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Brother Deino

Garden Ninja

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Well, here is Brother Deino, painted up to match Sergeant Lorenzo (all of Squad Lorenzo at least will match- I haven't decided exactly how to approach Squad Gideon).


Overall, I'm very happy with how he turned out. I think the darker colors really help bring out the details on the sculpt.


I've also posted him up on Coolmini for everyone who cares to vote.



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Reminds me of the Vermilion Angels more than just your generic BA. The darker colors definitely set the mood of Space Hulk.


The red is spectacular, and albeit the NMM have very little contrast as they typically do, I think it looks good. The only thing that bothers me is that the purity seals are very one dimensional compared to the much darker colors you have (the red, the gold, ect) and the text is spread very far apart.


That would be the equivalent of typing up a Microsoft word document in x4 spacing. :down:


Looks great otherwise.

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Awesome work, any chance of a recipie for that red?


Sure. It is made from P3 colors, though it could be produced from similar colors from other lines.


Start with Sanguine Base, shade with Gnarls Green, highlight just a tiny bit by mixing in some Sanguine highlight, then add Frostbite to the mix and layer up very quickly to pure frostbite.


It is a tricky color, as adding frostbite to a red base will often net you a color that is too pink for most marines. As it is, my color is too pink for a lot of viewers.



That is awesome care to share how you did the chips and dents in the armour I'd love to try that.


Sure, and this one is easy. After you've highlighted the armor all the way up to frostbite, take some frostbite and create the scratch marks across his armor. Then, take some black and apply it to the top of each of the marks you've made.


At some places, you'll need to carefully blend the frostbite into the armor color on the underside of the mark. Make sure that the top side of the mark is very stark.

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