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Ghattana Bay Army

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I took the Dreadnought army out for their first tournament, and I'm proud to say I didn't come in last! Hehe, I didn't come in the top 27 places though...The tournament was TSHFT, or The Seattle Heart of Fire Tournament. This is the 3rd I've attended and it's absolutely fantastic. If you are in the Northwest you should check it out. The info is at www.bloghammer.net. Here's some in battle shots!http://i1183.photobucket.com/albums/x477/Marcus_Tanner/TSHFT%2011-12/2012-11-17084729.jpghttp://i1183.photobucket.com/albums/x477/Marcus_Tanner/TSHFT%2011-12/2012-11-17095751.jpghttp://i1183.photobucket.com/albums/x477/Marcus_Tanner/TSHFT%2011-12/2012-11-17133912.jpghttp://i1183.photobucket.com/albums/x477/Marcus_Tanner/TSHFT%2011-12/2012-11-17171343.jpghttp://i1183.photobucket.com/albums/x477/Marcus_Tanner/TSHFT%2011-12/2012-11-18140247.jpg

First is the army I brought, along with their display base. I did take home the "Love of the Game" award for my list and background fluff, which gives me free admission to the next tournament this group puts on. I had 5 games over 2 days, all were fantastic! My opponents were awesome, as were there armies. I fought the Emperor's Scorpions (Codex:Space Marines), Mantis Warriors (Codex:Blood Angels), Inquisitor Coteaz and friends (Codex:Grey Knights), Grey Knights with Tau allies, and a fantastic army of Orks, with Ork converted Grey Knight Paladin allies!

  • 3 months later...

Ok, new tournament, new army list!   For the May TSHFT, I will be modifying my earlier army to incorporate more mobility and the fact that they changed the points limit to 1750.

  Terminator Librarian

  5 Scouts- Camo Cloaks and Sniper Rifles

  10 Death Company in Drop Pod

  Librarian Furioso in Drop Pod

  Furioso (frag cannon) in Drop Pod

  Furioso (Blood Fists) In Drop Pod

  (see a pattern yet?)

  Death Company Dread (blood talons) in Drop Pod

  Death Company Dread (blood fists) in Drop Pod

  Dreadnought (2x Auto Cannons)

  Dreadnought (Plasma Cannon)

  Dreadnought (Multimelta) in Drop Pod

  Aegis Defense Line


  SO....4 pods first turn, aiming resources where needed, i.e. Melta/magnagrapple/Pfists to armor, Frag cannons/Hflamers/Bloodtalons to infantry, Tar pits where needed.  Scouts hang out with the librarian behind the defense line with the 2 ranged dreads. 

  The hardest part was justifying the drop pods. If you bothered to read the background of my army, they were in a static defensive position for the battle.  I want to be true to that so instead of the usual drop pods from space, I will be modelling my pods to be erupting from underground, as thought hey had dug shallow holes and put in some sort of elevator-hydraulic-thingy system.  I'll be using cork to simulate asphalt that is being thrown out of the way by the suprise appearance of the hidden dreadnoughts.  Wadda ya think?

Ok quick army update!  I have had my first battle with the new army list and it was a smashing (literally) success.  The four drop pods first turn were devastating and forced my opponent to ignore his battle plan and I kept him reactionary for most of the game.  He managed to dispatch my first wave by the end of his second turn, but by then I had also wiped out a signifigant sized chunk of his army.  Second drop wave was fantastic as well, and the scouts kept fire on him with the quad guns and long range support dreads the entire game as well.  I'll post the two army lists when I get a chance today

Alright, sorry for the double post.  The list has been modified from it's original, so here is what I'm taking for my 1750 list to the tournament.

