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Rules query.


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Hi, a couple things im unsure about.


Dedicated transports: Does the unit for this transport vehicle have to deploy in it? or can they deploy seperately.


also, if i shoot a dreadnaught at a tank with the main weapon, can i shoot the flame weapon at the vehicle if it isnt in range, hence damaging a squad?


reason i ask is i have a tourny coming up and these are crucial things to my setup.

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Dedicated transports: Does the unit for this transport vehicle have to deploy in it? or can they deploy seperately.


They can deploy wherever they want. The important thing is that no other unit can deploy inside the transport.


also, if i shoot a dreadnaught at a tank with the main weapon, can i shoot the flame weapon at the vehicle if it isnt in range, hence damaging a squad?


Page 17 of BRB says that if you are out of range of all models in the target unit you automatically miss


reason i ask is i have a tourny coming up and these are crucial things to my setup.


I'd be very careful about trying such a blatant abuse as the flamer query. If there are scores for sportsmanship you may well be marked down for even trying something like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...
i was just curiouse about the flamer. if i was allowed to do it then i would, but i won't try it.

Thanks for the reply. you have set my mind at ease B)



Well if it's a heavy flamer shooting at say a rhino, as long as you are in range for the flamer it's perfectly acceptable(as the HF can damage a rhino). The only thing I would say is that the flamer has to shoot straight at the rhino, you can't angle it to get more troops

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If the rhino is in range of the flamer (whether heavy or light) it is perfectly correct to shoot it as well. As to the position of the flamer template i don't see why it would be forbidden to place it in a way to get more troops around the primary target, as long as the rhino is still under the template. There is no rule against shooting with a weapon that cannot damage the target.


If the flamer cannot reach the primary target, I'm not sure what would happen. The shot misses the primary target automatically, but there is no mention about what happens to secondary targets. Does the template magically vanish before doing damage, does the model not shoot?


It isn't even mentioned what happens if for example you have two units behind each other, you declare a template shot on the one farther away and place the template to cover as much models of that unit as possible, but covering models of the unit in front as well. Do both units get hit?

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Actually, you have to angle it to cover the most models possible, so I think thatd be ok IF it was able to hit and possibly damage the vehicle.


When shooting templates at a vehicle the template must be placed to cover as much of the vehicle as possible (BRB pg29)

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Actually, you have to angle it to cover the most models possible, so I think thatd be ok IF it was able to hit and possibly damage the vehicle.


When shooting templates at a vehicle the template must be placed to cover as much of the vehicle as possible (BRB pg29)

Ah, good catch.

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If the flamer cannot reach the primary target, I'm not sure what would happen. The shot misses the primary target automatically, but there is no mention about what happens to secondary targets. Does the template magically vanish before doing damage, does the model not shoot?

If the target is out of range it automatically misses. If there are secondary targets that happen to be under the template, the weapon fire misses them too. Whether the template magically vanishes or whatever does not matter. Fluff it up however you wish. The Rules As Written say the weapon misses. Maybe the targeting computer is unable to arrive at a firing solution and the flamer is never armed. Maybe angelic gremlins spring from the warp to protect the innocent from blatant attempts to disregard the rules about targeting more than one unit in a single Shooting Phase and catch all the flaming liquids in large Hello Kitty lunch boxes. Either way, the weapon misses.


It isn't even mentioned what happens if for example you have two units behind each other, you declare a template shot on the one farther away and place the template to cover as much models of that unit as possible, but covering models of the unit in front as well. Do both units get hit?


Read the rules on page 29 again, but watch for the shifts between "models" and "units". You target a unit. You place the template to cover as many models in that target unit as possible without covering one of your own models. Once placed, every model under the template takes a hit. There is no unit stipulation for the final part.

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