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Perturabos Lot


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Hello again, new army starting right here and these are the first 2 of my Iron Warriors army. My first Chaos Army were the Iron Warriors, back when they could take Basilisks and reduce stuff to rubble. Anyhoo, years have past and my paranoia and bitterness has rekindled my love for the boys in Iron. So without further ado here are my Terminator Lord and a Chaos Marine. The shield's just a CCW, I imagine he throws it like a frisbee, making enemies jump to catch it and sprain their ankle on the way down.....or something like that.






I'm unsure what I want to do with the bases at the moment, I thought I could base them like my Lions of Donnchad and my Blood Angels but I also thought about rubble. Decisions decisions, maybe some of my learned brethren could help?


Cheers for looking,


Rob out.

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Trench works? Now that I like. The hazard stripes are pretty easy. Just paint a line of Calthan brown and then mix in some Iyanden Darksun. Don't mix it all the way up to pure Iyanden Darksun and it'll leave you with above grimy look to it.


Cheers for the feedback, now to think about trench work bases.

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Thamks mate, I'll look into them. I got some crater bases the other day and I'm using them for the more mobile squads, the more static elements I think will have the trench bases, so things like Obliterators and Havoc squads will all be based as if they were entrenched in a position whilst the CSM squads will look like they're traversing the battlefield, picking through the blasted remains of the enemies positions.


And now I have a third Marine finished.



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it is good to see more grey/blue chaos skin! Nice work over all. My only suggestions would be to give them a dusting of some rust powder...the orange/red color would contrast nice, and fit right into the Iron Hands theme. You can pick those powders up from Secret Weapon as well.



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Cheers mate , I figure spending so much time in the eye of terror is gonna play havoc with skin pigment, not just cause giant mutations and stuff so I though I'd give it a go. Never used weathering powders before but I guess if anyone's gonna look weathered it's the guys who like playing in trenches, haha. I'll definitely look into them.
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Thanks very much Darth, I remember that Iron Warriors were my first Chaos Army when I started painting, I felt that now I've improved it was time to go back and give them a more deserving paint job. I find the metal coloured marines are suprisingly difficult to get decent definition on so I'm quite pleased with how they turned out. The only thing is now, I'm torn about what I want to include in my army. Part of me wants 2 Defilers and a 20 strong Havoc squad :lol: .
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Okay, I got six Chaos Marines finished and I just bought a box of Berzerkers to add to the squad. I'm converting them to be regular marines, it's just you get more bodies in a Bezerker set which is usefull for making big squads.



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Cheers, I half fill the crater holes with a mix of Calthan Brown and PVA glue so as to make them look a bit muddier. I think I'm going to try for 2000 points. I'm thinking of a horde style army as that's what I face the most in my area, fight fire with fire I say. And 2 Defilers, gotta love Defilers.
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Sorry for the double post, but heres the next Chaos Marine. He's a composite of Zerks and regular CSM's. Any Khorne symbols are shaved of and I try to avoid any particularly Khorne-y parts, like helmets etc,.



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Thanks for the responses, much appreciated.


The gold is very simple. I have a basecoat of Calthan Brown. I then paint on some Brazen Brass, I give it 2 coats to get a nice even coverage. To highlight I add a tiny bit of Mithril Silver to the Brazen Brass and hit the very edges. At the very top of my higlight I paint almost pure mithril silver but with a dash of Brazen Brass. Once dry I then liberally wash it with Devlan mud. The only hard part is making sure the Mithril Silver isn't too dominant. Hope that helps. : )


Got a new photo. I now have 9 Chaos Marines ready to slay the servants of the false Emperor. 11 more and this squad will be completed.



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