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lemartes question


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An add on to this question that myself and my gaming group are always arguing about: If you buy Lemartes for an Un-Jump Packed DC can they still choose a Dedicated Transport. The entry states if the Squad has jump packs then they may not choose a DT. My reasoning is that they can as the squad doesnt have Jump Packs, Lemartes does. Their reasoning is that he's an upgrade part of the squad, therefore no DT can be chosen.
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An add on to this question that myself and my gaming group are always arguing about: If you buy Lemartes for an Un-Jump Packed DC can they still choose a Dedicated Transport. The entry states if the Squad has jump packs then they may not choose a DT. My reasoning is that they can as the squad doesnt have Jump Packs, Lemartes does. Their reasoning is that he's an upgrade part of the squad, therefore no DT can be chosen.


Lemartes (if taken) is not an independent character and thus considered part of the squad for all intents and purposes, despite his wargear and separate statline. Why would it matter that you think that he's an "upgrade"? The word isn't even written once in the DC or Lemartes entry anyway.

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I'm sorry, but I'm sure they can't take any dedicated transport if they have Lemartes. The Death Company is classed as 'a squad' in its description, probably a cut a paste, as it should say 'unit'. It adds that the DC 'can include Lemartes'. That automatically means that the squad does have a jump-pack, even if it is only on one of the members. I am sure you would then have to take a storm raven as a heavy support choice. Unless there's an FAQ about this?
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I don't think the rules have a clear resolution to whether a single member of a squad having a piece of gear is the same as the entire squad having it.


I would interpret it as allowing them to take the transport since they did not purchase the "The entire unit can take jump packs for XXpts per model" option, but it's not a terribly strong argument.

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An add on to this question that myself and my gaming group are always arguing about: If you buy Lemartes for an Un-Jump Packed DC can they still choose a Dedicated Transport. The entry states if the Squad has jump packs then they may not choose a DT. My reasoning is that they can as the squad doesnt have Jump Packs, Lemartes does. Their reasoning is that he's an upgrade part of the squad, therefore no DT can be chosen.


No need to expand the rules. This would mean that a 17 man squad was prohibited from taking any kind of transport as nothing is big enough.


I believe in the written codex options. Then by following the rules (no jumping in the car) when playing. Games will then reveal if it was a sound tactic. :D


Perhaps a Raven comes by? :o

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No need to expand the rules. This would mean that a 17 man squad was prohibited from taking any kind of transport as nothing is big enough.


I believe in the written codex options. Then by following the rules (no jumping in the car) when playing. Games will then reveal if it was a sound tactic. :lol:


Perhaps a Raven comes by? :(


The difference would be that taking a transport with smaller capacity than the members of your squad is not explicitly prohibited in the unit entry, while jumps packs and transports are.

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No need to expand the rules. This would mean that a 17 man squad was prohibited from taking any kind of transport as nothing is big enough.


I believe in the written codex options. Then by following the rules (no jumping in the car) when playing. Games will then reveal if it was a sound tactic. :lol:


Perhaps a Raven comes by? ;)


The difference would be that taking a transport with smaller capacity than the members of your squad is not explicitly prohibited in the unit entry, while jumps packs and transports are.


Good point. I'll withdraw a smiley and consider the problem a bit more serious.





I now support the part about Lemartes prohibits transports. Point taken. :)

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dusktiger, I would not consider this a threadjaking. It was a legitimate followup question. Your question was answered in the very first response.


But, as both the original question is answered as is the follow up question, this thread is no longer needed.



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