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sounds great so i could give my VV searg 2 light claws?
Ruleswise you could, but neither the DC box nor the RAS box has even one. Also a Power Fist or a Thunderhammer might be the better option for the RAS Sgt. If you have a CC anti tank weapon no dreadnought or other vehicle with WS can tarpit your unit. For the Vanguard it does not matter where the AT weapon is.


that will look cool!
I agree.


Lightning Claws can be found:

Commander box (only one, left I think)

Metal/Finecast Veterans

Assault Terminators (a bit large, needs cutting)

Terminator LC metal bits (as above)

Grey Hunters box (with Wolf iconography)

Chaos Raptor Lord ()

Chaos Lord in TDA (as large as the loyalist ones and needs removal of some bone spikes otherwise cool claws.)


I think there was a tutorial somewhere using a power fist and the spare combat knives from the Tactical sprue.


Since a Single LC and a Storm Shield looks silly anyway IMHO, I used the vibroglaives from maxmini. As long as you don't use actual Encarmine Glaives in your army, most people will be fine with those counts as LCs.

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Yeah i could purchase 1 libby, 1 sang priest, 2 packs of 5 melta's, 6 DC box's, 2 Finecast Vanguard Vet box and 1 San guard box and use for the following:


1 libby with jump pack

1 Sang Guard box = honour guard with 4 meltas


1 Sang presit with jump pack


6 DC box's = 3 x 10 assualt troops with jump packs, 2 meltas and power fist on sarg for each of the 3 squads


2 vangaurd box's = one sarg with 2 LC and one with hammer


My understnading is that i can use the parts from the DC box's to make the honour gaurd and have the jump pack wings from the sang guard box for my HG, libby and 3 sarg's.


So my line of management for the army and each squad have wings :P


Please correct me if i'm totally wrong!


Think this would be ok for a 1500 point army?

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The list looks fine, but there is no lightning claw or hammer in the VV box. The veterans are equipped exactly as the picture shows, nothing more nothing less. You do get a couple of two-handed hammers with the DC boxes.


I think there are not enough jump packs to supply your libby and priest. Or do you want to play the honour guard without jump packs?

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Infact on that note, i thought i could get a sarg with 2 light claws, one with each VV set. so i will just stick to 8 DC box's and 1 Sang Gaurd. Means i have far more options in terms of bits for each marine and will have plenty spares for the long run.


This is gonna be great!

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Infact on that note, i thought i could get a sarg with 2 light claws, one with each VV set. so i will just stick to 8 DC box's and 1 Sang Gaurd. Means i have far more options in terms of bits for each marine and will have plenty spares for the long run.
Are you talking about the Vanguard Veteran Squad or the Veterans MKI? The former does not have lightning claws the latter lacks jump packs. Both packs only include the weapons you see.
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I didnt realise i could have used the MKI as a Vanguard Vet Squad so i will get the following:


1 libby with jump pack, get this from DC box

1 Sang presit with jump pack, get this from DC box


1 Sang Guard box and 6 DC box's, plus i will need to purchase 10melta guns seperately, this will make the following:

= honour guard with 4 meltas,

= 3 x 10 assualt troops with jump packs, 2 meltas and power fist on sarg for each of the 3 squads


2 x Vet MKI box's = 2 x 5man squads


I think this will look really great as i get 10 jump packs with each DC box, i think? i had a look at the sprues on the GW website and looks like there is. So i will have enough jump packs, also with each of my squad sarg's, libby and honour gaurd priest will use the wing jump packs that i get with the San guard box. I think the only thing over and above buying the box's is the 10 melta guns.


Can someone let me know if this will work? Will this still be classed as a 1500 point army? Sorry but i dont have a codex yet so cant tell how many points for each sqaud/unit.




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1 libby with jump pack, get this from DC box

1 Sang presit with jump pack, get this from DC box


1 Sang Guard box and 6 DC box's, plus i will need to purchase 10melta guns seperately, this will make the following:

= honour guard with 4 meltas,

= 3 x 10 assualt troops with jump packs, 2 meltas and power fist on sarg for each of the 3 squads


2 x Vet MKI box's = 2 x 5man squads

I'm pretty sure that is more like 1600 points, with the load of the MKI Veterans.


I think this will look really great as i get 10 jump packs with each DC box, i think? i had a look at the sprues on the GW website and looks like there is. So i will have enough jump packs, also with each of my squad sarg's, libby and honour gaurd priest will use the wing jump packs that i get with the San guard box. I think the only thing over and above buying the box's is the 10 melta guns.
The text says the box includes 5 Jump Packs. I doubt they would give the box twice as many jump packs as there are marines (i.e. legs and bases) in the box. You will need one set of 5 Jump Packs.
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Thanks for that, i am gonna search each squad n see what their points are so i can work out what i need to remove to make it 1500points.


- checked there and its just under 1700 points by the looks of it. which is cool i can play 1750 armys.


How do you think this army will fair up?

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Looks like a pretty competative DoA (Descent of Angels) list. Very similar to what I want to build after I have all of my mech army bought and painted.


I'm not sure if it was previously mentioned but with all the meltas in the army you'll likely need to buy 2 packs of the melta gun bitz from GW as well. They're cheap, like $5 or $10 per pack and gives you 5 melta guns. Your local GW store can help you order them as well.


Best of luck brother

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Assault the shooty stuff, shoot the assaulty stuff.


Most results depend on knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the different friendly and enemy units.

It will be a learning experience to master the movement/shooting/assault phases. ;)

Then to know the opponents.

Then to combine the above-mentioned to an invincible gaming experience. Easier said than done as the opponents will be doing the same. :ph34r:


Learning by doing. Perhaps reading and writing batreps. Feedback can be applied to specific problems occurring during each game.


Good luck and happy gaming.

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well you got plenty of assault troopers that way :) might i suggest adding some ranged firepower though? small squads (like the VV's here...) dont function well in long battles. they either wipe out what they charge or get wiped out...my experience has shown me anyway :lol:


i personally always try to go for a balanced list. fire at stuff you dont want in combat and assault stuff you dont want shooting at your other stuff ^_^


because lets be honest here. do you WANT to assault that carnifex/wraithlord/avatar/c'tan/deamon prince/greater demon etc etc etc? ;) youd be suprised what you can solve with a face full of plasma/melta ;)

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