AngryJohnny Posted November 27, 2011 Share Posted November 27, 2011 Here is the 1st finished model with the new color scheme for my DIY: The Priory of Dorn. This is my Sternguard Sergeant. I'm extremely satisfied with this model. I feel my painting has come a long way from when I first started. I'd love to hear your feedback, as I'm always looking to improve. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PyronusSouria Posted November 27, 2011 Share Posted November 27, 2011 I really like it, I'm loving the effect on the lens of the scope. How did you do that? It looks better than the bright blue ones I always see, to me it feels more realistic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AngryJohnny Posted November 27, 2011 Author Share Posted November 27, 2011 I really like it, I'm loving the effect on the lens of the scope. How did you do that? It looks better than the bright blue ones I always see, to me it feels more realistic. Thanks for the comment. For the bolter scope, I did the same thing we would normally do with the blue/green/red lenses but I went from black through a series of grays: (Testor's Model Master Acryl Paints) Aircraft Interior Black > Euro I Gray> Dark Gray (F-15) > Light Gull Gray Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AngryJohnny Posted November 27, 2011 Author Share Posted November 27, 2011 I've finished my Dreadnought in the Chapters new colors. Honored Brother K'Neth Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PyronusSouria Posted November 27, 2011 Share Posted November 27, 2011 Me again ^_^ Really like that dread, the yellow really goes well with that stoney brown colour, and the highlights are nice. Another question, how did you do the metal parts? Like the legs and stuff. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AngryJohnny Posted November 27, 2011 Author Share Posted November 27, 2011 Me again ^_^ Really like that dread, the yellow really goes well with that stoney brown colour, and the highlights are nice. Another question, how did you do the metal parts? Like the legs and stuff. Thanks, the stoney brown is supposed to be olive drab. I guess I did the wash to heavy? For my metals, I use Testor's Enamel Metal paints. They coat extremely well & then after it's completely dry (after about 24hrs) I go over it with a GW wash. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother of the Temple Posted November 27, 2011 Share Posted November 27, 2011 The models are looking great. I like the targeter lens' on the dread, I think the scope lens should be colored the same. The shades of grey look kind of "off" to me. My detachment of devestators from the priory haven't had a chance to get out yet but they should here soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rogan Posted November 29, 2011 Share Posted November 29, 2011 The brown looks nice. Still, you need to do something about the gold - atm, it looks boring and has no depth. Try to use purple washes on this one, and after that highlight it with a 70/30 mixture of your gold colour and Mithril Silver. The result is going to surprise you (in a positive way), I promise. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tazz888 Posted November 29, 2011 Share Posted November 29, 2011 Looking good!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greyall Posted November 29, 2011 Share Posted November 29, 2011 Love the colour scheme, nice work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zxyogi Posted November 29, 2011 Share Posted November 29, 2011 Coming along very nicely!! Love your yellow!!!!! Also love the way you done the scope lens!! ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AngryJohnny Posted November 30, 2011 Author Share Posted November 30, 2011 Thanks for all the positive comments & the suggestions everyone. I really appreciate it. I'm working on 2500 points worth of the Priory of Dorn and so far these are the only two models that are completed. I wasn't happy with the previous scheme or my painting skills so everything went into the dip of oven cleaner & I'm starting from scratch. Next up is a Drop Pod for my Dreadnought which I started on Sunday. I have come to the conclusion that I need to get a can of Olive Drab spray paint for when I get to the tanks. I used a half a jar of Olive Drab on the Drop Pod so far & I've only started on the base & the outside of the doors. I'm going to try to be more conservative with the washes going forward too as I think it's dulling the green too much. Everyone thinks it's brown or gray. After the Drop Pod is finished, I've got my 1st squad of Assault Terminators w/Thunder Hammers & Captain Lysander to paint up. Here is what the army will consist of: Captain