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worth taking

Night Talon

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Even if you don't have anything that needs a transport, the Rhino is more useful in just about every way. Really, in any situation where you think "Should I take X, Y or Z instead of a Spawn?", the Spawn is always the wrong answer.
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Even if you don't have anything that needs a transport, the Rhino is more useful in just about every way. Really, in any situation where you think "Should I take X, Y or Z instead of a Spawn?", the Spawn is always the wrong answer.



Spawn..... *shudder*


I've always hated them with a passion for being expensive and next to useless.......


Until recently a friend decided to mock me with a unit of spawn gutting a huge chunk of my UM. I was unhappy to say the least lol.


Anecdotal refs aside, spawn are usually rubbish and rhinos are useful in many situations from transports to cover. The most use you will ever get from a spawn outside of lucky dice rolling is a fun painting challenge B)




.....or something like that

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Rhino. Can't mount a combimelta onto a Spawn. B)


Ah it's the little things that make me laugh the hardest. ;)




.......or something like that

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Even if you don't have anything that needs a transport, the Rhino is more useful in just about every way. Really, in any situation where you think "Should I take X, Y or Z instead of a Spawn?", the Spawn is always the wrong answer.



Spawn..... *shudder*


I've always hated them with a passion for being expensive and next to useless.......


Until recently a friend decided to mock me with a unit of spawn gutting a huge chunk of my UM. I was unhappy to say the least lol.


Anecdotal refs aside, spawn are usually rubbish and rhinos are useful in many situations from transports to cover. The most use you will ever get from a spawn outside of lucky dice rolling is a fun painting challenge :D




.....or something like that


I have 10 of the 'new' plastic spawn and maybe some old ones somewhere... However I never take spawn in my list... I am a fan of gift of chaos... So far my record in a 1,500pt game is 7 spawn! Guard are just so spawnable :whistling: and spawning Eldar farseers if you can pass your psychic test is also a laugh...

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I once used 21 chaos spawn in 1500pts. I had frequently used at least 18 in some games. Sometimes they worked well, sometimes not as well. I had success with using ten of them and two daemon princes in 1000pts. Not much can deal with that many fast T5 monsters.
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what would be better on a rhino a combi-melta or a havoc launcher?
It depends on your opponent, usually the combi-melta wins out.


what psychic power would suit a deamon prince best? (no marks)
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I once used 21 chaos spawn in 1500pts. I had frequently used at least 18 in some games. Sometimes they worked well, sometimes not as well. I had success with using ten of them and two daemon princes in 1000pts. Not much can deal with that many fast T5 monsters.

hmmm... the spawn are slow & purposeful... that means they only move d6"... they're considered beasts and charge 12" but until then, they are pretty slow & easy to outrun. That and the fact that they have no armor save, they can be killed off fairly easily.

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Slow and purposeful, bit it's 2D6 pick the highest and they also have fleet. They 'can' move up to 24" in one turn. They'll generally move more then 6" for their charge and move just over normal infantry movement when factoring the run roll. They do lack armour, but cover is plentiful in 5th edition. They have no qualms moving through it either, as they are S&P.


They are only really at a disadvantage when people pull out a lot of dreadnaughts or vehicles with greater then 11 rear armour. They can chew through more armour with their multiple S5 attacks against armour ten. With multiple wounds each, it doesn't take a little amount of firepower to down then. Also, loosing combat sucks, a lot.

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They are only really at a disadvantage when people pull out a lot of dreadnaughts or vehicles with greater then 11 rear armour.

That's just the thing though... this edition pretty much requires heavy mech... I myself usually run 'zerks in land raiders.... the heavy bolters alone would take care of the spawn, if not having a bunch of 'zerks in their face. But, this is all theoretical... never went up against anyone that used spawn.


Also I don't like the words "slow & purposeful" on a fast attack choice -_- hypothetically, yes up to 24"... but also equal odds of 1" movement and 1" run... leaving you well out of the fray. All that for 40(!!!) points apiece... I just can't ever find room for them, I'd rather take a powerfist and some other stuff for that price.

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I just can't ever find room for them, I'd rather take a powerfist and some other stuff for that price.

but they made such a nice kit for it . JJ told it many times that people buy and use models because they are cool and not because they are what other people thing as the best.

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I've used a Spawn only once, in a tournament whose requirements were a minimum of 1 mandatory Fast Attack option in your list for the purposes of the scenarios. During the course of that tournament, the Spawn was basically useless throughout the first game and survived by virtue of it not threatening anything or contesting an objective, did a Kool-Aid Man through a building in the second game and managed to kill a squad of Scouts and their Land Speeder Storm before dying in a hail of bolter fire, and in the third game it died outright to a Vindicator shot that scattered onto it.


In contrast, I field Rhinos religiously.

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but they made such a nice kit for it .

true, it is a nice kit, but I got it from the army box that they released back in '07 for the chaos marines, I got that & the codex at the same time. So at that point I decided not to use the spawn or the possessed.


But like I said, it is a cool kit with tons of customization opportunities... I just wish that they were a more appealing choice to take. Same thing with the possessed.

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are possessed better that chosen?


I currently use


deamon prince

chaos lord



two units of chaos Marine


a rhino



any help would be welcome.


Well without knowing what wargear you're using or weapon load outs, the first thing that springs to mind is take a rhino for every squad that can have one.


Mobility is king :D




......or something like that

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