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Fresh BA (player)... Help!


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After reading up for no less than 3 hours on this forum I finally marshaled the courage to make my first post, which is as noobish as it gets.

After too many games against the same WHfantasy player, we both decided to switch to 40k in the interest of possibly joining the larger group

of players around us. He is going Ultramarine SM (or GK, hasn't decided yet), and after some consideration I will pick up the awesome Blood Angels.

It looks like he'll play a hybrid list with an inclination to mech, but again I don't know for sure.


I bought a BA Battleforce, 5th ed. rulebook, and Codex and currently am waiting on all of them in the mail. So to not waste time I have busied myself

with reading up on all of the tactics, rules, and other useful tidbits of knowledge that I can glean from the internet. I know a decent amount about the rules,

units, strategies, et. al., but nevertheless I am still stuck on the plans to expand my army.


I love the DoA tactical theory, and I believe that it will compliment my natural approach to generalship quite nicely. Hybrid armies seem too fickle for my tastes

(I played such a hybrid Empire army in WHF), mobile mech armies seem too intimidating without an airbrush in hand, and I feel bad using the Razorspam strategy

outside of competitive play (none of that planned in the indefinite future).


So here's the question: how should I build the battleforce to enable both a later-stage 1k and ultimate 2k DoA army while adding only a minimal HQ unit now?

For now my gaming bud and I want to play the battleforces with only a single added HQ unit until post-christmas, when our respective significant others will contribute

the ever-so-necessary Christmastime reinforcements. We both plan on passing the 1k army size by christmas and the 2k complete army by next june, but for now

we are going to stick with the battleforce+HQ while we "master" this new game, build epic terrain, and plan out the additions.


The listed contents of the battleforce include:

-10 Tac Marines

-5 DC

-5 ASM



An example of adding the HQ would be to throw a Reclusiarch on the list, or something else like that. I hope to add something that will stay with the army throughout its growth,

After reading up on this (awesome) forum, it also came to my attention that there are many ways to set up the battleforce without the same necessary list, such as:


-10 DC (no JP, using Rhino)

-10 ASM (JP)



From what I've read, it seems like using Tactical squads doesn't really work too well with the overall feel of BA, but I also don't want to have a base army with half of the troops

as the nuts DC (I've read too many stories lately of DC just chasing squads without any control). Any input on this would also be appreciated.


Cheers, (And thanks!)



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With a little bit more investment, you can potentially make 20 ASMs with jump packs out of the box- checking around Ebay or various online bitz sites can yield you the Bolt Pistol + weapon you need to make Tacticals into ASM. (Note that you should already have a bunch of knives, which can be used as your close combat weapon with just a little work; maybe not quite as scary as a chainsword, but counts all the same.) You would also need jump packs to do this, which will be the expensive part.


Another option that makes full use of what you have and isn't too expensive would be to run a hybrid list of 20 ASM, 10 with jump packs and 10 mounted in the Rhino. This would only require you to get ahold of the Bolt Pistols to turn the Tacticals into ASM, which shouldn't be terribly difficult; if you get fancy with a knife, you can even cut a Bolter down to a BP relatively easily. This obviously doesn't make it a real DoA army, but if you're looking to get started on the game, it may be an easier choice for you.


You may also be able to trade your Rhino off to someone for some extra bodies to make more guys if you don't want to use it- someone is always looking for another Rhino. A DoA army is mostly going to involve having lots and lots of bodies (ASM, Vanguard, Devastator, Honor Guard), so you have some work and purchasing ahead of you there if you decide to go "pure" in that respect.


Magnetizing the backpacks on your guys can be a useful step that allows you to field more configurations (DoA, mechanized) as you please and it isn't too much extra work. There are several tutorials here on B&C on it if you're interested.

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Lemartes model is awesome as himself but can be a Reclusiarch or chaplain counts as. A librarian is another useful Hq.

DC on foot with bolters is ok. Just add PW and or Thunderhammer. And perhaps the rhino.

Or stormraven?

Read all the tactica you can find. Have you seen the sticky thread : BA resource tread? :)

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I have one of these 2 ideas for the army list:

List A- (as the box says)

1 Rhino

1 Tac Squad (10 strong, rolls in Rhino)

1 DC (5 strong)

1 ASM (5 strong, JP, chainswords)

1 Reclusiarch (Lemartes model, counts as, takes whatever gear y'all find useful)


No clue as to the points, still waiting on my codex (huzzah for standard shipping!)


List B-

1 Rhino

1 DC (5 strong, no JP, rolls in Rhino)

1 Combat Squad (5 with anti-tank?)

1 ASM (JP, chainswords, 10 strong)

1 Reclusiarch (with DC? loadout?)


For list B I will either trade 5 tac marines to my bud for his 5 ASM or just cut down the bolt guns to BPs and stick on the DC JP

I like list B a lot, but I'm not sure how it'll work... suggestions?


Thanks for the help!



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