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The Tally of pestilence


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Greetings Brothers,

currently there's some discussion that seems unsolvable going on in my apoc gaming group. So I turn to the most able bunch of players I know on the net.


One of us is playing Epidemius. He has that The Tally of pestilence special rule, which was also topic in the current errata.

The basic questions I have are as follows:


Do Plaguemarines count towards this rule, although they're from another codex entirely?


So do they in the end when the Tally is full gain Bolters that denie armor saves completely?


It just don't sound right to me, please tell me I'm not wrong :P .


Clarifications with hard evidence would be most appreciated.

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In the event that Epidemius is on the table with Plague Marines, the Plague Marines count to the Tally. I recently played a team game against Nurgle Demons and Plague MArines. That was tough.
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The requirements to count for epidimus's rule is "deamon of nurgle, or model with mark of nurgle, both friends and enemies." Plauge marines have the mark of nurgle, so they count, as would any of the many options in the chaos space marine codex that can take mark of nurgle, assuming of course you (or they as the case may be) did take mark of nurgle.


You could argue that the noxious touch bit will only work on deamons though but thats being kinda dickish.


that said tally of pestilence is a rule quite distinctly desighned for normal games, not apocolypse games, It may be wise to house rule (and as its apoc there should be a lot of that going around) that the count requirement is increased. 1x for every 2000 points on the side seams reasonable to me.

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