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Help for a noob


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Hi all, I've recently started a Space Marine DIY chapter, and I could do with a pointer or two before I dive in and get started.


The main colour is going to be dark blue (Necron Abyss) and what I'm thinking of doing is as follows:


1. Prime in black.

2. Layer of Necron Abyss.

3. Ink Wash of 50:50 mix of blue and black ink.

4. Light drybrush of 25:75 mix of Skull White and Necron Abyss.

5. Extreme highlight of Skull White.


Does this sound good to you? Bear in mind that this is going to be my first proper army. I know a thing or two, but I'm a complete noob otherwise. I'm not looking to win any Golden Demon trophies, but I want to paint them to a reasonable standard so I can get a squad done in a week or two.


Obviously, the best advice would be to try it out for myself, but I'm going to stock up on supplies soon, and I don't want to rush in and waste money on crappy looking models.


Thanks in advance.

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If you take what you have, and push it just a little with an extra step or two, you'll take something that would look... ok... to something that will look great.


1) Prime Black - don't worry about getting it too heavy, just a even coat on all of the major surfaces.


2) Layer on Necron Abyss - Since this will be a main colour, do two thin layers, and be sure you get nice clean pure blue on all of the places it will be on the final miniature.


3) Pick out all silver metal areas (Weapons, joints, rivets, etc.) - I would actually use a bright Mithril or Chainmail, unless you want a very gunmetal look. Take care at this point, clean up any mistakes with Necron Abyss. You're doing this now to make this as drop-dead-simple technique as you can. You should also so any eyes, optics, and 'dark' colour bits. Reds, Blues, Greens.


4) Badab Black wash layer - You might even want to darken the Badab Black with a few drops of ink. Slather the entire miniature with this wash, but work limb-by-limb, smoothing and evening the coats as you go. You don't want tons, just enough to modestly 'fill' cracks and sweep the brush over surfaces to get a light cover over everything. Work as fast as you can, and blow hard on bubbles to quickly pop them. (Bubles are a real pain to 'stab' at) Let it dry completely! Do several at a time to have something to move to while each one dries. A hair dryer is also a good thing to speed the process.


Black Wash is 'neutral' enough to blend Reds, Blues, Greens, (Especially dark ones) all by itself. If you want them really rich, give them a wash of their actual colour, but this is a simple paint scheme.


5) Optional: Second wash of Badab Black - This time, be much more selective, and only place it where you want deep shadow or shading. Just little blobs and sweeps of wash are all you'll need in most places. Use a clean damp brush to soften the edge if it needs to blend a bit. Washes are very forgiving.


6) Optional: Paint in any bright details (Yellows, Oranges, etc.) - These might need some little selective washes of colour to give them some depth.


7) Highlight all colours accordingly - Don't cheap out and try to drybrush, it will always look shoddy, in my oppinion. (Drybrushing as its place, but it's not here.) By now, if you've taken some care the miniature actually lok really good, and good highlights will put it over the top.


Do simple 3-to-4 step highlights. Mix some colour that is a bit lighter than the base. With the dark wash in place it can many times even be the base colour. So with the Necron Abyss would be something like:


Necron Abyss > necron Abyss + 25%-to-50% lighter blue > Necron Abyss + 50%-to-75% Lighter Blue > Lighter Blue > maybe tiny white dots


Just add shorter-and-shorter dashes of these colours to all of the top edges of the model. (Think 4mm Dark, 3mm lighter, 2mm lighter, 1mm lightest - each layer over the other) Any place that light would catch if it was standing under a spotlight. You dont even need to hit every single last one, just most of the obvious places.


Any gems or lenses, just do the same, but on the bottom to simulate the light passing into the gem/lense. Add a tiny white dot to the top for extra effect.


This is really not that much work, and the army will look really solid for such a simple method. I almost guarantee if you can paint 1000pts with this method, you'll have gained so much from doing it that you'll be trying harder-and-harder things. Just remember - Base colour, cleanup, wash, cleanup, highlight, cleanup.

Mr Discord, you are a saint if I ever saw one, if I could choose to kiss a super-model or you, it'd be a very hard decision (unless you are already one, in which case I would die in ecstasy). Thank you very much good sir!


And I'll be using a tester model, don't you worry Hawk Master.

No problem at all. Hope you're pleased with the results.


Painting can be intimidating but just learning a few simple techniques builds a lot of confidence. I explain painting techniques (even simple ones) in depth the way I do because I remember starting out, and trying figure out certain things in general. If someone had of just explained the process a bit clearer, it would have saved much frustration. The internet has helped immensely.


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