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Raven Guard assault squad sergeant


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My first thread in PC&A!

This is the first of my MKV armour assault squad for my Raven Guard. I'm trying (slowly) to build up a full battle company of Forgeworld armour.

Painted to what I consider tabletop quality - pic is a bit grainy as its off my phone - will try to get some more tonight.




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I singularly failed to get any good pics last night, as I instead moped around the house feeling sorry for myself with manflu/plague/the hanta virus/ebola/the black death...

Grabbed some before coming to work (oh the joys of being self employed and not getting sick days...), but they're all really dark.

Best of a bad bunch, one of my Company Champion


I've deliberately kept my pallette very dark and muted. Most of the troops use the "low visibility" chapter icon from IA8 (so that'll be dark grey then...), with the exception of the Captain and command squad.

I'm also using the old Index Astartes squad markings - Red right shoulder pad rim for assault, green for tactical and yellow for devastator. Elites/HQ get gold trim rather than white though - its hard to be a sneaky shadow warrior if someone has painted your arms and head bright white....

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Man, I love Mk V armour!

And I do like that Raven Guard Sarge - although those FW heads never really fit my idea of RG faces, but that's another story.

How did you do the face? I definitely want to paint one of those guys now...

The only thing I don't really like is the apparent lack of highlights. Might be due to the photo, but the Sarge's armour seems to be black and black only. Sorry if I do you wrong!

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