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Emperors Children special rules


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A friend of mine plays CSM, and he's been using some special rules to make his army pure EC, that are supposedly official. He has yet to deliver the source of this "expansion". I am hoping that someone here might confirm or deny the existence of this GW approved expansion.


The rules are more or less like this:


No units not affiliated with slaanesh in any way allowed. (No 1k sons, plaguemarines, berserkers, oblits, raptors or any heroes not affiliated with slaanesh only)

All units are fearless.

All units with ini (even walkers) have mark of slaanesh.

Noise Marines: Champion has doom siren for 5 pts I think, and a 2nd one can be bought for the army, sonic blasters for 5 pts and blastmaster for 20 pts (not sure about the point value of Blastmaster).

All ripper autocannons can be exchanged for blastmasters for free.


These rules are what I remember. There might be some extra rules, which I don't remember atm.


Will be grateful, for any info.




My friend has already denied that it's the Emperors Children Warband rules for Apocalypse.

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Every rule set there is in the old Emperor's Children section of the 3.5 codex. I am looking at it right now. It's probably what he's using...


One tiny nit-pick is that the walkers/transports don't *have* to be Slaanesh.. and the autocannons for blastmasters.. That's only ever been written in the last book, so it's not a Datasheet.

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