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Blood Wolves


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(Note translations are not perfect and not all are exact, I did the best I could without formal teaching of the Irish Gaelic language)

Chapter Name: Blood Wolves

Founding: Records Sealed (Imperial Records Sealed to all but Inquisitors and Chapter Masters of the Blood Angels, Blood Wolves Chapter Command. 13th founding 136.M36)

Gene-seed: Blood Angels

Homeworld: Eire (Feudal World, Feral World)

Chapter Master: Lugh (Title name held by every Chapter Master, each gives up real name upon ascending to Chapter Master)

Fortress Monastery: Tir na nOg

Battle Cry: "Dol an Fuil de ar Athair" (For the Blood of our Father)

Combat Doctrine: Assault, Deep Striking

In 80.M36 the Inquisition had enacted a plan put into place during it’s founding, this plan was set to improve the Inquisition’s understanding of possible defects that could show over time of various legions and to improve their capabilities to fight against such chapters after the breakup of the legions should the need arise. 5 years later after agents of the Inquisition procured enough Gene-Seeds and informed the then Chapter Master of the Blood Angels in order to procure a group of marines to train the new chapter. A planet was selected and a group of warriors from the planet were selected and then trained by members of the Blood Angels 1st company sent of a mission of secrecy. After 50 years their training was completed and in 136.M36 the Blood Wolves were officially chronicled in the Imperial Records as a part of the 13th founding the best among them chosen to be the first Chapter Master. From then on the records were sealed by Inquisitorial Order and all missions the chapter was sent on given to them by an Inquisitorial Representative, otherwise all combat they have seen has been mere chance. Due to the original practice of members of the Blood Angels Archangels (1st Company) training the entire chapter’s Battle Brothers the basic makeup of the Blood Wolves Chapter Organization has diverged from the Codex Astartes, Every company except the 1st mans a complement of 20 veteran marines in Power Armour to act as Company Advisors while the entirety of the 1st company goes to battle in Tactical Dreadnaught Armour.

1st Company Ridire de Fuil (Knights of Blood)

Captain: Balor The Shield of Eire


2nd Company Clàrsach de Eire (Harpers of Eire)

Captain: Abhean


3rd Company



4th Company



5th Company



6th Company



7th Company



8th Company



9th Company



10th Company


[image to come]

Outside Elements

Command Structure (Chapter Master, Honour Guard, Captains)

Chapter Master: Lugh

[image to come]

Sanguinary Priesthood

Sanguinary High Priest

[image to come]


High Chaplain

[image to come]

Sanguinary Guard

Exalted Herald

[image to come]


Master of the Forge

[image to come]


Warden of the Gates


Chief Librarian

[image to come]

Fleet Command

Master of the Fleet

Death Company

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liking the colour scheme, the various colours to indicate the companys are a nice touch too. Regarding the fluff, you say that the first company are all entirely dreadnoughts, did you mean terminators. from a purely practical point of view you couldnt really field that many dreds, and fluff-wise they're supposed to be reserved for the greatest of fallen heroes, so there should never be enough to field an entire company of them.




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@KaiserTJ1860: 'Tactical Dreadnought Armour' is the technical name for Terminator Armour, so they're the same thing.


@Saiisil: Nice fluff. I like the background idea, kind of hard to grips with their purpose though. The whole 'finding a way to combat the defect legions should the need arise' made sense, but didn't connect with the rest of the blurb.


The heraldic touch was nice, kind of like Dark-Blood Angels :tu:

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I still need to work on the fluff some, I have a few ideas on some other items of interest because I am setting up for a mixed Imperial Apocalypse force that I plan on tying all forces within together as close allies with fluff.


KaiserTJ1860, it is as eetdestroyer said Tactical Dreadnaught Armour is the technical name for Terminator Armour, Terminator Armour is actually a second name given to the armour, I forget where in the fluff it explains that.

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ahhhh fair enough, rookie mistake on my part.

Does this mean that you dont intend to field any sternguard or vanguard veterans? From what I remember from the BA codex, only the first company technically has any, although I suppose the joy of a DIY chapter is that you can alter the lore here and there

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Sternguard and Vanguard Veterans are attached to Companies 2-9 the reason why I stated "Every company except the 1st mans a complement of 20 veteran marines in Power Armour to act as Company Advisors" though thinking about it I may amend this in regards to the 10th company, haven't decided how I want to work that one out yet.
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I'd leave the tenth as they are. As the scout company I feel they don't necesarily warrant a power armour vet squad. Perhaps some sort of customised veteran scouts a la telion? Astartes that are good enough to warrant a place in the 1st company but choose not to because they love the thrill of being the first men in?
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No offence, but that's a horrible colour scheme (I wouldn't include the blues or the greens at all) and it's extremely common. That said, it's your Chapter, so do whatever you want with it.


All in all, I have two suggestions:


1) Go orange, looks much better and is much rarer!


2) I'd suggest you post your ideas here (linky dinky) to get the best feedback (well, maybe not the best, but it's definitely good) :)


My two pence,



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I will probably post there after I have worked out some of the kinks. I decided to have this thread here because I wanted to have something out there that I could use to get thoughts from fellow Codex Blood Angels players while it is still in it's major WIP stages, What exactly (aside from the Blue and Green) do you not like about the scheme? As to the Orange suggestion, honestly I dislike Orange alot, it is hard for me to express exactly how much. The Red I am using is Mechrite Red, never exactly been a fan of how bright Blood Red turns out for me but the darker color Mechrite Red comes out as to me fits my personality more. Pretty much the same reason I went with Chaos Black as my primary color as well, it has alot to do with me.


What colors would you suggest replacing the Blue and Green with?

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