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GKT Halberds or NFS


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Ive been running my GKT 5 man squad with a psycannon, 2 hammers and NFS's. Also along for the ride i usually attach my GM w/nfs and incinerator to the squad. I equipped the termies with the NFS due to the +1 invuln. However i see people also prefer to go with halberds for the increased Ini.

Was wondering if there was reason to choose one over the other ? or do they sort of come out even in the wash ?

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For Terminators and Purifiers, definitely halberds IMO; they allow you to kill a lot of things before they can hit, or at least hit simultanously, which is a lot better than trying to survive the retaliatory attacks with a slightly improved invulnerable save.

The only reason I'd choose a sword over a halberd is the point cost (which a non-issue for Terminators), or if the wielder is a Grand Master, who already has increased initiative and can be singled out in combat, where the 3++ save is handy.


Not to mention that halberds just look cooler and are uniquer in the 40k universe (swords are aplenty!), but that may be because I'm a polearm nut and is one of the mayor factors why I started loving Grey Knights in the first place. ;)

I mix halberds and swords at a 2:1 ratio, for while I do like being able to strike down enemies before they get to strike back (especially those that do not carry power weapons but would otherwise have higher I such as charging berzerkers) having a sword or two to 'parry' the attacks of a surviving power weapon is more than handy.

It may sound unhelpful but the choice depends on who I'm facing. Tournament scenes don't really interest me so switching between weapon types is rarely a problem here. If it's a low initiative army like Tau, Necrons or TH/SS builds then I'll always take swords. If it's another MEQ force then I'll take Halberds. With high initiative builds like Wyches or Genesteelers it's a bit more tricky to choose but I normally settle for a hybrid setup.


EDIT: 28/11//11 - Just to clarify, this is the mentality I use for models in Terminator armour only. Anything else is swords, except for Purifiers who normally take Halberds instead.

Like RedemptionNL, I'm heavily in favor of halberds wherever you can get them for free. For example, 4 out of every 5 Terminators or Paladins I build use halberds. (The 5th takes a hammer.)


I have neither the collection to permit me to customize loadouts to suit the opponent I'm facing ... nor the inclination to do so even if I could. I try to build pure "all-comers" lists whenever possible, and generally that means that halberds are going to be more useful. Fully half -- or more -- of my opponents are going to be space marine equivalent armies (that's how popular they are, unfortunately!) and against those opponents I find it more advantageous to kill them before they get an opportunity to test my invul saves. ;) Also, init 6 force weapons put the fear into monstrous creatures, other "elite" assault units (e.g., Dark Eldar Incubi), and similar.


I admit liking Lady Canonesses "hedging your bets" build, however, for a number of reasons. Firstly, it's "cooler" to have more individualistic Grey Knights, is it not? :tu: Secondly, "diluting" your halberd take by only a model or two isn't going to be too damaging to your offensive output. And thirdly, it makes it easier to abuse the wound allocation rules, which is a definite plus for small elite armies composed of a limited number of expensive (in points cost) models.


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