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The Arena


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Hey guys.. I haven't been to active in the forum for a while but while flipping trough the Dark Eldar codex I got some inspiration for a short story. I just started it after a long day of college and work, so I'll probably edit a whole lot of it in the upcoming days. Still, let me know what you think about the prologue as it is :tu:


Brother Gastone, Brother Melchiade, Brother Enzo. All dead. Slain by the foul aliens who appeared out of nowhere. The first sign of trouble had been a bright piercing lance of energy that cut down two Battle-brothers instantly.

Suddenly the machine-spirits in Leonardo's helmet had registered the signals of dozens of enemy figures, closing with the Flesh Tearers quickly.

The relative silence of the jungle was pierced by the bark of boltpistols and the sound of chainswords roaring to life. The Flesh Tearers plunged forward trough the overgrowth of their native world. This was their world. No enemy of Mankind would set foot here and live. Leonardo felt a feeling of satisfaction as several of the life-signs of their enemies disappeared, before they had a full view of what they were facing. The distance between them had continued to shrink rapidly, the Flesh Tearers moved with an astonishing speed, even with their huge, armoured bodies.

One moment Leonardo and his brothers ran trough the close confines of the Cretacian jungle the next they had entered a clearing in the forest. It was then that they knew which enemy had been so bold to trespass on their sacred ground.

'Dark Eldar' Leonardo voxed to his squad.'Beware. They are fast and agile. Do not let them take you by surprise.'

Over forty Dark Eldar warriors mounted in hovering vehicles, raced to meet the Flesh Tearers, firing their rifles from the relative cover of their transports. At the head of them was a group of lithe, barely armoured figures, leaping and running towards Leonardo and his men with all manner of close combat weapons in their hands. More warriors and vehicles appeared from a rent in reality, a gate into the Webway of the Eldar.

'Such arrogance.' Leonardo thought. He aimed at the foremost of his enemies and squeezed the trigger. His target fell to the ground in mid-leap, her body torn apart by a mass-reactive bolt-shell which struck her in her uncovered stomach.

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Thanks :D Good to hear ^_^




To Leonardo's right, Enzo roared his battlecry: 'Faith and fury!'. As he roared his meltagun unleashed a molten wave of fury on the Eldar vehicles. One of the smaller craft exploded when most of it's front melted instantly. Several aliens where scythed down by the shrapnel of the exploding vehicle. The Space Marines strode unflinching trough the shrapnel and flames. Leonardo's armour only registered a short spike in the heat.

The bolts from the weapons of the Flesh Tearers, killed or maimed with every hit, and almost every shot was a hit, even while Leonardo and his men fought against their rising blood lust. The rifles of the Eldar had little effect on the power armour that covered the Marines, only chipping of some paint and making small dents in the ceramite.

Within seconds after they had entered the clearing they were among the aliens. Bolt pistols fired at point blank range and chainswords hacked at the leaping, and dodging Whyches.

Leonardo heard the frustration in the growls of his men as their enemies kept dodging their blows and danced around them. He himself swung his chainsword to an opponent who leaped over it. Roaring with irritation he turned and fired his bolt pistol in the direction the Eldar had landed on her feet. Again she leaped out of the way, this time hurling herself in the direction of Leonardo. She wielded two long knives and was clad in a dark green, flexible bodysuit, covered with bronze symbols and red warpaint, just like all the other Dark Eldar.

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