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Upgrade Kit Ideas

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i had an idea to make a kit that contained new scoutish back packs, weapons, shoulder pads and heads to upgrade the space marine commander and command squad boxed sets to represent the command of 10th scout company the set would include 7 packs(to allow the upgrade of a chaplain as well) somewhat based on the OP SW wolf scout sgt with extra scanners/parascope thing, 3-4 crewcut heads, a couple of bolt pistols with scopes and flash suppressors, and the like.


also have some ideas for specialists from the plastic kits(chaplain, librarian,...ect,ect), as well as new legs and shoulder pads to make non marine PA units such and inquisitors




Was wondering if anyone is interested in that kind of kit and or would be willing to assist in the development of these and other ideas.

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I like the idea, but everything would need to be fresh sculpts rather than modified/recast bitz, otherwise the GW IP Police will curb stomp you quicker than Marcus Fenix.





Even then it might not be enough. You couldn't advertise it for "Space Marines" or make reference to the game. Intellectual Property is a hairy world, and I'd study up on exactly where the line is so you don't cross it.

Sounds pretty awesome. For ideas on how to market yer stuff online, I'd check out other independent model makers like scibor and maxmini. http://trollforged.com/ trollforged minis might also be a company you could work with to get yer stuff into production.
making a conversion kit for generic 28mm sci-fi fantasy soldiers isn't a huge stretch, but you'd have t be very careful at avoiding any GW iconogrpahy, any GW models as basis and any GW references. Use your own artwork, your own models (and I would also sculpt torsos even if they aren't being sold...)
perhaps i should just make the sculpts and pitch the idea to GW/forge world. save the marketing headaches.

You'd probably get a polite little e-Mail stating how, unfortunately, they cannot accept sculpts from outside for X and Y reasons, and please do not sell them for P and X reasons, or we will burn your house down, sell your children into slavery, and eat your kitten.

tbh just make them and sell them as "void commando scout parts" no IP infringement but its pretty clear to anyone in the hobby as to what they are if they have more than one braincell.


really not that bad of an idea...couldn't do it on my own though. could do the sculpting work, but no experience casting parts.

I like the idea, but everything would need to be fresh sculpts rather than modified/recast bitz, otherwise the GW IP Police will curb stomp you quicker than Marcus Fenix.





25% is the golden rule for I.P. laws. a product must be 25% different or more(know from research done for another project) to qualify as a new or improved product and not part of an existing I.P.. once upon a time i was trying to get a aftermarket transformers add-on company going but that is much more expensive then getting this off the ground i think.

Not sure that h25% difference counts if you have used the underlying model as teh master. And technically these sculpts could be construed as licensed sculpts created under comission by GW from their sculptors - not sure that you can get away with using artwork like that...

well there are a few things to consider with this project


1: The upgrade kits would require a person using them to still purchase the plastic kits from GW or one of their licensed retailers....if i were making full figures based on their I.P. it would be a different story.

2: I do not plan on selling them for much more then it costs to make them if at all.

3: If you look at several of the other manufactures of upgrade kits and Bitz out there, I wouldn't be doing anything different then them. for that matter with all the different ork parts from Maxmini and others you do not even have to get GW kits to make a boys mob if you dont really want to(and they are not licensed either)

Sketch out your ideas first, if your artistically inclined. Refine them to be unique enough that while they can still work with GW stuff, they can probably work with other stuff too. Hell. Market the stuff as World War Three stuff, and claim it's historically accurate ^_^


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