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Rhino Vs Icon of Nurgle


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Ok, I plan on running a pair of Chosen squads in my 2500 pts Iron Warriors, the first is armed w/ 4 plasmas & an autocannon, the second is 4 meltas & a powerfist but I'm torn between a rhino to give them more speed to get in melta range or an icon of nurgle to give them survivability & no, both aren't really an option.
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Icon of Nurgle is just too expensive to be used in a competitive scenario.


Between the two types of chosen, I think the fire support team would be a better overall choice assuming you already have a fair number of melta/power fist CSMs in your army as Chaos almost always needs some added fire support and its less killpoints on the table.

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because +5 inv on 5 dudes helps them survive.. even if its for 8-10 it doesnt help enough.


never IoN . dont use hvy weapons on chosen go 5 plasma . unless its some sort of a points filler . dont give asp champs and fists to units which outfalnk move , shot ,then die .

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