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The Fall of Hermon


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Even though the filters in his battle-helm could cleanse the thin mountain air, he still detached it from his suit of ancient armour. While it was heavily polluted by the fumes emanating from the industrial zones that were scattered over the surface of the small planet, the air tasted sweeter than the one breathed on board the vast Strike Cruisers that had brought Lysimachus and his brothers to this doomed world. He enjoyed the sensation of the bitter cold breeze that blew gently over his morphed facial skin. He could practically smell the fear exuded by the millions of humans who still toiled among the towering venting spires and the blistering heat of the forges.


Hermon was a small and quite insignificant planet in the fold of the galaxy-spanning Imperium, yet it was this planet that was chosen by some quirk of fate to be the victim of the Fire Reavers’ wrath. While not as strategically important as a full-blown Adeptus Mchanicus Forge World, the production facilities of Hermon would be altered to churn out ammunition for a variety of weapons used by the renegades, foodstuffs to feed the soon-to-be slaves, who would continue their work under the watchful of their new dark masters, and other such vital items to the renegades. Failure was not an option though and Lysimachus would see to the fact that his part of the plan would run clockwork. If he succeeded, the reward was great and not to be ignored.


This world would fall to the clutches of Chaos. This world would fuel a crusade of hate and devastation. This world was theirs.


* * * * *


Greetings fellow traitors and renegades!


A small taster from my upcoming Chaos project. The army I'll be trying to flesh out and build will be the Fire Reavers, a warband that has only appeared in the Apocalypse rulebook. In this blog, I will mix fluff, WiP pictures and other such things. Another major point of this blog is to keep me motivated (something which I have difficulty with).


For now, I only have home-brewed fluff, but I'm planning on buying some models and stuff to truly get this project of the ground so stay tuned ;)





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To add to my first post, I'll just quickly explain a couple of things such as the aim of this project, etc...


The Aims: My ultimate aim with this project is to be able to field a fully painted, legal and fluffy Chaos army! Other aims include improving my painting skills, improving my converting skills, improving my gaming skills (yes, those too), building and painting some terrain that I can use for games. I could go on and on but that's not what I want and probably not what you want either ;)



The Context: There is my personal context and the fluff context. I will talk about the former first, then move onto the latter.


I'm still a high school student which means very little funds to fuel my project, so progress model-wise will be very slow and I apologise for that in advance. However, I will do my best to keep this blog updated as often as possible with various bits of fluff, army list builds and questions galore!


In a fluff context, I'm going to be creating the backstory for the Fire Reavers, a Chaos Space Marine warband of which very little is known in the current fluff (appear once in the Apocalypse rulebook according to Lexicanum). The small piece of fluff in the first post explains a bit of their aims, notably to capture Hermon and use it to churn out materials for them to wage a "crusade". The nature of this crusade will, I hope, become apparent as I update the fluff as I go along.



The Fire Reavers: I have next to nothing about these chaps, so I can go in whichever direction I want to, which I like :P However, I have no colour scheme, no fluff, nothing really. I'm starting from scratch. So this blog will also document how I go along at creating these chaps' backstory.

What I would need from YOU (yes, you): I would really appreciate any feedback, critique and general support that you can spare. This is a long term project, probably spaced out over months or maybe even a couple of years so any encouragement and show of interest can only be great for me! :)


Until next time,



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Sounds good. I like the name, I foresee plenty of orange (not as a copy of The Pyre though).

Sorry for the delay, Reyner, forgot about this among all the work I have to do :huh:


Get on the B&C painter quick before someone in a certain feathered hat appears...

Well, I hope he stays in the Liber, where he belongs ;) Nah, just joking Ace B)


Anyhoo, as mentionned above, I haven't had much time to work on thses chaps, but I should get started in the next few days, as son as things start calming down (school)work-wise!





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