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Alpha Legion


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I'm really wanting to start an Alpha Legion themed army after I finish my Raptors Chapter and I would like some advice please.


I'm aiming for 1500pt army to start and I would like to include a count-as Huron Blackheart as my HQ and form a fluffy army (no mark troops). I would prefer footslogging but I would like to be fairly competitive, so would this be an option?


Any must have units that fit the fluff?


Thanks for your time




PS: Any painting/conversion tips would be useful as well


EDIT: Maybe some Thousand Sons count-as?

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I have somewhere around 2500 pts worth of AL. Mostly Marines and Rhinos, but I also have a small (five man) Terminator squad and some Land Raiders.


I would say you need at least one squad of Chosen, for the fluffy infiltration ability. I would use a mix of Loyalist and Chaos bits and paint them in some other chapter colors with a hint that says Alpha Legion. Say Ultra Marines. The armour a shade to dark and the chapter sign painted in green and the ends of the U as hydra heads.


And you would need some heavy support of course. Fluff wise i'd go for Havocs with Las Cannons, Auto Cannons (Can never have to few of those babys) and Missile Launchers. (Building some of my own at the moment). And I like Raptors. I use mixed parts from Berserkers, Loyalist Assault Marines and ordinary CSM and loyalist jump packs. (See link) And i'm thinking of painting them as some sort of Raven Guard/Alpha Legion decepton squad thingy.


As for HQs. I like my Terminator Lord with a Daemon weapon, but he's not all that good. So I try to use him and an unmarked Sorcerer with Warp Time. But I recently got a Daemon Prince as a gift from a friend so I guess I have to paint it and use it in the future.


And maybe convert a few Terminators to Obliterators, since i have some awesome plasma cannons in my bits box.


http://engubbepainternet.blogspot.com/2011...rd-raptors.html Some "Raptor" pics.

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Thank you for the reply first of all. Chosen do look pretty cool and the ability to take mass special weapons is very cool so I like that suggestion.


Your idea of mixing with loyalist parts is a great one and the ultramarines idea is pretty cool.


I'm interested in trying out mass auto cannons because I know people love them on dreads in C:SM and I have limited xp with them. I have never used jump troops but I have a few lying about to convert to the cause. The deception element is what intreugued me most about the Alphas and I can play them quite like my Raptors in terms of infiltration and shootyness.


On the obliterator front I though Brother Nihm's idea of two marines on one base throwing off cloaks (deep striking) seemed very cool so I'll have a shot at that me thinks :)


Daemon weapons seem cool, I'm just not sure it fits with the Alpha theme. Also does the Legion use many sorcerers? They seem to have pretty cool abilities


Your Raven Guard/Alpha Legionnaires look awesome and you have a very nice army scheme.


Also, how would some Imp Guard (count as summoned daemons or something) feel in the force? Just because of the Legion's infiltration methods they have human spies so they may call upon them to fight?


Cheers again for the reply and the good advice

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The Ultra Marine idea isn't mine originally, I saw a pic somewhere, so I can't take credit for that but it was awesome, and it got me to think of the Raven Guard Assaulters. And I think that is just what the Legion would do.


Speaking of Auto Cannons:


In the Legion novel AL uses a psycher at least. Not really sure if they have regular Sorcerers, but considering the long war has raged for quite some time i don't think it is unlikely for the Legion to use sorcerers. Perhaps they see it as just another instrument to reach their goal.


I think IG could proxy for summoned Daemons, how ever personaly i'm not so keen on the idea of my cultists having a 5+ inv save and being just as tough as my Marines. But that's just me. But since i mostly play friendly games I'm allowed to use cultists from the 3.5 codex. And they are great to camp on objectives. But since the Legion uses their cultist/operatives in a diffrent way than the Word Bearers i guess it could be justified. In the future i plan on making 20-30 cult operatives from a mix of Sm Scouts and Catachan Jungle Fighters. I also have some Fantasy Battle Flagelants somewhere to use a some sort of rebel rabble.

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Wow that video is amazing!! So much DEATH :tu:


I haven't got to Legion in the series but it sounds pretty good so I'll be looking forward to reading it.


Do you have a PDF of that codex for the cultists? I'd be quite interested in playing with them. Good tip, i can finally use those flagellants that have been sitting around for ages ;)


I have done a test model so I'll put it up today

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Finished my test model still needs neatened up and obviously the technique needs refined but I am pretty happy with him:



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Do you have a PDF of that codex for the cultists? I'd be quite interested in playing with them. Good tip, i can finally use those flagellants that have been sitting around for ages ;)


Forgeworld have a free Renegades and Heretics PDF on their site, it includes Alpha Legion, and an Alpha Legion special Character in the FAQ. ;) If that helps at all... :)

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Thanks very much Colossus, I'll compare the renegades between the FW rules and the old codec and see which I like better. Arkos is pretty cool as well, I was struggling to find a loadout that I liked for a lord
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I would prefer footslogging but I would like to be fairly competitive, so would this be an option?

nope. also I dont realy get the 1ksons counts as part . your saying you dont want to use any icons , but think about using those as counts as ?



Any must have units that fit the fluff?

which would also make the army competitive or ones that are just fluffy ?

