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Support Units for your WE Warband


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Howdy chaps,


Just a quickie, wanted to pick your brains over support units for your World Eaters.


Now I know a lot of people like to use predators for a mobile weapons platform - but does anyone here field havocs or Bolter CSM squads?


I'm currently building a unit of bolter marines (see my WIP here...) so I can have a unit or two that can at least hold ground while my 'zerks do their choppy thing.


Do you guys here use any support units, obliterators, havocs?


I do ask this in full knowledge that some people will find this not in the nature of a WE force - I totally understand, I just like the idea of having something that can still shoot, suppress infantry or soften units pre-charge, and take out the pesky heavy armoured units...


Cheers in advance!



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Terminators: deep-striking support units (I never use them as main assault units; they're simply no match for those of other armies) with combi-meltas. I like to take a heavy flamer as well for duality.


Chosen: I've taken them with 5 meltas or 5 plasmas in rhinos, both types performed admirably. I'd also like to try out a unit of 3 meltas and 2 flamers :D


CSM: tried them as a 10-man squad with autocannon and plasma gun, but the unit was just too expensive for what they could do. My most successful combination so far has been a 5-man squad with meltagun and a champion with combi-melta, mounted in a Rhino. Relatively cheap, scoring and disposable.


Raptors and Bikes: I've lumped them together since they essentially fill the same role. They tend to work best as mobile special weapons platforms; they're crazy expensive, but I've had some good experiences with meltagun-armed Raptors.


Havocs: never had much luck with them, but I'd love to give them another try. I was using 4 autocannons for anti-transport, but might give missiles a go after seeing my mate do so well with Long Fangs...


Defilers: work best for me when they're in pairs, with overlapping fields of fire. They can work extremely well in out-ranging most other support units, allowing you to destroy them before they get the chance to hit back, and can usually hold their own in combat. I've seen people use them as close combat walkers, but I find their low WS and Initiative really hurts (the former more than the latter).


Predators: I magnetised mine so I could try out different combinations. So far, the one that has worked best for me (in terms of points efficiency) is the auto-las combo for ranged anti-tank. Not the best unit in the codex, but not terrible either.


Obliterators: these need no explanation. I always try to take a squad or two.

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