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Forge World Kits

Son of Rawl

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Not sure what others thoughts on them are... But I've currently got on order:


Terminator Kit


Land Raider Doors

Dreadnought Weapons


Oh and a World Eater's torso/heads/pads Kit (Via eBay for $19!)


Sometimes its worth watching eBay, you can grab the occasional bargain! :)

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I picked up Lord Zhufor, the terminators and the khorne brass etched icons at Games Day Italy. I'm in the process of painting the lord and I intend to use the bits from the terminator conversion kit and the brass icons to spread across two separate boxes of terminators (as I am cheap). The Brass icons are fantastic, the terminators also look really really cool. The detail on them is fantastic. So far it's been fairly easy to deal with. Needed to chop off some flash on the khorne lord and I've yet to attached the dead commissar and the cape. (I want to paint them separately). They are not cheap, but if you can afford to spend the money on them you wont be disappointed.
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Are they worth it?

Yes and no, make sure to check for casting defects.

Mine had airbubbles which ruined the mouthpieces on some of the heads & helmets.


Other than that, crazy cool details on those bits.

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Im currently embarking on a Worldeaters army using mainly FW stuff. So far i have Zhufor, the daemon prince and herald and the terminator conversion kit, as well as a few non WE kits.

I have to say in terms of detail and ease of assembly they are really really good. As with all resin you get the odd air bubble and warpages and a lot of the bits require cleaning of moulding flash. Personally this didnt bother me as im more of a modeller than a gamer. Resin is very easy to cut and grind (see my example of Tyberos in my signature link) so conversions are very easy, just remember to wear a mask as the dust (like all dusts) is not good for the lungs. Some people even say its carcenogenic (cancer causing) but as long as you wear a mask its ok.


The models are beautiful and I think that they are well worth the money, Zhufor and the deamon prince are the nicest sculpts i've ever seen.


If you DO get any miscast parts that you are not happy with then Forgeworld have always been very good at sending new parts, i've never had a problem or refusal. All they made me do was send a few photos of the problem and the batch number (from the bag) and they just sent me new parts and let me keep the old ones in most cases. If any thing, you end up with a nice few extra bits for the inconvenience of waiting for the post to arrive!


Hope that helps!

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Here's hoping you got the chain axes cast from the newer mix they've been making the pre-heresy armors from. It's got quite a bit more give in it. From my own experiences with Forge World, it seems that they used to use a resin formula that produced a more brittle end result. There seem to be some older kits that still have stock created from that, which includes a lot of the World Eater specific stuff. Their more recent creations seem to use a different resin formula which produces a more malleable end product. They have a bit more give to them.


For all I know though, the older molds require a different type of resin than the newer do, advances in technology occur and all that. Anyone have any insight?

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I've just received a chainaxe kit this week, plenty of give in them.. in fact it was quite hairy trying to take the handles off with my scalpel...


Terminator conversion kit + large chainaxes for power weapons looks tres sexy!


In other news - if your looking at buying the FW zerk conversion kit - its not all that. The shoulderpads are great, but the torsos are rather samey apart from some variation in horns bursting through the torso plates, however my main concern is the helmets - they are scaled much smaller than the plastic zerk helmets - which means you cannot realistically mix the plastic and resin helmets in a squad. Which is a crying shame as they are beautifully detailed...


I'm still in love with the terminator kit, I put mine together this week, you only get 2x helmeted head options with the rest bare - however theres some insanely good detail on the skin sections - including a 8 pointed star on one of the heads which'll come out perfect with inking and a bit of highlighting for a 'brand mark'. The shoulderpads are stunningly detailed, with loads of detail.


Another point of note with the shoulderpads and torsos is the sculpted chains, they match perfectly with the chain detail on the Terminator legs, I'm just kicking myself for not ordering the Zhufor model to build up a teminator lord converstion. Maybe a combination of Zhufor with the Red Wake lightning claws, I've seen another member here using them on a WE conversion... looked fantastic!


I'll have some piccys up rickytick when I'm home, currently away on business until tomorrow evening...

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Got my axes and i have to say they are not that brittle so i appear to have the newer type of resin.


LeeMXT - Agreed that the termis and chainaxes look soooooo much better than the cruddy GW power axes/chainfists etc. I must also mention that i have found the FW pre-heresy bolter chainsword attachment very useful for khorne termi's. I have just done a "sawn off" reaper autocannon conversion using a FW chain bayonet to replace the rubbish looking sword one, and combined with the curved FW chainaxe in his other hand they knit very well i think. Pics in my WIP blog sometime in the next few days.


The termi kit is amazing. I decided to go with all helmets option for most of the squad so i bought a few spare helmets from ebay. The detail on the bare heads is awesome but im afraid I prefer helmets.


I have not got the berzerker conversion kit yet and i must say im disappointed to hear about the scale issue. Making me consider waiting ages in the vain hope that when GW evetually release the chaos codex they will also release some new half decent plastic berserkers.


I believe the red wake conversion you mentioned may be mine so thanks, glad you like it. I say go with the Zhufor body, it should look sweet. Only issue with the red wake arms is the shoulder pads, although they were not too bad to dremel off and replace........just expensive if you slip!

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I've been upgrading all of my Berserkers with the Forge World kits, so I've never actually assembled one of the plastic ones. It never occured to me that there might be a scale difference, so now I really want to look at them and see, since I have some unopened pastic Zerker boxes. Even if there is a scale difference, I'm sure that if you make the upgrade for the whole squad (it comes with enough for ten anyway since it is intended to upgrade a single box of regular Chaos Marines into Berzerkers) it won't be noticable, and the new look is great, and will add some diversity to your army, I think. If you can get ahold of some, I think it would be worth trying out. The Death Guard kits are also magnificent. I'm a huge fan of all of FW's Nurgle stuff as well, and am still in the process of building up a full FW conversion of both a World Eaters army and a Death Guard army. If only I had more time and expendable income ;_;
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Oh, just in case somebody is wondering, the FW Berzerker kit's torsos are designed to fit with the new Chaos backpacks that you'd find in the regular Chaos Marine box. The old backpacks in the plastic Berzerker boxes don't fit them unless you want to do some extensive shaving and cutting of them. Because of this, you are still going to need to get ahold of the new backpacks if you want to try and use the plastic berzerker pieces to add bling to your units. It's going to be cheaper overall if you just go ahead and stick with upgrading the standard Marine boxes. Just a head's up.


I still occasionally draw bits from the plastic boxes (like the running legs) though. The legs and arms and helmets will all still fit if you desire to use them.


Edit: I see that the plastic Zerkers in the codex have the new backpacks as well, which makes me think that my kits are just old since I got them a while back. Maybe somebody can confirm that for me.

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