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Scholars Encarmine (formerly Discipulos Sanguini)


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So after a LONG time away from the world (try about eight or nine...) I decided to pick up the paintbrush, release a few marines from their sprue shaped prison and set about bringing this lil successor chapter to life. So I spose I should better introduce to you the ...


Scholars Encarmine




The Scholars Encarmine (Discipulos Sanguini) are, arguably, some of the most learned Astartes in the Imperium. Under their Chapter Master, the Polemarchos Rufen Aristo, the Chapter fosters an unending quest for an understanding and appreciation of the worlds and galaxies around them. Its tracts and tomes housed in the Crimson Lyceum, composed by the Astartes themselves and the remembrancers of their home-world Polisto, have become the most revered throughout Mankind and are regularly visited by chapters, Imperial Guard Regiments and even the Ordo Xenos as they journey through the stars, combatting the numerous threats to humanity.


(This will be built upon more substantially as and when I have a spare minute/choose to put off the old dissertation...)


Now. Let me present to you the first two Astartes of this legion, the brash and audacious Erstus Metax, and his close friend Lexando Stone, whose caution and ernest character provide a perfect counterbalance, cultivating relationship with the strength to plow through a horde of Orks and emerged bloodied, but unscathed.


Oplites Erstus Metax and Lexando Stone of the Phalanx Caustos, 2nd Hetariea




Anywho, thats all for you. Comments and criticisms are always welcome. The fluff needs a lot of work I know, its gradually taking a more substantial form in my head but I'm not gonna give voice to it until its seems to fit.


All the best,



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Hehe, thanks. now my main concern is how to get the chap badge on the shoulder pads.., Im thinking of GS'ing it, once, then making a mold of it to save time. The only other option is to get transfer paper and print the designs out on that. I dont quite trust myself with freehanding the aquila, or even the wings for that matter. If anyone has had any experience with either option (the transfer paper more specifically) Im all ears to hear their opinions



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@Demonulius - I see what you mean, and i must admit, I've tripped over the words several times already!. The idea was for the army to hark back to the age of antiquity so perhaps I might keep the name as the official title of the chapter, whilst giving them a more readily pronouncable moniker, Scholars Encarmine or something of the sort.

In any case, if you think Discipulos sounds a bit too much like hippo, then perhaps I shouldnt tell you the name I had in mind for my counts-as corublo (although I'd imagine it wouldnt be too hard to guess it now...) :P


@Brightguy - Thats not a bad idea. The basic principle of the chapter is still there, and like you said, the fancy extra parts can just be made as one offs for the more important members of the army. I like. Will try out a few ideas and, with any luck, get back to you with some new pics at the weekend.




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I see what you did there :rolleyes: i think i know how you get your chapters name :)


just joking m8 ^_^ maybe make it just "disciples" (not sure of i spelled that right?) of sanguinius? basicly the same idea and fits in with how GW names their other chapters as well :lol:

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Well its no lie that google translate became my friend whilst looking for a name! :lol: The idea was to keep things ancient greek/latin (hence the rebranding of all titles in the chapter). But I think scholars encarmine hold's truer to the ethos of the chapter - the pursuit of an understanding of the world around them in an effort to understand and control the rage that burns within...


In other news, im deciding wether or not to swao the shoulder pads around so that I can use the white squad markings on the darker red pad, and can print out some custom decals to use on the ligheter bleached bone pad. This should allow me to use clear transfer paper and negate the fiddy cutting out that id have to do on white paper. Do you think that the contrast between the gold wings and the bone of of the pad is too small, should the wings be a different colour to pop more?

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i just took a look at the fluff for your chapter and something struck me. your chapter fluff is very simular to the blood ravens fluff ^_^ (you know, before the dawn of war series fleshed them out to something else...) Basicly they (blood ravens) were an codex chapter of unknown origin and had unexplained high number of librarians in it :) i think that was as far as the fluff went though... not sure if the dawn of war series are canon to be honest...


i think you need to justify (well you dont NEED to, but it would flesh out your chapter abit more :)) to explain why they have such a vaste wealth of knowledge under their care. generally librarians only keep knowledge in the librarian thats....shall we say dangerous to the common man to know. think of books tainted by chaos, artefacts (its not just books) connected to the dark mechanicum that they cleanse and/or keep from the rest of the world and so on. you might find scrolls and/or tomes filled with rituals for gods know what every now and then.


you get the picture :)


also bear in mind that sources of lore and knowledge (of any kind) tend to get plundered and pillaged on a regular basis in 40k. specialy Arhiman of the thousand sons is a hoarder :lol: im just assuming here that your chapter has the sort of contents that i mentioned above in my post but its by no stretch of the inmagination the only kind of information in 40k. star charts, stc templates, history of a planet/part of space etc. tons of things that people might be interested in. think of something that makes your little library so interesting and work from there.


depth (but not to much) to a chapters fluff can make all the difference!


as for your question. i havent used much transfers im afraid and the few that i did use made my shy away from them forever <_< im terrible at picking colours as well so cant help there either! hope its at least somewhat helpfull...

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I saw some of the wiki pages on the blood ravens and had a mild shock when I saw them but I don't think that this will be an issue as the type of knowledge I had in mind was not of the Chaos tainted ilk. Im using the librarians in their more 21st century context, not in the "I shoot mind bullets, grow phantom red wings and tear carnifexes apart bear handed" way.


Essentially a brief idea behind my chaper is as follows:

  • primary opponents - xenos
  • deep knowledge there of - beliefs, tactics, histories myths of a multitude of aliens
  • initial discovery made on their homeworld where humans had been subjugated by xenos overlords of immense power, with a previously vast empire


Im working on a rough draft of an IA entry concerning the homeworld which should introduce the theme.

The idea is to base them on the attempt to understand the various races and their faiths and philosophies as well as reflection upon themselves in comparison. This introvert contemplation has lead them to somehow fight more effectivley against The Flaw of their gene-seed. A hybrid buddhist psuedo warrior-philosophs if you like.


Its very rough and kind of hard to fully describe at the moment but every time i go back to flesh it out, it becomes clearer to put across what I have floating in my skull. Updates will follow soon


TJ out.

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  • 1 month later...


So its been a long time brothers for which i apologise. Though I havent been neglecting them.

I did get a bit distracted by my degree, work, Xmas, New Year and then buying SWTOR which soaks up days at a time but im at half way completion of my tact squad.

May do some fulff on the brothers themselves just this first squad (then only hq's, sgts and dreads) given that its my first squad back in the hobby.

Anywho, here they are together:


Mr Scopey (temporary name)


Mr Stabby (...)


Mr Stabby and his close pal. Brother Shooty


Had fun with the bases, think they came out ok.

Last few things...

- I know the barrels aren't drilled. Im investing in a the appropriate gear soon so that will be fixed

- there are also some mould lines on some models, this is laziness and lack of a file (I dont want to steal the sister's .. shes more vicious than mephy) I will probably go back and fix them at a later date.

- As i get closer to those important last 3 men, the Sgt and the special weapons teams. At the moment I dont intend on playing (at least not seriously) but may do in the future. While I know that tac squads dont get much time of day in a BA list, if i WERE to field them, what would you recommend.

At the moment im thinking Melta(poss Multimelta) and either Plas or Missles and the Sgt probably standard Plas pist and chainsword but im open to ideas,

All the best!


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Small hobby tip regarding the file. I find a pair of toe nail clippers to be one of my most valuable hobby tools. Clippers take things off the sprues and it has a nail file right there for things the xacto knife doesn't deal well with like rounded areas with mold lines. Cheap as chips too.
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