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Perturabos Lot


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Thanks mate, I'm going big. I love the idea of a fortress commander looking out and seeing thousands of warriors besieging it, so I'm making big squads. The regular CSMs are going to have assault weapons so they can continue their advance unhindered by heavy weapons. I'm hoping to factor in at least 2 Defilers and either a havoc squad or 3 Obliterators. It wont be a hugely effective army, but itll be hella fun. I also want to pick up some Basilisks for Apocalypse games.
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Thanks mate, I'm going big. I love the idea of a fortress commander looking out and seeing thousands of warriors besieging it, so I'm making big squads. The regular CSMs are going to have assault weapons so they can continue their advance unhindered by heavy weapons. I'm hoping to factor in at least 2 Defilers and either a havoc squad or 3 Obliterators. It wont be a hugely effective army, but itll be hella fun. I also want to pick up some Basilisks for Apocalypse games.


Sweet! Can't wait to see more :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks a lot, I haven't posted in a while as real life has got in the way. But I had a day off today and decided to paint up a Khârn counts-as.


Champion of Khorne Gerhardt




During the Great Crusade, Gerhardt was a battle brother assigned to Garrison duty on a back water planet when the Heresy erupted. The Garrisson Commander was an old Terran veteran whose loyalty remained to the Emperor. The Commander made the decision to surrender the garrison to Imperial forces and decreed that the Troops stationed with him would accept whatever fate awaited them. The other members of the garrison accepted this decree proudly, they would rather accept whatever harsh punishment the Imperial forces handed out than betray their oaths of honour to the Emperor of Mankind. Gerhardt on hearing the decree and the acceptence by the others flew into a bezerk rage, killing the Garrison Commander and 3 other Marines before fleeing the briefing chamber. Gerhardt escaped the planet in a Freighter after killing the crew and detonated the Garrisons munitions stockpiles from orbit. This act rendered the planet a lifeless husk, such was the potency of the munitions stored within.


After many months floating adrift, Gerhardt was picked up by a detachment of Iron Warriors Grand Company VI and has served amongst their ranks ever since. However, he is mistrusted by the other members of the VI, but each succesive Warsmith has appreciated his battle prowess and have since learned to have Gerhardt lead the companies penal division, where those found wanting are grouped together to make up for their sins. For them the choice is simple, die gloriously casting down the Imperium, or become another trophy for Gerhadt, Champion of Khorne.

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Thanks very much, I'm currently painting a Defiler which could take some time so painting marines is a nice break from trying to paint every baroque detail on that.


Here's my first squad so far. 11 down 9 to go, and bases.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys and gals,


I did some tinkering with my lists, and decided that 10 man squads made more sense. So I present to you my 1st ten man squad.




The second squad will be anti-infantry and equipped with 2 flamers for extra Tyranid/Gurad crispy goodness.





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These are, in a word, awesome. Its a shame you've abandoned the 20-man squad idea though, makes me think of the great sequence on Storm of Iron when Honsou is charged with storming the breach into the fortress.

In fact, everything in this thread reminds me of Storm of Iron.


On a Basilisk-related note - if you do pick any up, you have got to build enough to field a traitor variant of the 9+ Basilisk formation.. I forget what this is called at the moment, but I think its something like "The Emperor's Wrath Artillery Company".


Can't wait to see more.



(Oh, and if Storm of Iron is an inspiration point, then what are you waiting for? Build the Dias Irae! (If that is how you spell it..))

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Cheers buddy, although these will be 10 man squads I hope to add to them in the future. It's just that I was looking at them last night and I thought to myself, "there's no way I'll be able to paint up 40+ miniatures anytime soon so I'll compromise". I like to have a painted army to play with, a bit weird I know. So at least for the time being ill be able to play small points games. But Storm of Iron is definitely an inspiration for these guys but I'm not gonna use any of the characters because I don't think I can do them justice. Plus I'm starting to enjoy creating little back stories for my little dudes. Though after seeing the FAQ for Dreadnoughts I thought I might put one in for fun.
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Hello there, I have an update. Here's most of the second squad complete, just waiting on some bases. I was quite pleased with how the Aspiring Champion turned out.













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That's a great use of the Defiler helmet. Makes me sad I used that one on my Defiler!

The more I look at this army though, the more I like it.


I noticed we're both in Wales, we should meet up for an Apocalypse and ally together - Iron Warriors and Death Guard :)

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Cheers mate, I was pleased with how that pad came out. I was worried it was going to be to big but with some trimming it seemed to work quite well. Unfortunately I live on the other side of the border these days but I do try to get over as much as possible.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Helloooooooo! Well I've finally done it. Minus the bases, I've completed 2 ten man squads of Iron Warriors and 2 HQs. Now I have a Havoc squad full of Melta to paint up, a Defiler to finish and a Rhino.



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