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Competive World Eaters

Vomikron Noxis

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Greetings brothers,


I could do with some advice.... I currently have a World Eaters army made up of Khârn, 2 dreadnoughts, 3 squads of zerkers, 2 land raiders and a rhino. It's fluffy as hell, but just not that competitive. If I were to make it into a more 'competitive' army, how would I go about this while maintaining a khorne theme? I already have a 'chaos standard' list (2 dp, zerkers, pms and oblits) so I'd like to avoid making a virtual copy of that. So with that in mind, what would your 'competitive' 1500pts list consist of?

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2 daemon princes, 2x plague marines w/ melta, khorne zerkers, 6 oblits.

this. there is really no other option.


You could, however, drop 2 oblits, the rhino, and maybe a plague marine, reducing the units to maybe 6 instead of 7,

and take a land raider for the berzerkers.

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World Eaters can still be made quite competitive, if a little bland.


First decision is how to use your HQ slots. Khorne Daemon Princes are the worst of the Marks they can get, but they are cheap and nasty. Either get a pair of them, or go with a single, cheap HQ. I'm personally a big fan of Khârn, as there is not much that he and a squad of Berzerkers can't take care of, with the exception of some of the tougher elite assault units out there (Assault Terminators, for example).


Second decision is anti-tank. At 1500pts, you really do need at least a couple of dedicated anti-tank units. I like Obliterators, and Terminators with combi-meltas for this role, but I've also used Chosen (3 meltas + 2 flamers is awesome) and regular CSMs (5 men, 1 meltagun, Champion with combi-melta) in Rhinos quite effectively. Predators are ok, but you're usually better off with Obliterators.


Fill the rest with Berzerkers (at least three units, preferably four) in Rhinos with Powerfist champions and you're golden.


I've been avoiding Land Raiders recently, simply because of the cost and the sheer number of meltagun squads you see in the competitive scene. However, some people have used lists built around 3 Land Raiders effectively...


2 daemon princes, 2x plague marines w/ melta, khorne zerkers, 6 oblits.

this. there is really no other option.


You could, however, drop 2 oblits, the rhino, and maybe a plague marine, reducing the units to maybe 6 instead of 7,

and take a land raider for the berzerkers.

I get the feeling you didn't read the OP properly? ;)

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I get the feeling you didn't read the OP properly?

he did . that is why he said that there isnt any real viable option to the 2xdp/oblit/zerker-pm mix.


But I have a question how do 5 man chosen with IOK or 5 man csm in rhinos [and not razors ]with 2 meltas[one of which is a combi] makes it A a WE list B makes it viable ? it looks like a razrobackless MSU . which would work with pms better anyway because they can have 2 melta in 5 man[3 if a champ is taken] and are a lot more resilient then 5 csm .

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I read it, I just was making point there is no other really competitive option. It saddens me...but the words 'competitive' and 'chaos' are entwined with the string '2daemonprinces plaguemarines zerkers max oblits !'


Though, this is coming from me who doesn't play without my chaos lord with undivided daemon weapon !


You could go


3x 8 berzerkers w/ powerfist in rhino

6 obliterators

dreadnought with loadout of your choice



2x Khorne DPs

8 berzerker /fist in rhino

2x8 berzerkers w/ fist in

2x land raiders w/daemonic possesion

2x obliterators


The two raiders and two DPs give him target priority issues


raider rush isn't that bad, people aren't used to seeing that many LRs these days anyway, but multimelta bikes or speeders REALLY will ruin your day. They just close too quickly to 12" and melt the beasts. Melta on units can be avoided. Or....may as well pack up against dark eldar with a few lances. And, even if you do charge out of the land raider screaming blood for the blood god and so forth, their are plenty of units out there that can still beat them. incubi, Gk with halberds, ( not even paladins, purifiers), sanguinary guard with sang priest, thunderwolf cav, the humble assault terminator...and so on.


you can play around the core of 3 units of berzerkers, 6 oblits (your asking for trouble without them) and you HQ, either Khârn or 2 khorn DPs....I vote for the two DPs...cause they draw fire from everyone else....and will make a mess if they hit the enemy.

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I read it, I just was making point there is no other really competitive option. It saddens me...but the words 'competitive' and 'chaos' are entwined with the string '2daemonprinces plaguemarines zerkers max oblits !'

My point was that you weren't really answering his question: he was asking how to make an army with a certain set of limitations as competitive as possible and specifically didn't want to use 'the' competitive Chaos army. A Khorne army can still do well - I regularly do so, even against SW and GK, though I won't claim that these were ultra-competitive situations. Will it win 'Ard Boyz or Nova? Not without a stupid amount of luck, but then neither will 'the' competitive Chaos army.


I do like the lists you've now posted, though.

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I think straight "raider rush" army would be viable. 3x8 squads of berzerkers with fists in 3x land raiders with possession supported by 2x daemon princes comes out to between 1400-1600 points depending on details. 9 times outta 10 the plan will be to rush forward and get into HtH asap but you do have fairly significant long range firepower with 6 TL'd lascannons available.


At higher point levels, fill it in with terminators (in or out of raiders) or dreadnoughts or even empty rhinos as mobile walls.

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Thanks for the replies fellas, I think what I'm gonna go for is the following:


2x Khorne DPs

8 berzerkers /power weapon

2x8 berzerkers w/ fist in Rhinos

1 x land raider w/ extra armour

2x obliterators

2x obliterators


Probably about as good as it gets while maintaining the theme, what do you reckon?

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