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I would prefer footslogging but I would like to be fairly competitive, so would this be an option?

nope. also I dont realy get the 1ksons counts as part . your saying you dont want to use any icons , but think about using those as counts as ?



Any must have units that fit the fluff?

which would also make the army competitive or ones that are just fluffy ?


Good point about the 1k sons, I didn't really know where I was going with that one.

So basically a rhino rush is the way to go backed up with havocs?


Just fluffy ones at the moment. Like infiltrating chosen that kind of thing.


Thanks for the tips

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AL can be different. For now it's quite difficult to represent it on the table, i'd recommend the IA, IIRC, Siege of Vraks. Or if not, so yes, Chosen (with assault weapons i think), raptors/bikes (it's more of Night Lords though), CSM with IoCG of course, may be Summoned Daemons. Ah, deep-strikin' termies.

I'll check our rosters at Warforge and come back if there're any ^_^

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AL can be different. For now it's quite difficult to represent it on the table, i'd recommend the IA, IIRC, Siege of Vraks. Or if not, so yes, Chosen (with assault weapons i think), raptors/bikes (it's more of Night Lords though), CSM with IoCG of course, may be Summoned Daemons. Ah, deep-strikin' termies.

I'll check our rosters at Warforge and come back if there're any :yes:


I suggest anything that lets you replicate in some form the Legion's "attack from all angles" philosophy. Infiltrating was our USR in 3.5, but in truth, that's only ever part of the overall plan. Mechanized infantry to spearhead, Havocs or armor to provide a base of fire, Chosen Infitrating on foot or Outflanking in Rhinos, and daemons, Terminators, or Raptors deep striking for that go-at-the-jugular move. Also, to match the whole "hydra" thing and as an homage to the Primarchs, might I also suggest two HQs? For my Alphas I had considered the symmetry of a pair of Chaos Lords or Sorcerors kitted out and modelled exactly the same, but that might be overdoing it a bit. . .

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AL can be different. For now it's quite difficult to represent it on the table, i'd recommend the IA, IIRC, Siege of Vraks. Or if not, so yes, Chosen (with assault weapons i think), raptors/bikes (it's more of Night Lords though), CSM with IoCG of course, may be Summoned Daemons. Ah, deep-strikin' termies.

I'll check our rosters at Warforge and come back if there're any :rolleyes:


I suggest anything that lets you replicate in some form the Legion's "attack from all angles" philosophy. Infiltrating was our USR in 3.5, but in truth, that's only ever part of the overall plan. Mechanized infantry to spearhead, Havocs or armor to provide a base of fire, Chosen Infitrating on foot or Outflanking in Rhinos, and daemons, Terminators, or Raptors deep striking for that go-at-the-jugular move. Also, to match the whole "hydra" thing and as an homage to the Primarchs, might I also suggest two HQs? For my Alphas I had considered the symmetry of a pair of Chaos Lords or Sorcerors kitted out and modelled exactly the same, but that might be overdoing it a bit. . .


Thanks for the good ideas guys, I read the AL wiki last night so Im really liking the attack from all angles theme. The 2 HQs is a nice idea, mirroring Alpharius and Omegon?


I'll work on a list but it'll be a while till I start the army, I need to finish others before then :P

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dont take havocks , if you have to take something that isnt oblits or termicid spam chosen . same gear option +infiltrate .

If he isn't going with plague marines and dual lash DP anyway why does he need to go über-competitive all the way? AC Havocs are a nice way to get lots of transport-popping into your army, which is well needed against armies with many cars/boats...AND they are fluffy...


Infiltrate is nice and all...in 2 of the 3 basic scenarios. If you get DoW chosen are a waste without a rhino.

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there are people who run chosen not ouflanking in rhinos ? :huh:


+ He didnt say anything about pms or lash .


the problem with AC is that if you take them you have to take more bodies and they do nothing against av14 and have huge problems with av13 . that was normaly not a problem till the necron dex came out . also stuning shaking was nice and good , but after living metal and fortiude and razors spams runing more units then we can counter per turn is a huge problem for lists using auto cannons.

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Well I did say no mared troops and I guess god troops would fall into that as well. I find Lash lists a bit underhand, even for chaos ;)


As for havocs and chosen, I will propably load the havocs with AC and the chosen with meltaguns or plasma guns and infiltrate them,


Your comments have definitly given me some thinking to do though

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dont infiltrate chosen . with meltas your never in range for the 2d6[which means you have a str 8 ap 1 RL which after shoting dies] and with plasma you have to be out of LoS to get the 12" but still be able to be in LoS after a 6" move and still have the dudes within the 12" for double taping or you dont shot at all. If you take chosen with 5 specials you take rhinos .
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when it comes to alpha legion there is nothing you cant use. most things can be justified by counts as quite easily.


for instance T sons can be modeled as sternguard with force feilds ( or somthing suitibly invulnerablr-y)


Plauge marines could be vetrans with lots of bionics and an apothacary.


if you follow my sig you will find many different ideas on feilding the legion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Always good to see new AL spring up, and your test model is looking good :P


As my cohort has mentioned, there are a variety of ways of fielding AL - a lot of people associate the AL purely with cultists and sedition, but that is only part of the XX Legion's ethos...


I would also advocate taking the Rhino with Chosen, but that shouldn't stop you from infiltrating them should the situation call for it (see here for more details).

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