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CSM The Reborn


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Well here it goes..... After a 10+ year break from 40K I have decided to make my return to the scene. This is my first attempt at painting in a very long time. I wanted to do something different and decided with the help of my good friend araekyus to go with a Nurgle based CSM army. Just about every mini has conversion work done to it. Some are as simpls as a weapon swap or the use of Puppetswar Toxic heads while the majority of the minis have had skeleton warrior torsos fitted into the power armor along with skulls and even some skele arms and pelvis'. I decided to go with a rusty appearance for the army. Only the scorcer is not finished that way. This was done intentionaly since in the fluff I have wrote for them he was blessed by Nurgle and given the power to raise an entire army of fallen marines from the ancient battlefield that became their grave, hence the rusty armor.

So now I present to you The Reborn!!!!

C&C are welcome.













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A really, really nice look. The mix of skull-heads and those gasmask-like ones is great. I particularly like the raptors.

That glowing green you've done is particularly good. Care to tell us how you did it?


Well I can't take the credit for that. Araekyus showed me how. Start with a base of vallejo dark green, skull white in the middle then finish it off with vallejo flo green.

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I would also like to add that I still have a FW Plague Hulk, Hellblade fighter and a Chaos Warhound Titan that are all being worked on at the moment to go along with this army. A second custom Daemon Prince and a Vindicator are also in the plans.


Araekyus.... any time dude, just have to plan another trip out to see you.

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This is now my favorite Nurgle army. Excellent work! Your Terminators are my favorite. I also really like your vehicles. Any chance we can get some 360 shots of them?


Will do!!! Just give me until tomorrow night and I'll post more pics of the vehicles and more detailed pics showing off the conversion work on the troops.

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As promised here are 360 deg shots of both Land Raiders and 3 Rhinos. I also included few sample pics of the skeleton marines to give everyone an idea of what has been done to them. Also threw in some pics of the daemon prince for good measure.

The tanks were shot without flash, lighting was killing me with these pics. The DP and marines were shot with flash.

LR #1










LR #2









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Here is Rhino #3










And yes the havok launchers are magnatized.....


Daemon Prince







Skele Marine conversions






Hope you all enjoyed these pics. I will post more as I complete the final few items for this army. Next on the painting table is a Forge World Plague Hulk.....

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The entire army went from concept to its current state in about 6 months and that includes about 6-8 weeks in total down time for family events and out of state training trips for my job at weeks at a time. I actualy finished the terminators and the havoks about an hour before I started the thread.
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Those are incredible. Your army is always how I pictured a nurgle army to look. How did you do the rusting effect of the tanks? Your demon price is great. I really like how his skin & wings came out. How did you do it?


The secret to the rust effect is that it is real rust. I used an iron impregnated paint and a activator sloution to make real rust then highlighted it with a drybrush of boltgun metal. Then entire army was done this way except the DP and the dread, those were done with snakebite leather and a lot of highlighting and washes.


The DP was primed black then drybrushed with adeptus battle grey. The wings are the same black primer base with a drybrush of snakebite leather and a drybrush of bubonic brown over that. A final wash of babab black finished it off.


The painting process for this army was suprisingly simple, but the final results are rather impressive.

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Those are incredible. Your army is always how I pictured a nurgle army to look. How did you do the rusting effect of the tanks? Your demon price is great. I really like how his skin & wings came out. How did you do it?


The secret to the rust effect is that it is real rust. I used an iron impregnated paint and a activator sloution to make real rust then highlighted it with a drybrush of boltgun metal. Then entire army was done this way except the DP and the dread, those were done with snakebite leather and a lot of highlighting and washes.


The DP was primed black then drybrushed with adeptus battle grey. The wings are the same black primer base with a drybrush of snakebite leather and a drybrush of bubonic brown over that. A final wash of babab black finished it off.


The painting process for this army was suprisingly simple, but the final results are rather impressive.


Thanks for the how to on the skin & wings, seems easy enough. Can you tell me what product you used for the rust? How easy was it to use?

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Those are incredible. Your army is always how I pictured a nurgle army to look. How did you do the rusting effect of the tanks? Your demon price is great. I really like how his skin & wings came out. How did you do it?


The secret to the rust effect is that it is real rust. I used an iron impregnated paint and a activator sloution to make real rust then highlighted it with a drybrush of boltgun metal. Then entire army was done this way except the DP and the dread, those were done with snakebite leather and a lot of highlighting and washes.


The DP was primed black then drybrushed with adeptus battle grey. The wings are the same black primer base with a drybrush of snakebite leather and a drybrush of bubonic brown over that. A final wash of babab black finished it off.


The painting process for this army was suprisingly simple, but the final results are rather impressive.


Thanks for the how to on the skin & wings, seems easy enough. Can you tell me what product you used for the rust? How easy was it to use?


Sophisticated Finishes Iron is what I used. It's avaliable thru Michaels Arts and Craft stores. It is easy to use but there is a learning curve to figure out how heavy to apply it to achieve the results you desire.

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