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Night Lords Demon Prince


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Sup my dark brethren! Made a new model in terms of "PROMOTIONS!" since my Chaos Lieutenant walked through a fully kitted out Necron Royal Court and Overlord in two turns. His reward was Demonhood since he essentially won the game by himself. That...and the fact that he's the only one in the entire Night Lord's warband that actually worships the Dark Gods...blame the Word Bearer's Dark Apostle that travels with them...


Excuse the greenstuff clumps and mould-lines, I still have the clean it all up; but how does he look? I still have to add a waist chain of Necron heads to him on his left side(The full Royal Court and the Overlord) and clean the clumped GS, but other than that, he should be done. Stands a decent 4.3 inches tall, too.


Anything I should change, add, or alter?








-Matt :P

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Well, on the plus side...I like the kit bash conversion, nice use of parts. The Be'lakor model is very underrated, it's cool that you used it in such a way. The base is nice, just the right amount of scenery without taking away from the model. Marine shoulderpads for knee armour = genius. This is a solid mini that'll only look better with a coat of paint!


On the negative side...He's really leaning forward, he almost looks like he's about to fall on his face. His neck looks a bit too long...really, it's a preference taste for me, but the long neck just looks strange. The sword arm's wrist seems too long as well, perhaps shorten that a notch? The twin mini-sheilds over his stomach don't really look right, maybe just use one.


So, some love, and some critique...all in all, he kicks ass; just needs some slight adjustment.


Keep on keeping on!!! :tu:

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Well, on the plus side...I like the kit bash conversion, nice use of parts. The Be'lakor model is very underrated, it's cool that you used it in such a way. The base is nice, just the right amount of scenery without taking away from the model. Marine shoulderpads for knee armour = genius. This is a solid mini that'll only look better with a coat of paint!


On the negative side...He's really leaning forward, he almost looks like he's about to fall on his face. His neck looks a bit too long...really, it's a preference taste for me, but the long neck just looks strange. The sword arm's wrist seems too long as well, perhaps shorten that a notch? The twin mini-sheilds over his stomach don't really look right, maybe just use one.


So, some love, and some critique...all in all, he kicks ass; just needs some slight adjustment.


Keep on keeping on!!! :P


Hmm, looking at it, the neck is SLIGHTLY long. Ill just sand it down ever so slightly. Oh, he's also semi-walking down, too; it's not well captured by the pics, but he's leaning slightly forward because of that. Looking at the model standing, he's actually quite level. I'm also thinking about shortening the arm slightly, too, but I could be wrong since his wrist is slightly downturned with the blade. And yeah, I felt the same about the stomach plate as well; I removed one and moved it to the center, and added two plastic line inserts(one on each side) to simulate straight-line lines that stimulate artificial obliques.


Wings, Head, Tail and Sword are from Be'Lakor, a WH Fantasy Daemon.



I LOVE this conversion. I would love to see someone's flayed skin on it.


Hmmm, I hadn't thought of that. I'll try and figure something out. And thanks. :lol:

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Rally nice kitbash, probably one of the best DP conversions I've seen. I think the "belt" bit needs to changed a bit.. I'm not sure what though.


It kinds looks at the moment cross between a belt and some abdominals.. maybe this is the look you are after?


Goodwork at any rate!

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That shoulder-guard turned into a knee-guard looks silly. I'd remove that, or trim the fat so that one couldn't immediately tell it's a shoulder-guard. It looks out of place there.


Other than that, well done !


Hah! I actually did that five minutes before I read your post. I went 'Man, this knee could use some work".

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I'd turn the 'mini shields' so that the tops are touching and the points go outward. This will make them wider and easily greenstuffed into a single belt of armor to cover the wholeor majority of the waist. The Bel'kor model is one of my favorites but the story and kitbash for your promoted character makes it all the better.
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Finished him!


Here's his fluff and here's the model!


"Uziel, recently elevated, ascended to immortal demonhood from a Night Lord Lieutenant when he singlehandedly slew an entire Necron Royal Court and Overlord. His exploits climaxing and bringing him ultimate power; he transformed mid-battle and sent the Necron forces into full-retreat as he vented his newborn fury. Unleashing a sonic roar amplified by his warped vox unit, he pointed skyward with his blade as the enemy Necrons phased out of existence.


Despite being elevated, Uziel saw no point in overthrowing his commander, and wished to remain by his Legion’s side despite their distaste and distrust of the Dark Powers and those who worship. Having first worshipped thanks to the Word Bearer Dark Apostle; Malitar; who accompanies the Night Lords with his own coterie of possessed warriors, the Night Lord soon took interest in ultimate power and growth upon attending one of the Apostle’s Dark Sermons. Now having ascended after years of faithful work, he had become somewhat separated from his brothers; he is slowly earning their trust back over the slow movement of time.


Though he has embraced his form and utilizing all of its benefits, the demonic-lieutenant continually seeks methods to fit amongst his legion once more. And despite his power and abilities, he seeks refuge within his allies; an unlikely scene for a demonic warrior who can walk on the sky and leave fire in the wake of his “footsteps”. Though this has led to moments of awkward interaction, he continues to fuel his pride, anger, and bloodlust in furious battle with the enemy. Since his transformation he has seen fit to gather the skulls of those opponents who dare insult him and carry them with him at all times, marking Nostraman runes on each skull’s forehead. He even carries the Necron Overlord’s head at his waist that he had decapitated to achieve demonhood; its inhuman eyes sparking with light every so often.


Uziel is also a firm believer in martial pride while remaining utterly relentless and brutal, and has many a time returned the bodies of worthy opponents to enemies in retreat, or buried them when the enemy was destroyed...though, they aren't always returned in perfect condition... This leads to conflict with some non-legionnaire allies, but the demon prince continues in his tradition as befitting of a warrior. He longs for battle and bloodlust, but does not let it utterly consume him in his hunts.


The Night Lord’s tales of battle also grow with each fight. His latest exploit of tearing a pair of enemy Khorne Berzerker Dreadnoughts into halves after tearing each of their limbs off and then beating them to pieces with said limbs has earned him much renown within his ranks. Perhaps one day he will lead more than his own brothers, for his charisma and strength have already attracted many…Time will tell what becomes of Uziel, The Unbound."




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