Lysander Chaplain w/TDA & Combi-Melta 10 Man Tactical Squad w/Melta-Gun & Multi-Melta - Sgt. w/Power Fist & Combi-Melta + TLHB Razorback w/Dozer Blade & Hunter/Killer 10 Man Tactical Squad w/Melta-Gun & Multi-Melta - Sgt. w/Power Fist & Combi-Melta + TLHB Razorback w/Dozer Blade & Hunter/Killer 10 Man Tactical Squad w/Melta-Gun & Multi-Melta - Sgt. w/Power Fist & Combi-Melta + TLHB Razorback w/Dozer Blade & Hunter/Killer Dreadnought w/Multi-Melta & DCCW w/Heavy Flamer + Drop Pod 05 Man Assault Terminator Squad w/4x TH & SS - Sgt. w/TH & SS + Land Raider Redeemer w/Multi-Melta & Hunter/Killer + Extra Armor 05 Man Assault Terminator Squad w/4x TH & SS - Sgt. w/TH & SS Land Raider Redeemer w/Multi-Melta & Hunter/Killer + Extra Armor Vindicator w/Siege Shield w/Hunter/Killer Vindicator w/Siege Shield w/Hunter/Killer The models are looking great. I like the targeter lens' on the dread, I think the scope lens should be colored the same. The shades of grey look kind of "off" to me. My detachment of devastators from the priory haven't had a chance to get out yet but they should here soon. Thanks for the feedback. For the scope, I wanted to try something different. I always thought it was a little silly that the lenses all seem to glow. I personally like the grey lens on the bolter scope. I did get a little sloppy with it though & think I should have thinned the paint down a little more & it would look better. I think I'm going to use the grey for my lenses going forward - I'm still not 100% sure though, the blue contrasts well w/the green & yellow. What do you mean your detachment (Brother of the Temple's 9th Company Priory of Dorn Squad) hasn't had a chance to get out yet? You mean in a game? I'd still like to know how they do once they make it into a game. <_< The brown looks nice.Still, you need to do something about the gold - atm, it looks boring and has no depth. Try to use purple washes on this one, and after that highlight it with a 70/30 mixture of your gold colour and Mithril Silver. The result is going to surprise you (in a positive way), I promise. The brown? You mean the armor? It's supposed to be olive drab (brownish I know) I think I may have gone a little heavy on the wash; which is good to know for the next models (Drop Pod for the Dreadnought & Terminator Squad w/TH & SS). Honestly, I'm not 100% happy with the gold either. I'm curious about your suggestion for the gold. Do you have any pictures of how the purple washes look on the gold like you're referring to? Looking good!!!!Thanks brother! I'm glad you like them. I've been working on this army for a really long time (read years). I've finally settled on a color scheme that I really like. The previous scheme was a green similar to DA green & I wasn't happy with it & had a hard time finding motivation to paint anything. Once I changed to the Olive Drab, I was much happier with them. Love the colour scheme, nice work.Thanks! Like I mentioned earlier, I'm really happy with this scheme & like it much better than the previous scheme. I think my painting skills have come a long way since that previous model too; which makes painting more enjoyable knowing I'll be satisfied with the finished model. Coming along very nicely!!Love your yellow!!!!! Also love the way you done the scope lens!! :angry: Thanks! The yellow is really easy to do. I found a paint from Testor's Model Master Acrylic line that is perfect. It's called Insignia Yellow and I think it's much better than the GW yellow's that are available. I paint it on directly over the white primer base in about 4 or 5 thin coats. Then I applied a wash of Gryphonne Sepia to it & presto. Nice deep bold yellow. I think it would be perfect for Imperial Fists, Lamenters & Marines Malevolent. Are you referring to the scope on the bolter? With the grays? I really like it too & think I want to use it for all the lenses I paint for the Priory of Dorn going forward. I especially think it would look good on the cupolas on the tanks. I'm just not sure about using the gray for the eyes on the Power Armor though. I think it might be too dark and no provide enough contrast against Olive Drab. What do you think? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WeaponAdept Posted November 30, 2011 Share Posted November 30, 2011 Love the scheme. The overall palete gives of a very function, sedate and threatening feel. Threatening is good! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
