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Chaos Marines

Cpt. Zso Sahaal

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This is my first time posting here but have been a long time lurker :)

Well couldnt really decide on which legion to go with, as of now its alpha legion but I'm painting up a little of everything to experiment.

Here is my Typhus as the model is too cool to pass by




Sorry for the picture quality ahead of time! It was on my phone lol..

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And here are the khorne berzerkers I've been working on, again not much weathering but thats cuz Im not too great at it and I didnt want to mess up all the hard work lol :D




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The colors I used for the Death Guard armor:


Camo Green (yes that bright ugly green not good for anything else lol)

Rotting Flesh (I had to use the vallejo one as my local store was out of the GW one)

Devlan Mud wash

Badab Black wash


Well the green on the armor was actually done pretty easily and quick compared to my normal painting lol,

1.A base coat of camo green. A complete solid basecoat, not even worrying about cracks or dips in the armor or anything, the washes will fill those in.

2. Heavy drybrush of rotting flesh over all the armor, the model looks pretty bright right now but fear not

3. Wash with Devlan Mud

4. Wait for the first wash to completely dry before washing the whole model again with Badab Black

5. Once the black wash is dry drybrush the armor again with rotting flesh, this is a lighter drybrush than earlier again over all the armor but mainly hitting raised areas more heavily than others, or areas where a lot of light would hit, eg. top of shoulder pads, edges of the helmet.


And thats it! for the green parts of the armor anyways :)


@ Waka Waka

Thanks I'll try the watered down dark flesh, if I can get it to work and look good I'll post the results!

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