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Jumppack movement rules

G. A. K.

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I recently played a BA player who had a jump pack Chaplain attached to a squad of Terminators. This is what he did that I find questionable: He moved his chappy, stating he was leaving the squad and moved the full 12" from his postistion from the rear to up in front but then he moved the squad up thier 6" and back into cohesion. I said "you have to move at the rate of the slowest model" but he said the chappy left the unit and only rejoined them cuz 'they' moved into cohesion with him because they have to join eachother if within 2".

I feel that if you intend for your turn to end with him still in the squad he never really left it and can't move so fast but instead have to follow the rule about moving at the rate of the slowest model. And if you do move away like this you need to leave the two units more than 2" apart at the end of your movement phase. It didn't change the fact that I beat him but I couldn't convince him why i thought it was wrong even after the game was over.


What are the general thoughts of this tactic? Yay, or nay?



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There was recently a lot of argument about this issue.


Personally, I think it is cheating. You are attached to the unit at the start of the turn, your are attached at the end, at what point were you unattached?

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While there is argument about this my personal stance is that if you intend to have the IC leave a squad during the movement phase he can move at his own movement speed but may not end the move within coherency of the unit they left because then they never left the unit in the first place.
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