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A hello and a Q. New to 5th Ed, How to build up around this?


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I used to play DA in 3rd and 4th ed but stopped for a few years as my gaming group all drifted more into the instant satisfaction PC games :blink: But at the back of my mind I always kept a flame going for 40k. As a couple of us are heading back into the dark world of warhammer we've played a couple of games with the new rules, and THANKYOU so much for them! Finally all those little nigles from 4th ed taken care of. Anywho I'm struggling to decide how to build up this GK list as the options in the new dex are amazing.

The models I currently have are:


x10 Strike squad marines (metal) 8 with halbreds and 2 with swords


DreadKnight, i've set it up so I can remove the weapons but glued the gatling psylencer and psycanon on the removable braces. (hammer and sword can be plugged in also) Worst comes to worse I can put the flamer on too.


Brother Captain Stern




Vindicare and Callidus Assasins


I Also just bought some terminators/paladins and have no idea on how to equip them, I can also sub in x2 dreadnoughts and 2landraiders or 1 LR 1LRC. I have 2 Rhino's or 1 with 1 Razorback TLLC,

I can also sub in pretty much any henchman as well. I can also convert hammers onto some of the strike squad members if need be.


Anywho I have NO idea!!! so any help would be much appreciated! (playing a new tau player (old 2nd ed never played since!) regularly but hope to bring it into the local battle bunker.

Welcome aboard! :)


With the old metal GKs, your best bet is to run them as Purifiers. If you want to run more than a unit or two of them, you'll want to use Crowe as your HQ. Halberds on Strikers and Interceptors is simply too expensive for too little gain. Very points inefficient.


The Vindicare is an excellent unit and can be useful in just about any army list. The other assassins are kinda "meh". Use them if you really want to, but don't expect much return on the investment.


Inquisitors can be just about anything you want. :blink: I have a personal preference for the OM Inquisitor in terminator armour with a hammer and a psycannon, but they can all be put to good use in the right army list, depending on how you equip them.


There are generally two kinds of henchman builds: shooty and assaulty. Assaulty units will take DCAs, crusaders, a couple of banishers with eviscerators, and hopefully some melta warriors to crack open vehicles so that the unit can hit the stranded infantry. Shooty units will usually be built around Warriors carrying meltas and stormbolters or with servitors and an Inquisitor babysitter.


For GK terminators and paladins, you want to pack in as many psycannons as are legal and most every termie should come with a halberd. My rule of thumb -- which turns out to be very convenient for the new plastic kits -- is that 4 out of every 5 models gets a halberd and the 5th gets a hammer. I find this mix just about maximizes offensive capability without sacrificing utility. I.e., termie units so equipped can take on most anything -- from infantry to monsters to vehicles -- with a reasonable chance of doing something hurtful.


I'm of the opinion that razorbacks should usually only come with the stock heavy bolter and psybolts. It's a bargain at 50 pts. Taking any other turret just about doubles the cost of the vehicle without really providing anything truly useful to the army. My opinion, not universally shared. :devil: But I'm a big believer in points efficiency, and in my opinion, you get the most bang for the buck with the stock psyback over any other build. Twin-linked S6 firepower at 36" is already pretty handy against most targets, even enemy transports. Any other loadout just pumps more points into a fragile vehicle without the kind of return on investment that I think warrants the points.


Good luck!

For GK terminators and paladins, you want to pack in as many psycannons as are legal and most every termie should come with a halberd. My rule of thumb -- which turns out to be very convenient for the new plastic kits -- is that 4 out of every 5 models gets a halberd and the 5th gets a hammer. I find this mix just about maximizes offensive capability without sacrificing utility. I.e., termie units so equipped can take on most anything -- from infantry to monsters to vehicles -- with a reasonable chance of doing something hurtful.

and if your taking paladins you should alawys have each one of them with a different arment

one halabard psycanon dude , other with sword , one dude with hammer , one dude with halabard , one with falchiones . after 5 you play around with master crafting and/or banner/apothecary.

In a squad of paladins you can get 4 halberds and 1 hammer only buying 2 MC weps, but I like a mix of swords too, 4++ is decent at times.


The problem with paladins over terminators is that unless you take Draigo, you still need to take 2 units of troops. Halberds for strikes are overcosted, so taking some terminators as troops might not be a bad idea.


So you have several options, I haven't heard great things about stern, a grand master would probably be a better use of the model.


Good luck and have fun!

I echo nurglez... Stern just isn't where its at anymore, though to be fair he was one of the ONLY named grey knight option before. That GM lets you do so much with his Psy Communion and his before the game tactical choice (Give d3 units scout, d3 units reroll 1s to wound, d3 units are scoring, d3 units get counter attack). Coteaz is better than you remember, his special rules gain you the old Mystic ability, and I've seen him used very well in a shooty based army.

Thanks for the input guys you've started to give me a focus that was sorely lacking before!


Hmm I was thinking about running the terminators with 3 Falcions and 2 hammers with 1 psycanon? Although I did really like the idea of 4++ with the swords. Is +2 int really that used?

I like the idea about the inquisitor, normally i'd just leave him as a 25pt mandatory HQ choice but he'd fit well with the other terminators in that loadout. Heres a rough scratchup of a list if you don't mind putting holes in it?


Total 978pts





OM Inquisitor - Will use stern model for now (not sure on the psycanon representation though!)

Psycanon, Terminator





Vindicare Assasin



Purifier's x5

5 Halberds, 1 hammer



Razorback with TLHB

psybolts (realised I did have a turret lying around)





Strike Squad x5




Terminators x5

Psycanon, hammer






Teleporter, Psycannon

Thanks for the input guys you've started to give me a focus that was sorely lacking before!


Hmm I was thinking about running the terminators with 3 Falcions and 2 hammers with 1 psycanon? Although I did really like the idea of 4++ with the swords. Is +2 int really that used?

Against opponents I4 to 6, Halberds are superior, as they allow you to strike before or at the same time as these units. This is especially true for Terminators, Paladins and Purifiers, as they can get them for cheap/free.


So if you face a lot of Marines or (Dark) Eldar armies. Those Incubi, Death Company or Lightning Claw Assault Terminators are suddenly going from suicide to easy. Against opponents of the other initiative (1-3 and 7 and up), the Swords are better due to the better save or cheaper point cost. Falchions are generally not seen as worth the extra point cost for the extra attack, especially since the GK codex has so many useful ways to spend 5 points.



Purifier's x5

5 Halberds, 1 hammer

You have one weapon too many here. :P



Strike Squad x5


Psilencers are rubbish really. As it's a Heavy weapon you have to loose your mobility and assault capability if you want to fire it. Psycannons are much more useful. You might also check if you have points for a Daemon hammer on the Justicar to make this group a threat to vehicles and monstrous creatures.



Terminators x5

Psycanon, hammer

If you face a lot of I4-6 armies I'd give the other 4 Terminators halberds.




Teleporter, Psycannon

I like the Heavy Incinerator better on a Dreadknight with Teleporter myself. Not only is it cheaper, but it fills a niche in your armylist of removing 4+ or worse armour save enemies from cover.



If you have a lot of henchmen, you could look into running a list with Coteaz. He's a pretty solid character by himself and makes henchmen Troops to boot.

Check out Crynn's army list who runs a very well rounded and competative list with most of the models you have.

I too am a fan of the heavy incinerator on the DK, it provides an awesome weapon vs anything that has a decent cover save. Got enemy scouts on an objective and they have camo cloaks and have gone to ground? place template, remove models on a 2+ :D


I haven't tried out any other DK ranged weapon, and don't intend to either!


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