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Mind Scarabs and single model units.


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Sadly don't have the rule with me, so if some kind soul would post it that would help the members -


The gist is that the scarabs allow the Necron lord in base to base with a model to take control of that model in the unit (if they fail an LD check), at which point they may attack their own unit.


Some people are claiming that if its a single model that model can attack itself....i find that a bit of a push.



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The rule says he strikes out at his "allies" and inflicts attacks on "his own unit" when it is his turn to attack. I don't see either of those expressions as meaning he attacks himself.
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"Independent characters that have joined a unit are considered part of that unit..."


"When attacks are resolved, however, independent characters are always treated as a separate single-model unit, even though they have joined the unit." (BRB p.49)


Mindshackle Scarabs

"At the start of the Assault phase, after assault moves have been made, but before any blows are struck, randomly select an enemy model in base contact..." (C:N p.81)


Important bits are highlighted. Clearly, a character under the effect of mindshackle scarabs can attack his whole unit, not just himself. If he is alone, then yes he does smack himself as he's all that's left of "his own unit." There is no clause or limiter that disallows single-model units to attack themselves; they are just as susceptible.


[edit] oops, failed with the first response, but now is fixed :rolleyes:

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"His own unit" is himself.


Imagine a unit of a single Mini. Like the Last Marine in a Tac Squad. He'd hit himself. As would Mordrak. Or a MC, or IC.


The issue with IC's is that even attached ot other units, when in CC, they count as thier own unit, so an IC would always attack themselves with Mindshackle's.

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The issue with IC's is that even attached ot other units, when in CC, they count as thier own unit, so an IC would always attack themselves with Mindshackle's.



As quoted by Seahawk, the Mindshackle Scarabs are employed before blows are struck, but their effect is to redirect the model's attacks when blows are struck. Therefore, IC's will always attack themselves, since they are treated as their own unit when the blows are struck.

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Whats the full rules wording of the power?


"At the start of the Assault phase, after assault moves have been made, but before any blows are struck, randomly select an enemy model in base contact with the bearer of the mindshackle scarabs. That model must immediately take a Leadership test on 3D6. .../... Instead of attacking normally, he inflicts D3 hits on his own unit when it is his turn to attack. These hits are resolved at the victim's Strength, and benefit from any abilities and penalties from his close combat weapons (the controller of the mindshackle scarabs chooses which, if there is a choice. If he is still alive, the victim returns to normal once all blows in that round of combat have been struck."

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