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A hint about new unit options for the next codex?

Warsmith Aznable

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I'm looking at the new Imperial Armour Apocalypse 2cnd edition and I noticed the new thing they did with it. For those of you who haven't seen it, it splits entries into three categories: Apocalypse, Apocalypse Formation, and Warhammer 40,000. When it lists something as for WH40k it also tells you what FOC slot it takes up.


Now, do you reckon that this is a forward looking hint at what things will make it into the next codex? Or won't they make the transition because of redundancy issues between the FW and GW?


Units listed as suitable for 40k are the Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought (doesn't actually say, but I assume it would be an Elites choice), the Giant Chaos Spawn (Monstrous Creature that is an Elites choice), Spined Chaos Beast (Monstrous Creature Elites choice that can take a Mark), the Hellblade (A Fast Attack slot skimmer that is also Fast), and the Dreadclaw (which is also a Fast Attack choice and a Skimmer that must start in Reserves but can also arrive with a unit attached to it).


These all seem to me to be completely reasonable things to include in the next Chaos Marines codex. Some rules, points, and wargear tweaks to existing units, a couple of completely new characters and maybe throw a bone or to the Legions, and then transition these FW units into the main rules with a wave of FW kits converted to plastic and the new characters in Finecast.


What do y'all think?

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Actually, it's pretty much common practice for Forge World to do that with units that aren't Superheavies or Gargantuan Creatures. After all, there are people wanting to use their Forge World models in games other than Apocalypse-scale. I wouldn't read too much into it, as otherwise the Imperial Guard are going to receive even more vehivles, based on the Forge World models and their rules.
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the dex will have 2 big things made from a single kit and two "flyers" . what those are going to be doesnt matter. Personaly I dont like the huge spawn/spined beast. slow low ws hth units which are big dont realy work in 5th ed. and if the rumors about 6th are true they will be even less useful .
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the dex will have 2 big things made from a single kit and two "flyers" .


Is this an established pattern? I'm not really more than passingly familiar with the newer codices. BA an GK got the Storm Raven, and the Dark Elder got the flying skiff from Return of the Jedi thing, so having a skimmer transport included makes sense. That's why I think the Dread Claw is a shoe in, and since the Dread Claw isn't armed I think the Hell Blade would make a certain kind of sense.

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I really hope against hope that we get dreadclaws- astartes are highly proficient in drop assaults before they go rogue- why dissallow them after they turn to the worship of the Dark Gods?
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Is this an established pattern?




BA an GK got the Storm Raven,

and GK got the NDK. all kits they make will be either multi army or will be there to make 2 different things. as multi army doesnt realy work outside of meq[where you can do SR or libby dreads and use them for different armies] loyalists , we are going to get kits like the necron one [2 from one] or the one nids were suppose to get [tyrano fex and tervigon kit] .

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