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Vehicle Cover Saves Order of Operations


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In order to determine if a vehicle is given a cover save by obscurity.


1. Determine if 50% or more of the vehicles facing being targeted is hidden by intervening terrain or models.

Pg. 62 BRB-At least 50% of the facing of the vehicle that is being targeted (i.e. its front, side or rear) needs to be hidden by intervening terrain or modles from the point of view of the firer for the vehicle to claim to be in cover. If this is the case, the vehicle is said to be obscured (or "hull down"). If a squad is firing at a vehicle, the vehicle is obscured only if it is 50% hidden from the majority of the firing models (do not count models that cannot hurt the vehicle). Just like with units of several models.


Remember, you can draw line of sight through windows as per. PG. 16 BRB "Line of sight literally represents your warriors' view of the enemy - the must be able to see their foe through, under or over the tangle of terrain and other fighters on the battlefield."


2. Refer to PG. 21 BRB for the different types of terrain cover save values

3. If you're not sure whether the vehicle is 50% in cover or not, simply modify its save by -1. Or if players cannot agree, modify its save by -1.

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In order to determine if a vehicle is given a cover save by obscurity.


1. Determine if 50% or more of the vehicles facing being targeted is hidden by intervening terrain or models.

Pg. 62 BRB-At least 50% of the facing of the vehicle that is being targeted (i.e. its front, side or rear) needs to be hidden by intervening terrain or modles from the point of view of the firer for the vehicle to claim to be in cover. If this is the case, the vehicle is said to be obscured (or "hull down"). If a squad is firing at a vehicle, the vehicle is obscured only if it is 50% hidden from the majority of the firing models (do not count models that cannot hurt the vehicle). Just like with units of several models.


Remember, you can draw line of sight through windows as per. PG. 16 BRB "Line of sight literally represents your warriors' view of the enemy - the must be able to see their foe through, under or over the tangle of terrain and other fighters on the battlefield."


2. Refer to PG. 21 BRB for the different types of terrain cover save values

3. If you're not sure whether the vehicle is 50% in cover or not, simply modify its save by -1. Or if players cannot agree, modify its save by -1.

Incorrect on several counts, but the one most people will disagree with is #2. The rules state that a vehicle which is obscured by terrain gets a 4+ cover save (5+ if it is unclear if it gets the save). It never gets the cover save value listed in the table on page 21, which is for infantry models. So a vehicle will never get a 5+ due to being behind a fence or a 6+ for being obscured by Razor Wire. If the model is Obscured by terrain it gets a 4+, regardless.

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I thought I might have summarized the REAL order of operations for those that didn't understand it in the other thread, so answers would have been different.

We all understand the basic mechanics involved, merak. Just some of us disagree with you on interpretions of some of the finer points of definitions and some of us disagree with you on the math of the situation. Starting a new debate thread and putting your finger on the scales to tip it your way is hardly good debate technique.

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"Just like with units of several models."


This is missued in the above.


The quote from the brb is

"Just like with units of several models, if your not sure if a vehicle is 50% in cover, just modify the save by -1".


This is important because the way you have it it seams to be referencing "

If a squad is firing at a vehicle, the vehicle is obscured only if it is 50% hidden from the majority of the firing models (do not count models that cannot hurt the vehicle"


Which it is NOT correct, as that is not the same as when targeting non vehicle units. With non vehicles units the majority must have clear shots to deny the save, with vehicles the majority must have oscured shots to give the save. This is important because half the relivant models have clear shots, and half obscured shots, infantry targets get the cover save, vehicle targets do not.

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This is important because the way you have it it seams to be referencing "

If a squad is firing at a vehicle, the vehicle is obscured only if it is 50% hidden from the majority of the firing models (do not count models that cannot hurt the vehicle"


Which it is NOT correct, as that is not the same as when targeting non vehicle units. With non vehicles units the majority must have clear shots to deny the save, with vehicles the majority must have oscured shots to give the save. This is important because half the relivant models have clear shots, and half obscured shots, infantry targets get the cover save, vehicle targets do not.



Please pay attention to the title of the thread. Vehicle Cover Saves Order of Operations. So, yes, my statement is correct. I'm not debating infantry cover saves, as they're straightforward.


And @Dswanick I'm not tipping the scale, I created an unbiased, non-house rule, and easy to interpret way of thinking about cover saves for vehicles.

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