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UM Command squad + SW tester


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First i have some pics of

3 members of the Command sqaud I started working on a while ago for my Ultramarines army.

They are pretty much done besides the edges of thier bases and some tidying up in places, such as thier Ultramarines insignia.






I also have a few pics of a test model I painted for a Space Wolves army I'm considering to start,though with the new Necrons out it's looking unlikely.






Again, his base needs completing but other than that he's pretty much done.


Thanks for looking and feel free to leave a comment.



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I like the richness of blue and the highlighting on the UMs :tu:. By contrast the SWs seem a lot flatter and more subtle. Maybe the photography isn't doing them as much justice, or maybe that was your intention - but as a tester, great.
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