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Blood Angels vs. Deamons

Blood Spartan

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what kind of deamons are you up again, are they themed to one of the gods or an undivided... depending on what your up against could help. though i have heard from friends in rl Baal preds are helpful against Deamons being that you can outflank em and you get so many shots from the tank that you hopefully force a lot of invul saves from units. though if you take em i think most likely take ones with A-cannon and heavy bolters. but i suppose if the person is willing to deep strike close and all one with the three flamers just to give someone a bad day if they don't spread out far enough to escape. but in the end its only what i have heard i don't know over all whats best.
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daemons all have inv saves so go for weight of attacks over high st attacks in general. Suggested either 2 baals or maybe better a sang priest with jp and as many assault marines as you can fit in- give sgt a power fist tho in case you run into soulgrinder tho.
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What is the total points limit you're playing at, and, more importantly, what do you mean by you're "required" to bring the units that you have listed? Is that all the models you have, or can you switch around models? I'm asking because it seems (from what you have so far) that you are playing in the 1000-1250 point range, and unless your opponent is going to be taking soul grinders or greater daemons, then you don't need the MM in the tac squad. I would switch that out for a ML, heavy bolter or even just another line trooper with a bolter, because you want to force daemons to take saves, and lots of them. Oh, and give the tac squad at least a rhino, if not a razorback with heavy bolters or assualt cannons mounted (or even heavy flamers even), again, to throw out more shots to make the daemons take more saves

Other than that, the dakka Baal pred as suggested before would be good investment, along with a dreadnaught or two (Furiouso or standard), because daemons don't have a lot of anti-tank options, and would be hard pressed to deal with dreadnaughts.

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Personally I have a healthy dose of fear about Flamers. For some reason those buggers always seem to Deep Strike exactly where they need to be to unleash those blasted no armour, no cover templates against any models that aren't protected inside a vehicle. Okay they die almost instantly when you so much as look at them but that's scant consolation if they've just destroyed whatever unit they happen to land near.
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Play tight where possible. FNP helps so much when dealing with most daemons. Furious charge too.

If you're dealing with lots of slaanesh based daemons, remember that most dont have frag grenades so set youself up in cover where possible.


Watch out for Fiends. Watch out for Crushers and Watch out for Letters.

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My friend plays Daemons and in my experiences against him I've found attack bikes to be invaluable for a few reasons.


1. They're incredibly mobile, and many daemon units aren't. With the ability to turbo boost up to 24" away from danger, and receive a 3++ save while you're at it, it's relatively easy to keep the bikes out of harms way.


2. All Daemons have an invulnerable save. Usually 5++ sometimes 4++, meaning that weight of fire is the better option vs expensive high AP weaponry. Standard attack bikes come with heavy bolters, and twin linked bolters, and they're only 40 points. Each bike can put out 3 shots within 36", 4 shots within 24", and 5 shots within 12", and a maxed squad of 3 only runs 120 points. 9-15 shots a turn with re-rolls on the bolters is pretty awesome for only 120 points.


3. Attack Bikes have 2 wounds a piece. You can pull a bit of wound allocation shenanigans with your bikes to keep your squad at full strength even if they take a few shots from flamers, horrors, or soul grinders here and there. They also have T(5) so it's more difficult to wound them with standard incoming fire, and that's an area daemons usually lack in anyways.


4. If you know your opponent is going to be bringing a few Soul-Grinders, you can easily spend a few points to upgrade a unit of attack bikes to multi-meltas, and now you have an extremely cheap and mobile unit of soul-grinder destroying goodness.


5. Since you're required to bring the Sanguinor and an assault squad, the attack bikes are easily fast enough to keep up with those units and provide much needed fire support. I think it's a bit bogus that you have to bring a tactical squad as well, but they can always trudge along behind and cover your rear.


Personally I love attack bikes, they fit easily in just about every list you can think of, with turbo-boosting you can create cover for your other troops as well without putting your bikes to much at risk since they'll also receive a 3++ save. If you have 275 points to work with I'd honestly take two full squads of attack bikes with heavy bolters, they'll munch through letters, crushers, and plaguebearers with ease, all while easily staying out of range of any of those units. The only thing you really have to watch out for is the maw weapons from the soul-grinders and as mentioned earlier, flamers. At least one of the maw weapons can cause instant death to attack bikes, flamers are really only dangerous on the turn they DS in. Once you shower them with heavy bolter shots they die just as easily as the rest.

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@ ifhoule, required because the points go up 250 each round and the first round is 1000. BUT 750 are madotory carry over into each list. hence required. I have all the named chars I just never see anyone use the sanguinor so I thought it would be cool to use him. He was beasting a dred for like 4 turns of CQC because he was charged by it. the dred kept failing to wound him. I would use the bikes but saddly I own 0 bikes. I did throw in a SP and a Libby Dread. think I'll give him Might and Fury. the force weapons work well on deamons right?
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Flamestorm cannon on your baals, side-car'd to heavy flamers. They will wound most anything the daemons (non-soulgrinder) have, and the big cannon will ignore iron hide, plus they'll need high hits if you gun it. A whirlwind with fire rounds or even better, a thundercannon would work well. Keep the TC up in a building and laugh at the blood crushers.
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  • 2 weeks later...
He certainly can be especially if you don't have a lot of shots. As a Daemon player I love to see non-mech BA (even mech can be OK) because they tend to lack the number of shots needed to kill Fateweaver reliably (sure he can fail saves and run away, but that is unlikely.) THe problem lots of BA lists have with Daemons is that BA are good in CC, and pay points for it, but daemons are better, so if all you have are 12" range shots, you end up in combat with the Daemons. Mech can do better because you can try to play keep away.
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