magents but do i need to buy extra Jump packs for the libby, honour and priest trops also melta guns for honour and assualt troops?
Yes and no. There are no librarian or Sanguinary Priest models with jump packs, but if you use one DC box either for Sternguard Veterans or mechanized DC (as JP DC is very expensive pointwise) you will have 5 to spare. They are even more ornate than the regular ones. Meltaguns are a bit scarce I agree. GW has a box of 5, that should help. Otherwise there are bits sites.
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Please excuse my ignorance here, just want to clarify so i understand.


I could buy 9 DC box's to give me my 30 assualt marines, 10 vangaurd and 5 honour gaurd units and just buy 10 meltaguns also a 5peices of Jump Packs for priest and libby? I'm assuming that all i need to do is make sure i use the relevant shoulder pads and heads for each squad?


This is really helpful guys i cannot thank you all enough for your input, much appreciated! :D

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I think so. The models might be a bit uniform at that scale though. Maybe go 8 DC 1 Sanguinary Guard. Nipple armor for the Sergeants and five winged Jump packs to pass around (libby, sergeants, HG).


To look at what you get GW has pictures of the sprues on their site.

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That sounds absolutely brilliant.


Can create some pretty cool squads. Will definately do that but will need to buy a couple of packs at a time.


Another couple of questions:


1. Is it worth while me purchasing the mega paint kit which gives me all brushes, paints and bases sand, grass, etc? Or just pay for the paints i need initially?

2. Should i purchase the codex and rulebook or just the codex?

3. Do i need to purchase all the templates, measuring tape and dice or is this provided in store when playing? I only ask as i wont be playing at home or anything only in the store.




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1. I would just get the painting stuff you need to start.

2. You will need a codex and a rulebook, but if someone you know can lend you a rulebook that is probably fine as there will be a new rulebook sometime next year.

3. Some stores will provide that stuff, but likely you need your own.

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I use GW metal glue or green stuff. If need be it can be easier taken apart and repaired/modified.

I use a red primer due to laziness. I'm a gamer not a painter. Not yet any way so listen to those with better knowledge than me.

There is a painting section here on B&C. You might get great help and inspiration there. :D



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i love GW plastic glue for GW plastics. dont touch their "super glue" with a 10-foot pole though. just go to a hardware store and buy normal super glue. chances are you will get 10x as much glue which will probably glue your models together better to boot :D


i use industrial super glue and...well its as hardcore as it sounds :lol: i love the stuff. just dont glue your fingers :P (and if worst comes to pass, wear and tear will so it removed by the next day :) )


on the subject of the VV's. please note that the sargeant can take a PAIR of lightning claws for the price of one, as he comes stock with a PW that you can trade in :) thus give someone else the fist/hammer and have him slice and dice to pieces B)

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