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  • 4 weeks later...

Hiya gang. Long time no progress. Well apart from this guy,








An Imperial Iron Warrior Commander. And one of the few Iron Warriors granted the honour of wearing the aquilla. I've also got a Servitor for him that carries the Imperial Standard behind him but he's still in the early stages of painting. But fear not, because my 40k Iron Warriors are still ongoing, infact I've made headway into the Havoc Squad, completed one Obliterator and am close to finishing the Deamon Prince. Phew, I really should focus on one thing at a time.







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Cheers, I was quite pleased with him as he only took an hour and a half.


Dorns Fist @ Haha it's really really sharp at the end! Nah, I wanted to try and convey the look of him inspecting a piece of enemie equipment after a battle, perhaps the Eldar appeared from nowhere so the Iron Warriors are gathering intel on who attacked them, or maybe he's thinking "that would look good on a spike", and that's when the fall started. Haha

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Loool or he could actual be thinking "that'll look good on me" as we all know the Iron warriors are cross dressers compared to us sons of Dorn :lol:


All joking aside though, your models are all excellent an very well painted, metal coloured marines really put me off painting them so you're braver than me.



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Haha I suggest we settle this with a sand castle building competition, as I'm sure that's how the rivalry started. Cheers mate, the silvers I can do quite easy but i always get apprehensive when it comes to golds. That's probably why I'll never have a Celestial Lions Army, though I hear I can make the full chapter with one box of space marines.
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Got an update on my Iron Warriors. I completed the Captains Standard Bearer and I also finished up some of my Havoc Squad.






Needless to say this army is becoming quite Infantry heavy.

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Cheers mate, I love the model but I've already got a Chaos Lord and really the model just didn't scream Warsmith at me but he definitely looks like an aspiring champ. So a few conversions later and he looked like a decent squad leader. Plus I get to use the cool servo arm back pack on a future IC.
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Cheers mate, I love the model but I've already got a Chaos Lord and really the model just didn't scream Warsmith at me but he definitely looks like an aspiring champ. So a few conversions later and he looked like a decent squad leader. Plus I get to use the cool servo arm back pack on a future IC.


It's one of my favourite chaos marine sculpts, but I think you've actually made it better. I didn't like the left arm that much on the original model tbh.

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Haha I suggest we settle this with a sand castle building competition, as I'm sure that's how the rivalry started. Cheers mate, the silvers I can do quite easy but i always get apprehensive when it comes to golds. That's probably why I'll never have a Celestial Lions Army, though I hear I can make the full chapter with one box of space marines.



In the summer I'll go the beach and build sand castles and post a picture up haha

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Thanks mate, I loves me them Iron Warriors, I just need to concentrate more on getting what I've got finished instead of going out and buying more stuff for the army. I mean, yesterday I go out to town and come back with these guys and paint them up! It wouldnt be so bad but I've got a Defiler, a Deamon Prince, an Obliterator and the rest of my Havoc Squad topainti. Not to mention the Rhino sat in a box since the beginning.



Iron Warriors Chaos Dreadnought 1 by rob_loken, on Flickr



Iron Warriors Chaos Dreadnought by rob_loken, on Flickr



Nurgle Chaos Sorceror 2 by rob_loken, on Flickr


Anyhoo, as it stands, this is what I've got as an army.



Iron Warriors Army so far by rob_loken, on Flickr





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Cheers mate, I originally bought just so I could paint something other than a space marine model but I like to be able to use my minis so I did a little bit of converting so that he could see action along side my Iron Warriors. The guts were painted by first applying a layer of scab red and washed it with Baal red. Then I just highlighted it with a 50/50 mix of scab red and bleached bone before washing it with Devlan Mud.
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Got a bit more of my Havoc Squad done today, up to 4 now. They're my stand out unit, last night I had a game against Blood Angels and they slagged a ten my Assault Squad and a Baal Predator.



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Cheers mate, Until we get a decent plastic dread for chaos the Venerables the only way to go for me. Just whacking on little bits of Chaos iconography works wonders. ;) I haven't finished the Defiler yet but when I do I'll be sure to post up some pics.
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Finished my Havocs. Woopieeeeee!!!! Thats all three of my Infantry Squads done now. I just need the defiler finished and my Obliterators and Terminators done.















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