  HQ:     Librarian (divination powers)

  Elites: Furioso w/ frag cannon, Heavy Flamer, Pod

             Furioso w/ frag cannon, Heavy Flamer, Pod

             Furioso w/ Pod  (I will be using the model for my contemptor Librarian dread, but I just feel the 50 points are better spent elsewhere)

 Troops:Death Company x10   Pod

             DC Dreadnought w/ talons, magnagrapple, Pod

             DC Dreadnought w/ fists, magnagrapple, Pod

             Scouts x5 w/ camo, heavy bolter

  Heavy:Dreadnought w/ MMelta, Pod

             Dreadnought w/ 2x Autocannon, Missile launcher

             Dreadnought w/ Plasma Cannon, Missile Launcher

  Fort:   Aegis Defense Line w/ Quad guns


I ran this against my friend using Chaos Space Marines. I don't remember his list point for point, but it was approximately this:

   HQ: Nurgle Termi Lord

          Tzneetch Termi Sorcerer

   Elite:Hellbrute w/ 2x autocannons

           Hellbrute w/ 2x autocannons

           Nurgle Termis x6 combi plasma, a few Powerfists and chainfists

  Troop:Thousand Sons x10

            Chaos marines x10

            Cultists x10

            Cultists x10

   Heavy:Obliterators x3

              Havocs x5 w/ 4 plasmaguns & combiplasma in a Rhino

  Im sure Im forgetting something, but this is the general idea of the list.   I know he wasn't using a top tier power list, but it was still pretty tough from my perspective.  He's also a veteran player with a good grasp of his army and it's capabilities so I don't feel that it was an easy victory.  I definitely feel that all the elements in my army worked well together and along with fortunate deep strike rolls for my pods, landing me a strong 4 to 1 VP win.

  • 9 months later...

Slight re-write for my Dread List.  

  Blood Angels detachment:  

         Librarian (divination)

         Furioso- Frag Cannon, drop pod

         Furioso- Frag Cannon, drop pod

         Furioso- Blood Talons, drop pod

         Sniper Scouts


         Dreadnought- MM

         Dreadnought- AC/ML

         Dreadnought- PC/ML

         Aegis Defense Line- Quad Gun

   Space Marine Detachment:

         Master of the Forge

         IronClad- Drop Pod (elite)

         IronClad- Drop Pod (Heavy)

         Tacticals x5


  The idea here is that I have 5 AV13 Dreads drop podding in, 3 dreads advancing behind the pods (repaired by Master if he can repair allied models?) 

  Tactical holds home objective behind defense line with librarian, scouts infiltrate or outflank to capture objectives pushed by the dreads.  The main advantage I see of this version is that I actually have 3 scoring units and more AV 13 being harder to take out quickly.  




Could I pester you for some pictures of the chaplain dreadnought chainfist arm?  It looks like you added reliquaries to it, but I'm trying to figure out how. Care to divulge the secret?


I'm sorry I can't give you any advice on the list; I stopped playing ages ago, but the idea of more av13 being harder to pop in the list seems pretty sound to me. 

Sure Chaplain, I'd be happy to- the secret is that I took the Venerable Dreadnought upper arm and after some shaving and cutting I added the FW chain fist to the bottom of it.  http--,,--//http://i1183.photobucket.com/albums/x477/Marcus_Tanner/Ghattana%20Bay/100_9960_zps98be3201.jpg

Unsure how I missed this, being a Dreadnought fan and all !


I see you own a contemptor, do you have reasons you are unable to use the FW rules for it ?


How do you find the points justification in adding Master of the Forge to get the Ironclads over other dread options?

The current tounament event I attend lets us use limited Forgeworld units, and I certainly would use the contemptor but it's a little points prohibitive currently.  In larger games I would absolutely use it.  As is I use it to represent a Librarian Furioso as it clearly stands out as being different from it's brothers.  

As far as the MoF...I am not totally sure I have the justification really.  The only reason I would include him would be to unlock 2 dreads as allies, letting me take the Ironclads over the Death Company dreads.  If I could take more FW units, I would ally in Brey'arth Ashmantle as an allied HQ and then an Ironclad, or I've even considered Bjorn the Fellhanded with an additional SW dread...but to be honest I'm constantly searching for the best way to squeeze as many dreadnoughts into this list.  Whatever lets me do that is what I'll lean towards.  


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