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is Khârn basically an anti Grey Knight character because he is immune to psychic poowers (all grey knights are psykers (in case you have been sitting in a hole somewhere and didn't know)) and force weapons don't work against him (which all or a lot of Grey Knights (I'm not sure on this point) have). So would he be good for going against Grey Knights or not?
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He may take a beating from the Knights but check out his Kill Kount. I may be of the VIth but I cant stop watching the majesty that is Khârn the Betrayer. When I see him on tables at the LGS I stop and watch him slay everything for a little while. I want to one day do a Berzerker army so bad and at the moment Im thinking maybe when 6th ed comes out...then again....6th ed...VIth legion...hmmmm
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is Khârn basically an anti Grey Knight character because he is immune to psychic poowers (all grey knights are psykers (in case you have been sitting in a hole somewhere and didn't know)) and force weapons don't work against him (which all or a lot of Grey Knights (I'm not sure on this point) have). So would he be good for going against Grey Knights or not?


although he is immune to the force weapons, they are still power weapons, and given halberds grant them I6 and they can buff their strength i dont seeitbeing tough to knock 3 wounds off of him.

chaos inv saves are a joke and every grey knight has a PW, that and psycannons rend

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Khârn has as much trouble against GK as any other army - he just happens to be better against them than other Chaos Lords are. You'll still struggle against the numerous power weapon wounds that are bound to go against him, which is still his main weakness. And GK have access to plenty of good invul saves in combat, which is Khârn's other main weakness (IMHO).


So, while he can munch on most of the power-armoured GK squads quite comfortably, don't rely on him taking out Terminators or Paladins.

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