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How to load out my Lord


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I want to take my Daemon Weapon wielding slaughterer of Khorne. Only problem is I don't know how I want to take him. Should I take a steed and hide him behind the Land Raider? Maybe a bike to ride in with one of my AT Bike Squads? Or drop the bikers add Raptors and give him a Jet Pack? Each one has its own set of benefits and risks but I just want to know what the more expirenced players think. Thanks in advance. :lol:
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Out of all 3, I'd probably recommend putting him on a bike. It is a teeny bit expensive, but if you want him to get to your enemies lines fast, its worth it. Theres also the added bonus of the turbo boost rule for the whole squad, which has saved my ass several times when playing my old loyalists... You can also redeploy pretty quickly too once your done on one side of the board.


If it was deep striking your looking for, i'd sooner take a terminator lord over a jump pack one in a raptor squad.give your bikers an icon and bam... He's right where you want him.

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If we are talking about the pure awesomeness of the model... Then Lord on a Juggernaut is the way to go... However unless you are foot slogging big units of berserkers across the field this may well be the worse option...


A lord on a bike isn't bad... but you have two things to consider. He needs to survive to get into combat and he will most likely need buddies to support him in combat... especially if he fluffs his daemon weapon... Ok bikers will allow him to get into combat quickly but they are expensive and not AMAZING in combat...So you can let him split off and be unsupported or you can spend a lot of points on a sub-par 'combat unit'.


A lord with a jump pack or wings with raptors has the same kind of issues... He is a bit slower but the raptors are better value for close combat... However they are not a bargain bin unit.


In a transport with another squad... this is what I would do... A land raider being ideal if you have space in one!

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Thanks for all the ideas guys. I just did some reading through my dex and found out bikers can't carry icons so they can't be used as homing beacons. As it stands he is in Termi armor and has a 10 man squad of Termy Champions to follow him down into the fight homing in on one of my 3 Zerker squads. If it helps any with picking between Raptors and Bikes. I plan on using the unit to pop tanks then chop up the little buggers inside.
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If it helps any with picking between Raptors and Bikes. I plan on using the unit to pop tanks then chop up the little buggers inside.


If thats the case, definitely bikers - I'd go biker squad with meltas alongside your lord. If your going to run a champion for the added punch, I'd give him a power weapon for choppyness, but likely it'll be too expensive.


Icons in the bike squad is a great idea - especially if they're looking outnumbered. A 'suicidal charge' across the board to a large group looks like easy prey to some overeager players - but then bring in your termies without scatter from the icon and your perfectly placed...



Again, this is just my 2cents - us chaos players have it much easier than loyalists with their rather expensive teleport homers - icons are cheap and cheerful.


I've been thinking about khorne bikers to run alongside a khorne biker lord with a bloodfeeder too - I might give it a proxy and see how it works...

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Does the mark of whatever count as an icon?


If you give a unit of Chaos bikes the Icon of Khorne which is basically just a standard or something to represent the icon on the unit they gain the benefits of the Mark of Khorne without actually having the mark so if the icon bearer dies they lose the benefits.

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But what I mean is does it act like a personal icon? or is it its own thing?

icons of glory and the 4 gods work as icons for deep strike purposes as well as their other ability.

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I've used Lord with DW of Khorne with both bikers and Raptors, and I must say that bikers in our codes are not worth those points at all. They are tiny bit tougher than Raptors, but power fist is doing its job in the same manner, and of course you can take 5 Raptors instead of 3 bikers, it gives your lord few more wounds while moving to your target. In close combat quantity does matter, ignoring a champion for a moment, unit 230 points of Raptors does 40 attacks, unit of 230 points of bikers does 24 minus number of specials in squad. It's just not killy enough.


So I'd say: myself I would use him with Raptors, also option with 9 berzerkers in LR sounds good for me, but not bikers. But you should try all 3 and have your own experience, and then share your experience here.

