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Fluff wise, do they exlude any units?


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Fluff lords, i seek your counsel.


Is there units in the current codex that the Emperor's Children do not use/have (par the obvious other marks and legion units)?


And what is your take on the sacred number 6?

Is it each unit should come in 6's, thus fielding the in numbers of 6, 12 or 18.

Or can the whole army fit with the number if the number of models int he army is dividable by 6? Such as 54, 60 or .. 66?

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Ummm.... This is the Tzeentch area isn't it? <_<


But to answer your questions...


According to older fluff/rules it was each unit that was supposed to be divisible by 6, getting it to work army wide either through number of models or number of units is just icing on the cake.


As for unit choices, the original Emperor's Children were all about being "perfect" which would have extended across all of the unit types. Now that Slaanesh is in the driver's seat it's all about "sensations" the more extreme the better. Again almost any unit could fall into this area. For example, Havocs are loud, Raptors and Bikers are fast, Chosen have the thrill of the hunt (outflanking).


I would say that they probably stay away from Dreadnoughts as they could be distanced from their senses, of course the wiring could also serve to augment, so it's kind of a toss-up.

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In older editions certain chaos powers hated each other and wouldn't fight well with each other.


I believe they might of even changed over the years.... cause I think at one time Tzeentch hated Khorne, but now Tzeentch hates Nurgle.


But, needless to say findout what the opposite of Slaanesh is and don't take that faction of troops.

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In older editions certain chaos powers hated each other and wouldn't fight well with each other.


I believe they might of even changed over the years.... cause I think at one time Tzeentch hated Khorne, but now Tzeentch hates Nurgle.


They all pretty much hate each other... If one hates you the other probably dislikes you.


Khorne hates Slaanesh but also dislikes Tzeentch...

Tzeentch and Nurgle are opposed and as I say Tzeentch is no doubt very fond of Khorne.

Slaanesh hates Khorne but I doubt it would find Nurlge very appealing...

Nurgle competes with Tzeentch and... well loves everyone XD

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*moved this into the Slaanesh subforum*


As for the topic at hand, I would think that while a squad might seek their god's favor by working in multiples of his sacred number, elements outside of their control such as combat losses would limit that from always being the case.


Unit wise, I would imagine that binding a Slaaneshi marine into a dreadnought's hull and denying him any sensation would be pretty horrible for them. Of course it might be a fitting punishment for someone's failure.

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Dreadnought is crazed for that exact reason - when you want to feel and want sensation but you're locked into armoured tomb you will go crazy pretty soon, so I think current crazed dreadnought is really fluffy for EC.


As for the number 6, I think that you can use any number of models in your units, but you may want to do some favoured units with number of 6, like honour guard for your lord or just put your 6 favourite models into one squad. So 6 is not a must, just a favourite number.


About not used units... CSM 3.5 used the word "cult", so EC is the cult of Slaanesh, Raptors are cult, Obliterators are cult. So I would not use Raptors or Obliterators models for EC, use those "pre-heresy" jump packs you can buy from 3rd parties or use SM assault marines as if your EC scavenged them from defeated enemies, and use some imagination for Obliterators, like doing them as heavy-support Terminator squads or like someone on this forum did putting 2 models with lots of heavy weapons and shield (to represent armour/invul saves) onto single base.


Also in my opinion current CSM codes was not made to do fluffy themed armies, to be competitive you have to mix. So you can do some squads with drug bottles on their backpacks like Lucius has, and say that those are played by rules of plague marines, they are drugged so they cannot feel any pain at all. In friendly games it should work, otherwise it would not be a friendly game. I really like EC for this attitude, you can and you must do something interesting with them, otherwise it would not be fluffy, and of course you can do absolutely absurd stuff to make things fit EC army, like moving Defiler's cannon much lower to make it look vulgar, or any other the most crazy ideas how to make units look Slaaneshy, to show the spirit of this crazy army.

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And what is your take on the sacred number 6?

its sucks because it is too small for hth units , too big for campers , too small for shoty water style unit.

only cult that has such a problem .


Is it each unit should come in 6's, thus fielding the in numbers of 6, 12 or 18.

Or can the whole army fit with the number if the number of models int he army is dividable by 6? Such as 54, 60 or .. 66?

A this part of the fluff is no longer in the dex . B it makes little sense to do as units work in 5/8-10 size.

Is there units in the current codex that the Emperor's Children do not use/have (par the obvious other marks and legion units)?

they all are marked by slanesh which narrows the options to [if your trying to do fluffy] EC , a lord , a sorc , a DP or lucius.

technicly they have/had havocks bikers raptors etc. but as such units no longer exist [taking an icon and losing it means your no longer EC ] there isnt much to do if someone wants to take only EC units.

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  • 3 months later...

If you plan to run a dreadnought get your hands on a Sisters of Battle Penitent Engine and make it in to a Pleasure Engine Using a EC model for the center



I know a player who uses a converted Sisters of Battle army as her Slannesh themed CSM

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