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Who drives the vehicles?


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So, I was just wondering...


in a pure Thousand Sons army, so only rubrics and sorcerors... who drives the vehicles? Are there rubrics behind the wheels? sorcerors?

Or are the vehicles motivated by arcane means? I seem to recall a passage in 'A Thousand Sons' where some mechanical thing was actually controlled by a sorcerer, when they were assaulting that planet together with the space wolves. And in the climactic battle, one sorceror actually took hold of a complete titan... so would that be the case here as well?


If so, how would/could one model/paint that?


And what are the rule implications? Do rubric drivers make a vehicle immune to stun and shaken, but are they clumsy with the firing controls? Or will they drive like normal marines? Could the sorceror's commanding be represented by 'daemonic possession'?

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All this is hard to answer. As for me i think Daemonic possession is actually what we need and it can be, agree, explained differently. And possession can be painted, for example, by painting different runes / glyphs. This is magic, it's TS after all :lol:
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I would imagine that vehicles are piloted by a mix of daemons, warp power, mechanical constructs and mortal followers.


Game-wise, daemonic possession is an easy justification but you could also justify not using it by explaining that whatever is driving the vehicle is weaker or more susceptible to incoming fire and so while it might not be a human drive, it has similar limitations.

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