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Perturabos Lot


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Cheers sir, aye I did consider running them as Chosen but the points cost was a factor in choosing them as Havocs, though that said if ever I need to use the Heavy slots they can easily move over. They've got a Rhino, well, an Astral Claws Rhino with a roof swap (but hey, both silver). The little Rhino always gets overlooked when there are Defilers, Daemon Princes and Dreadnoughts on the board -_-.
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Cheers guys I hope all the terminators come out like that. :D You know mate I really should get back to doing that defiler but I keep getting distracted. I just built up another 5 man squad for no real reason and I've made another Khârn. Thanks for reminding me Ive got that beast to do cos I would have completely neglected it otherwise haha.
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  • 1 month later...

Ahoy there mateys, long time no update. Well lets change that with 2 completed Iron Warriors.







Et viola!


I've been playing these guys at a local campaign in Cheltenham. And they've done better than I thought. Even going so far as punching Lysander and a Terminator bodyguard to pieces. That was a glorious one for the Sons of Perturabo. Hopefully I'll be able to get this updated a bit more now that real life has started to calm down (fingers crossed).





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Thanks mate, I was quite pleased to have a win without a Deamon Prince or Lash in sight. Two Obliterators soaked up all of the shooting in the first 2 turns so the rest of the army just rolled up and the Terminators struck right on cue. It was a fun game with a good sport of an opponent.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks very much mate. The skin was built up from Regal Blue through Astronomican Grey with just a little Bleached Bone for highlighting.


I have been playing around with the new paints and thought I'd try them on a Pre Heresy command squad that I've started recently. I can't say I'm a massive fan at the moment but I'm sure once I've learned how to use them I'll be able to get something out of them. I think Nuln Oil is far to shiny so I think in future I'll just really water down some Black Paint for shading.





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Cheers mate, not much progress to speak of. At the moment I'm just painting up a squad of Astral Claws to try and figure out how to get the new paints to do what I want. Fortunately I've still got alot of Boltgun Metal and Badab Black left so my main chaos force won't look different. I'm half tempted to strip the sarge and the apothecary and start again. Nuln Oil seems to be really shiny in the recesses and this Leadbelcher doesn't seem to cover very well regardless of how long I shake it for. Aah well if loyalist dogs are good for anything it's for experimenting on. ; )
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