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Inspirational Friday 11/25/2011

Brother Nihm

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Damn, I would participate but I do not have a single chaos model that isn't at least at some stage of painting at the moment. Can't buy more before payday either. Well, maybe I can still crunch it at the last moment, that remains to be seen.

Thugh it would be nice to show a WIP for the model I'd be entering for Fri







You should do this every month or so, Nihm. I would accept, but my washes seemed to have done an aussie walkabout when I was decorating my room. If you do this again, I would deffiently join. But with a lot of college stuff this week I doubt I will get the chance to paint if I find my washes.




Show me yours and I'll show you mine. ;)

Oi! I don't actually have any Chaos models :P You on the other hand still do... ;) (made me think of



1000heathens: Great model mate! Love the pose!



The Sagittarians Warband (Sons of Horus ofshot)

Khorne Devotee



Undercoat - check

Two layers of Adeptus Battlegrey for armour - check

Two layers of Dark Angels Green for lenses - check

Two layers of Mechadrite Red for helmet - to come

Two/three layer of Red Gore for helmet - to come

Two layers of Boltgun Metal for weapons and decoration - to come

Two layers of Mechadrite Red for pistol and chainsword casing - to come

Two/three layers of Red gore for pistol and chainsword casing - to come

Two/three layers of Dwarf Bronze for extra decorations - to come

Devlan Mud wash - to come

Badab Black was - to come

Base - to be decided

Turns out I didn't have the pieces for a bog-standard Chaos Marine and I didn't want to paint an already-built Berserker, so I decided to build my Slaanesh Lord instead.


The parts, primered



The parts, painted



The parts, assembled







Elapsed time: 2 days


Challenge completed.

++Incoming Message - Sender: Sorceror Seltharis the Ordained, attached to 2nd Coterie++

Update on progress of 2nd Coterie Recruitment

My Lord Rikus,

Our latest recruit is progressing well, although we are behind schedule with him due to unforeseen circumstances. He only requires the second coat of paint, followed by a wash to be complete. Estimated time till progression to full Battle-Brother status is 2 days. We will report in when more progress has been made.

Seltharis the Ordained.


++Message Ends++

We have come for you!


And picture of his shoulder pad: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/uploads...9_6709_6546.jpg

Painted my first ever Night Lord chaos marine, the lightning was awkward and so were the bat wings on his shoulder. Two firsts this mini! Night Lord and freehand!

edit: ew that picture is horrible, I'll upload another one.

I've run into a few issues with the weather here (we have had storms and cold weather the last few days).

So I've done some minor conversion and greenstuff work on the model instead, while waiting for the weather to improve.



It seems relatively warmer and calm today so I will try to get my guy primed this afternoon. There will be a picture or two of him this evening.

++Incoming Message - Sender: Sorceror Seltharis the Ordained, attached to 2nd Coterie++

Update on progress of 2nd Coterie Recruitment

My Lord Rikus,

Please find attached the latest image of our new recruit. Please also be aware that our progress has been halted due to a lack of gold paint. We request that you urgently send us some more, along with some basing material so that we may complete the challenge set to us.

Seltharis the Ordained.


++Message Ends++

Here is my complete Black Legionnaire. He has a fondness for collecting heads.








Chaos be praised! A loyalist, but so sweet and impressive! And it can be said at once he's seen the True Path and rejected the False Emperor :D

Khestra the Unbeheld

A quite pretty Lord! And a good conversion, i can say at once what boxes've been used :D but... combi-melta is surely made by hand? melta's been fused with the bolter, right? Instead of using the loyalist one.


Impressive! And a good example of that fact that not all Night Lords have Ear-helmets :ermm: Also i think you symbol is good! But lightnings're not very :(


So sweet and Chaosy! And with Chaos Marauders helmet, i see we like them very much :fakenopic:


And so here's my latest chaos marine, i've finished him yesterday but there were no Internet :( and sorry for the pics, i don't have my camera for now.







Khestra the Unbeheld

A quite pretty Lord! And a good conversion, i can say at once what boxes've been used :) but... combi-melta is surely made by hand? melta's been fused with the bolter, right? Instead of using the loyalist one.


I don't recall where I got the power pack, but it's old, I think it might have been the one for the old Biker Champ. The head is obviously the Slaanesh Champ head which came from the current sprue, as well as the right arm and the torso front. The cape is Loyalist, from one of the upgrade sprues, as are the legs because I'm out of CSM legs. The combimelta came off of the Apocalypse command vehicle sprue, modified to fit a hand instead of a pintle mount. The left arm and power weapon are from Lucius the Eternal.


And I need to do some touch-ups on the paint, I just noticed. :D

Here my Iron Warrior for Inspirational Friday challenge












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