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Ghattana Bay Army

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My apologies if this is in the wrong area-

I have an idea to make an army using the Blood Angel codex that will include the following:


1 Librarian Dreadnought

2 Furioso Dreadnoughts with Frag cannons

4 Death Company Dreadnoughts

20 Death Company Marines on foot

5 Sniper scouts

3 Dreadnoughts with a mix of ranged anti-tank


Silly? Probably. Tactically unsound? Likely. Fun? I think so!


Here's the hook- the reason for the dreadnought spam is not for their awesomeness, but in relation to the story of Ghattana Bay during the 3rd war for Armageddon. During the battle for Gate IX, 17 dreads from multiple chapters fought and defeated a massive Ork Kan army.

I will paint each dread up as a different chapter along with 2 marines from each. They will be tied together visually using themed bases and excessive battle damage. The death company will represent the last rag-tag survivors of the defenders, and the valiant stand of the Dreadnought force. Im thinking that I want to stay away from major chapters, so I would be painting up the Celebrants, Mortifactors, Storm Lords, Storm Giants, Omega Marines, Marines Malevolent, Sons of Guilliman, Angels Porphyr, Exorcists, and Celestial Lions. The scouts will be Black Dragons, Angels of Fire, Silver Skulls, Iron Champions, and Angels of Vigilance.


I think this will be fun, if difficult to win with. I just wanted to throw it out there and see what everyone thought of the idea- Terrific, terrible, exploit, exercise in futility, what have you. I would prefer to use the Vanilla marine codex, but I feel that 10 dreads captures the spirit of the background better than 6.


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I will be starting a log this weekend in the work in progress area and on Warseer to keep everyone abreast of the army. Since this will be (for better or worse) my 2012 tournament army there's going to be a display board as well that I'm going to model after Gate IX itself.
  • 3 months later...
Well after a considerable hiatus I will finally be starting this army. 3 dreads assembled, 1 awaiting assembly, 1 Contemptor on it's way from ForgeWorld, and 20 marines assembled and base coated. I'll see about getting some pics started as soon as the Contemptor is in.
Actually Nicorex is spot on- Ive replace the Captain with a Librarian to accompany the Death Company. Im giving both him and the Libby Dread Sheild of Sanguineus to help survive some shooting as I plod across the board. The infantry Libby is also getting unleash rage to give the DC Preferred enemy :cuss
  • 4 months later...

Here's a quick update on this project if anyone is still interested! I have all but one dreadnought fully assembled, and of my infantry only the librarian is incomplete. I have one more dreadnought not pictured, my Mortifactors Death Company Dread. It is 90% painted as are it's two accompanying space marines. The painted minis shown here are also about 90% done, as they still need detailing and unit markings.



Just wondering, could a moderator move this to the Work In Progress section?

Yeah, unfortunately that only allows 6 dreads, I'm goin for 10! The two other biggest advantages to this list are the AV13 Furiosos, and getting to take a Librarian dreadnought. In a perfect world I would be using the standard marine codex to represent this army, as I am not really a fan of trading codexes. Someday if I ever decide to play Apocalypse again (unlikely) I'll just run them as standard dreadnoughts and probably leave out the marines themselves as they aren't mentioned in the story. For now though the Blood Angel codex is a means to an end.
  • 1 month later...
UPDATE! Here are the Storm Giants, Exorcists, Omega Marines, and Mortifactors. All other models are primed and have all the metal areas painted. These ones still need weathering and some detail, but I'm going to do that across the entire army at the same time to ensure consistency. The Celestial Lions are on the workbench right now, and I'm replacing the Celebrants with the Silver Skulls. I have 8 weeks left until the tournament I want to bring these guys to, so I'm ahead of schedule. Right now I'm averaging one dread and his marine buddies in four hours of painting, one night a week. I have 4 left to do, and then 5 scouts, and a display board. http://i1183.photobucket.com/albums/x477/Marcus_Tanner/100_9723_zps9d57e501.jpghttp://i1183.photobucket.com/albums/x477/Marcus_Tanner/100_9726_zps1889bdc2.jpghttp://i1183.photobucket.com/albums/x477/Marcus_Tanner/100_9729_zpsd4925254.jpghttp://i1183.photobucket.com/albums/x477/Marcus_Tanner/100_9731_zpsbfcfc990.jpg

Thanks to all of you, I appreciate the positive feedback. I am definitely the guy who will come in dead last at a tourney but will have the biggest smile on his face after a weekend of the hobby I love. Nuclear Fridge I'm very happy with the lightning, I'm going to try and find a way to put it on the two Storm Giant marines without making them look like Night Lords. And yes, Retributis, I wouldn't mind a mod moving this for me if any of them are out there...

Silver Skulls and Celestial Lions are almost done, then Storm Lords and Angels Porphyr are all that's left!

  • 3 weeks later...


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