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Plague marine & Night Lord Raptor


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I like your style. But there is something about the Nightlord that doesn't do it for me... Maybe he doesn't look Chaotic enough... That is if you ignore the feet he might as well be a loyalist! Ok there is the shoulder pad but still... Maybe the armor should be more baroque to denote ancient age or maybe it is the absence of the lightning effect on the armor... I don't know. The pose is fine.


The Plague Marine I like. Your take on non-bloated Nurgle Marines is refreshing and I think this is the way GW should be taking them in the next Codex. Here's to hoping... Having said that the other Plague Marine you've drawn I liked better.

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Funny, about the legs on the Raptor, I dunno, he's airborne at that particular time, the idea is that he's just about to touch down on the ground, thus the feet are about to extend. Offcourse, obviously something is wrong with the pose if this isn't conveyed in the image... :P I personally like the legs, even mirrored, so I dunno. I'll look into it, on some level at least. Seems the feet cause mixed reactions, some people see them wrongly, other think they are fine... Dunno.



There must be one nightlord out there without lightning on his armor. ;) But yeah, kinda overlooked that. :) No mickey mouse ears either, I liked the old school nighlords more than the "modern" scare your kids kinda Night Lords. :)



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Funny, about the legs on the Raptor, I dunno, he's airborne at that particular time, the idea is that he's just about to touch down on the ground, thus the feet are about to extend. Offcourse, obviously something is wrong with the pose if this isn't conveyed in the image... :P I personally like the legs, even mirrored, so I dunno. I'll look into it, on some level at least. Seems the feet cause mixed reactions, some people see them wrongly, other think they are fine... Dunno.



There must be one nightlord out there without lightning on his armor. ;) But yeah, kinda overlooked that. :) No mickey mouse ears either, I liked the old school nighlords more than the "modern" scare your kids kinda Night Lords. :)




Each to their own, but without the lightning they begin to run dangerously close to the Thousand Sons post-heresy scheme :) It's just a part of their colour scheme same as anything else is.

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Don't really agree, there. Not only is midnight blue very different from the Thousand Sons' tone, Night Lords tend to use less trimming, and it's bronzed, not gold. Furthermore, their iconography and choice of trophies is very characteristic. Though every Chaos soldier uses skin and skulls, Night Lords are especially adept at making it disturbing. The daemon-wing theme is delicate indeed, it can easily look silly. As for lightning, it isn't, I think, an essential part of Night Lords' armour. It does look good when it's properly done, though.


Your Raptor, Chrono, is an instant-recognizable Night Lord. It's got the color, the "plainish" (in a good way) look and the slender claws.

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As for lightning, it isn't, I think, an essential part of Night Lords' armour. It does look good when it's properly done, though.


Well, although I agree that the picture above is recognizable as a Night Lord it's more because of elimination (what else could it be?) rather than instant recognition. In fact it's pretty close to a generic Chaos Marine and only the need to categorize him in a legion leads you to NLs. To me the lightning pattern is a signature element for NLs and if it is absent there are very few other trademarks that would convey the message... The bat wings on the helmet and the chest plate maybe... But helmet wings are dangerous because it's very easy to look comical, so I'm happy the NL above doesn't have any. But GW miniatures are so funny, it's not funny...

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  • 3 months later...

I think that the Raptor looks awesome!!! I also like the fact that he isn't too chaos-ish. And if you read the books, specifically those by ADB, not all the Night Lords have the lightning thing going on. In fact, all they had in the books Soul Hunter and Blood Reaver was their midnight blue armor and a white skull painted on their helment. After all, a lot of the Night Lords don't see themselves as Chaos at all, rather as renegades. There is even mention in Blood Reaver that they don't serve the Chaos gods and no Night Lord in their group would ever bow their knee to anyone, Chaos God or otherwise.


I think the Night Lord is awesome! The plague marine is Awesome too! I also like that he isn't too bloated.


Great Work!

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Nice work, I like the raptor, to me it looks like he has just taken off and is adjusting a small instability (sort of like Ironman in the film, he takes off, wobbles a tiny bit, then zooms away)


Also loving the cyclops. Although I do prefer nurgle to be as disgusting as the artist can manage.

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with the night lord - the pose he's in looks like he's either hovering or ascending but the smoke behind him suggests he's flying forward from a distance. maybe some more indication of which way/how he's moving would help the pose?


really liking the plague marine - extra details in the background help to set it off. kind of reminds me of the opening of terminator done in a 40k/nurgle style



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Both these pieces are awesome, I got the feeling that the Raptor was touching down, the angle certainly seems to convey it..I guess the elongated hand does make him look a little odd, but I think he looks really good!


As for the nurgle marine...well thats really awesome, I love the fact theres stuff going on around him too, makes it all seem all the more dramatic!

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