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Hawk Lord Space marine


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Hm. Looks nice so far; I especially like the weathering. Thanks for the tutorial!

There are, however, a few things I dislike.

The fig doesn't look finished yet, mainly due to the overall lack of depth. A little highlighting would do wonders and catapult it to the realm of "top notch". Also, some more depth (darklining) could improve the Hawk Lord beyond limits.


By the way - painting Hawk Lords is awesome. Not only because those guys are hardcore (using the former colour scheme of *the* traitor legion AND heraldry resembling theirs), but also because purple is a rare colour (which looks ace if done well).

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Nice job Ron. I really like the weathering & the base. Would you happen to have a tutorial on how you accomplished this? I think it would look really nice w/my own army.


The purple is really good & I like the overall all look of the model. Are you going to do more Hawk Lords or was this a test/how to mini?

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Rogan: Points well taken. Something I can work on with my next model.


AngryJohnny: This was just a test model to show someone else one method they could use to paint Hawk Lords. I won't be starting an army of these guys myself since I have a Deathwing force to work on.


As for the base, it's crazy easy to do. It's given a quick coat of GE Charadon Granite and then once dry, it's a matter of applying a few weathering powders over it. I used a couple different shades of brown/red colors to get the effect. You literally just dab it on there and then blow off the excess.


Truth be told, it's still something I'm working on doing myself. I know people who use powders for basing almost exclusively, but I'm still learning how to. Right now, I add them into the base for effect after painting it.

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