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I'm playing out the theory of the army before I spend money on it. From what I've seen its about Melee attack vs manueverability and speed. The problem I have with the LR is the amount of points it takes to put one out though I guess if I have one i won't need the bikers or whatever. Gah...this is making my head hurt -_-
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Uh, not to rain on the parade too much but are you absolutely sure you want a bloodfeeder lord? You realize that he smacks himself in the face and does nothing 1/3 of the time, right? Also a gaggle of 10 terminators DS in is a real big gamble. Many armies have things that will wipe them off the map without much effort, I personally have always loved facing people with terminators that were in anything but a LR, they almost never make it into combat and if they do it's with something that stomps their faces in.


(Quick edit: I obviously mean CC tooled termies not AC/Psycannon spam and since Chaos can't really field competent shooty terms outside of 3 man melta termicide I assume that's what we mean here)


If you really do want him for coolness factor or whatever I'd recommend wings and stick him in a rhino (since you can do this as per the silly FAQ). Then disembark with his zerks and have him fly at one unit while the zerks go toward another. Hope you don't get a 1 and you should be fairly ok. Most other delivery systems will see him intimately introduced to an AT weapon.

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There's the 1/3 chance to do nothing to take into consideration,

Another issue with him, lets say you race up and shoot someones transport, they disembark, you assault them with the lord + bikers and then they die due to a lucky roll on the Daemon Weapon.

What happens now is you've got a non-eternal warrior character that costs 150+ points, + his overpriced biker friends sitting in the open..


I know how I would punish such a 'mistake' if I was the opponent. :eek

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The only thing is that the Rhino can't move for that to work. So I have to hope I move up just close enough to get in range so that next turn he can jump out and do his dirty deed. I really don't like LRs because of the amount of points they soak up of course bikers aren't much better. Time to crack the codex open again I guess and see what i can do.
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Yeah. You move the rhino the first turn. Then he jumps out 2" from the door, flies 12" and charges 6". That's how Rhinos work, most transports do in fact, the only exceptions off the top of my head are trukks and raiders but those are both 10 all around open topped. I agree on Chaos LR being overcosted and not that useful, there's a reason that most loyalists field LRCs and LRR's even though their bog standard LR is still better than ours.


If you're just going for effectiveness though it's kind of a no-brainer, a Daemon Prince is better in practically every way than a lord, it's unfortunate but it's true.

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I myself made a Fluffy Bloodfeeder Juggernaught Lord. I have him jump between 4 squads of 8 Zerkers or give him a squad of Terminators to run with. He's fun as all get out to play with but I've rarely won using him against shooty armies. I've gotten high rolls nearly every time I roll for his 2d6 and normally get him between 12-16 attacks topping out at 18. Normally enough to cut up a guardsman squad or send loyalist dogs reeling. The Juggernaught makes him hit at S5 making him rightfully feared amongst his legion. I normally only field him in Apoc or aside a *gasp* Tzeentch Daemon Prince in a normal game.. (I justify it with 4th Ed Language. Daemonic Protection. And Warptime, who can hate Reroll Everything?) The wings make it easy for the Prince to assist the Lord whenever they get tangled in a tough bunch. I don't know how practical my set up really is, but I have a blast whenever I use him. I've seen him break off solo and wipe out entire squads in a single round of combat before the enemy gets a chance to attack back.


Efficiency wise, while I hate flying, Raptors and Jetpacks/Wings would seem a wise option for a tankbuster. Chainfists are nice. I had a 7 man Termie Champ squad with 2 Reapers Autos and 2 Chainfists. They killed 1200 points of Guardsman Veterans and 3 Leman Russ. And I mean they blew the tanks up. When you throw 8 attacks with 2 Dice each for Penetration against a back armor of 10, thats just messy when double strength. I gleefully chucked my 8 damage table dice and saw atleast 2 6s each time. Someone learned how to make it rain! :)

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