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Super pumped 4k game vs. Necrons


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Well, there were a few mistakes made by my opponents. They were double-tapping with both arrays on a single target instead of just 1. How they got broadside = both sides of the vehicle was beyond me. Second, I'm not sure if Entropic Strike from the Scarabs work as I described it. How we did it in game was: Roll to hit, then roll 4+ for -1 armor, then roll S3 vs. the resulting armor. I think, just by reading the codex that they do -armor and that's it?


Can someone shed some light on this?


That is how it works.


i couldn't tell from reading the report, but where his spyders moving while they were adding 1 swarm per turn?


Yes they were

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Nice report hero, ideally laid out for people with goldfish-esc attention spans like me!! Can't shed any light on the scarabs sorry as I haven't seen there dex, but got to admit I don't like the look of the FC-nerf how does that work? And do they have anything like the GK that effects deep striking?
Not sure what you mean by the FC nerf?

You mean Nemesor taking away the USR for a turn? Yes, he can do that.


And as for GK anti-DS, nothing super like Warp Quake, but they do have something that allows them to shoot the unit coming in, kinda like how Mystics work. I think it's only available as a Cryptek upgrade.

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Definitely has the potential.

Say one of them ran with a list that looks like this (first sketch):





  • Even if you deploy in open ground with no cover, between your T4, 3+ armor saves and 4+ WBB and free regen from the Ghost Arks, I wouldn't worry at all about your Warriors pushing the lines. The Immortals can also hop into one of the Ghost Arks for AV13 open-top shooting goodness.
  • Scarabs will only get bigger in time because of the Spyders and the Heavy Destroyers can be given cover/protection from Night Fighting to get into good flanking/firing positions. Or you can take 2x Annihilation Barges for the same amount of points.. and they're cooler!
  • I'd say that with Necrons, we will see the return of foot lists for sure.
  • I will deploy Necron Lord w/ Res Orb and Obyron in 1 squad of 20 warriors, have the other squad contain Nemesor. Just push up, guns blazing, Night Fighting for the first 3 rounds, or 2 if you're already playing it, all the time in the world for your Scarabs to get to ridiculous sizes. The Overlord has Phaeon to make the Warriors Relentless. Give them that little extra oomph.


Well, that's looks quite horrible for BA shooting. Would you advise to counter the night-fighting with more close-ranged attacks(melta and close-combat) after deepstriking? Focusing on the Barges to secure the landing of further assault specialists could make their anti-infantry shooting less scary and give us the opportunity to strike at their HQ units with those Orbs and whatnot.

After that, mopping up warriors shouldn't be a problem...I hope.





If I was to play vs. Necrons again, and vs. an optimal list like the one I laid out (at least I think it's good), I would probably do this:


If I was using a Hybrid list, I would look into killing the Sacrab swarms first after night fighting is worn out. I would probably sit back and wait for Night Fighting to expire and then move in with all my Jumpers behind my vehicles. Searchlights would be ideal and I would gladly boost 12" and TL AC with 3 Baals to drop Scarabs. S6 instant kills bases and you wound on 2s with no armor saves. Mephiston failed me horribly last game but that was just me rolling bad. Otherwise, I would still keep him because he's a powerhouse vs. Necrons; doing heavy damage and going first vs. everything in the book.


Vs. those Tomb Spiders, I would probably charge them with full weight of fire + bodies. 1 squad isn't enough to take down a group of Sypders because of T6, 3W and 3+ armor saves, so you need a good amount of them to get in there. I'm not worried too much about Necrons charging me, I'm more worried that they shoot me. Say 20 Warriors shoot at you with Rapid Fire. That's just really bad. Immortals and Annilation Barges also inflict ridiculous damage for a good price, so I would watch out for them.


As for DoA lists, I would honestly drop on top of the vehicles first and take them out. You can reliably kill them with melta fire and you can take enough punishment in return. Big squads of Warriors suffer from one-unit-at-a-time syndrome so if they all murder 1 squad, you still have fresh squads who can rip them a new one.


Don't forget that your vehicles have Fast... which means 18" in any direction you want. If you can't find a good firing lane because of Solar Flare and Night Fighting, just relocate and out-position the Necrons. 18" means you pick where you want to be.

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Well, there were a few mistakes made by my opponents. They were double-tapping with both arrays on a single target instead of just 1. How they got broadside = both sides of the vehicle was beyond me. Second, I'm not sure if Entropic Strike from the Scarabs work as I described it. How we did it in game was: Roll to hit, then roll 4+ for -1 armor, then roll S3 vs. the resulting armor. I think, just by reading the codex that they do -armor and that's it?


Can someone shed some light on this?


That is how it works.


i couldn't tell from reading the report, but where his spyders moving while they were adding 1 swarm per turn?


Yes they were


I was reading it wrongin the codex, i need spyders:)


and by how it works i mean, you roll entropic then damage.

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I've played 2k games vs. Necrons... five times now?


The unit I hate the most: Scarabs and Spiders. Spiders, as they can make more Scarabs, and Scarabs because they kill any armor vehicle. Doesn't matter if they need 6+ to hit. On the charge, each Scarab base has 5 attacks. My opponent fields a minimum of 10 bases and two spiders... meaning +2 Scarabs a turn, and they are fast enough that they can get into combat on turn 2 (turn 1 if you deploy poorly). That's 14 Scarab Bases to deal with. They are just stupid good.


Next unit I hate: Canoptek Wraiths with Whip Coils. They are a fantastic tar pit unit. Multiple wounds, large number of attacks with high WS/strength, and they have Rending. Did I mention the 3+ Invulnerable save? Oh, and they reduce I to 1 to all models in base contact. That's an important distinction there: Models in base contact. All those guys supporting behind them? They go on initiative. Remember that!


If I know I'm playing against Necrons, I'll make a 5 man Assault Squad with a Flammer and P-fist that goes Scarab hunting.


Everything else... I think the Blood Angels are the best equipped to take on the Necrons (maybe Grey Knights are better, but I've only used them once against the Necrons). Necrons fold in close combat. Unless the unit is fearless (and very few of the Necron units are fearless), it's only taken 1-2 rounds of close combat before they fail the LD check and I sweep them. The one unit that the Necrons have that is awesome in Close Combat- Triarch Praetorians- still have low I and can be shot to death fairly easily. The Special Characters, the C'Tan, Lynchguard, Scarabs, etc. etc. are all great, but remember what wins a game: Troops. In Objective based games, if your opponent has taken all the special stuff, he won't have anything to take or hold an objective.


Unless the Necron Player takes the Cryptek with the Solar Pulse, it is very easy to stand back and out range the Necron player. They have few things with a range greater then 24". With that being said, it only costs the Necron player 45 points to always have Night Fight or ignore Night Fight rules for a turn.


Best Necron Troop choice: Necron Immortals with Tesla Carbines.


If you take vehicles against the Necrons, then take Extra Armor. Your vehicles will spend most of the game Stunned/Shaken.


Have I mentioned how much I hate Wraiths and Scarabs?

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