recon0321 Posted December 1, 2011 Share Posted December 1, 2011 So what exactly is your scheme now? What colors are you using cause they mesh really well...oh If your still looking for a olive drab color army painter makes a good spray primer color too! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AngryJohnny Posted December 1, 2011 Author Share Posted December 1, 2011 Love the scheme. The overall palette gives of a very function, sedate and threatening feel. Threatening is good!Thanks for that. I hadn't thought of them looking threatening but that's definitely an added bonus. I was trying to give them a somber & stoic look when I was modeling them, so there aren't many exciting or varying poses to them. In reality, for the paint colors, I just chose the green & yellow because they're my favorite colors. :D So what exactly is your scheme now? What colors are you using cause they mesh really well...oh If your still looking for a olive drab color army painter makes a good spray primer color too!Their current scheme is the one pictured on the Dreadnought & the Sternguard Sergeant. (although, I think I got a little heavy handed with the wash so it's darker that it actually should be) I'm using Testor's Model Master Acrylic paints for them (with the exception of GW washes). The armor is Olive Drab & the yellow is called Insignia Yellow. The metallic colors are from Testors also, it's their metallic enamel line. (I use Steel, Copper & Gold) The black I'm using is called Aircraft Interior Black it has a grayish hue to it, not as dark as a flat black & has a more of a matte finish, more of a dark charcoal. The highlights are done with Israeli Armor Sand Gray. It's funny you mention the Army Painter Green Primer. I've been curious about it & was actually looking at it today. I'm not sure it's a close enough match to the Olive Drab that I'm using though; it seems to be a brighter green. If it wasn't $15 for a can, I'd just buy a can & give it a try. Have you used it at all? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
recon0321 Posted December 1, 2011 Share Posted December 1, 2011 Yea I use it for my raptors space marines...although I don't have a pictue of any of them at the moment, it's a really good color in my opinion. Provides great coverage Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AngryJohnny Posted December 1, 2011 Author Share Posted December 1, 2011 Yea I use it for my raptors space marines...although I don't have a pictue of any of them at the moment, it's a really good color in my opinion. Provides great coverageIf you get a chance to take a picture of it after it's applied, could you post it for me. It would make 2500pts a little easier, especially on the tanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rogan Posted December 3, 2011 Share Posted December 3, 2011 The brown? You mean the armor? It's supposed to be olive drab (brownish I know) I think I may have gone a little heavy on the wash; which is good to know for the next models (Drop Pod for the Dreadnought & Terminator Squad w/TH & SS). Honestly, I'm not 100% happy with the gold either. I'm curious about your suggestion for the gold. Do you have any pictures of how the purple washes look on the gold like you're referring to? Sure I do - Here's a link to my best-rated miniature so far and here's a tutorial. It's not just about the gold parts, but I guess you'll be able to find the part in question ^^ And btw, yes, I meant the armour. Have some difficulties with vocab, you know, since I'm not a native speaker - reading "Watership Down" in English was pretty hardcore, just like remembering colours' names ^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AngryJohnny Posted December 4, 2011 Author Share Posted December 4, 2011 Sure I do - Here's a link to my best-rated miniature so far and here's a tutorial. It's not just about the gold parts, but I guess you'll be able to find the part in question ^^ And btw, yes, I meant the armour. Have some difficulties with vocab, you know, since I'm not a native speaker - reading "Watership Down" in English was pretty hardcore, just like remembering colours' names ^^ Thanks for the links. The gold does look nice, easy to follow along with also. I may give it a try. And your English is fine, I just didn't use brown so I was a little confused. You're not the 1st person to say the green looks brown. Like I said, I think it's because the wash was too dark. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
recon0321 Posted December 4, 2011 Share Posted December 4, 2011 @angryjohnny Hey I got a picture of two shades of olive drab to show however I can't seem to upload them to the forum any ideas I would email to you if you want? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AngryJohnny Posted December 4, 2011 Author Share Posted December 4, 2011 @recon0321: Thanks, I sent you a PM w/my e-mail address. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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